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13 Tweets • 2023-01-30 •  See on Twitter 


1. Observe the pauses.

- Pay attention to the pauses. They might be taking

their time to think about what to say, it could be a
possibility that they are lying.

- Just this one cannot mean, the other person is lying.

- Speech errors like "ah," "uhh," and "I mean" also

2. Notice the span of Emotions.

- Real emotions last only for around 5 seconds.

- If someone is expressing emotion for more than 5

seconds, it could be fake.

- Ideally, it is tough to hold on to a facial expression for

a longer time.

3. Notice the order of words and emotions.

- Emotions come first and words come next.

- If someone first says "I'm angry," and only then can

you see an angry facial expression, it is definitely fake
4. Notice the sincerity of emotions.

- We can call the emotions are sincere when more

than one part of the face that changes.

- If a person smiles sincerely, wrinkles appear near the

eyes and the eyebrows will automatically go
downward, along with just the lips smiling.

5. Notice how frequently they are repeating the same


- When someone is constantly repeating something, it

could mean that they're trying to convince both you
and they want to know your reaction if you believe
what they're saying

- This could be a good sign to spot a liar

6. Notice the answer.

- Are they answering with the same words or phrases

that were used in the question? shoot more questions
and see how they answer.

- They might be too scared to reveal something they

dont want to.

- The choice of words also says a lot.

7. Covering the face or mouth.

- A very common sign you unconsciously tend to do

when you are trying to watch yourself without telling
what you are thinking

- Notice the same in others

- One of the easiest body language signs to notice is

when a liar covers their face or mouth
8. Observe the small details.

- Are they able to tell if you ask them something in


- Way too many details or not being able to tell too

many details are also signs that they might lying.

- Ask more follow up questions, get into detail.

9. Change the perspective of the person.

- If you want someone to tell more detail about

something, change their perspective.

- Ask them to think about the events from the

perspective of someone else like "what would a police
officer/lawyer have seen if they were there".
10. Notice their body language

- Are they scratching their face/nose?

- Due to the nervousness (occurs while telling a lie),

which causes a rush of blood to the face, leading to
mild itching.

- They fold their arms. They avoid eye contact or do

too much eye contact.

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