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Dark Psychology: Manipulation Skills at its Finest


14 Tweets • 2022-06-13 08:42:35 UTC •  See on Twitter 

12 Powerful Lessons From The Book "What Women

Want In A MAN"

- Female Psychology Thread -

The man without a purpose is neither master of his fate
nor the captain of his soul.

He is merely a minion, a pawn, and a tool for men and

women who know what they want out of life and who
are determined to get it.

The main thing that a woman wants from a man is the

experience of feeling like a woman.

She wants to lose herself in her femininity, and the

only way she can feel this feminine experience is when
a man acts like…a man.
learn to become ridiculously comfortable with people
NOT liking you.

One of the best ways to do this is to become a NO man


No good woman in her RIGHT mind wants to be with a

Mr. Nice-Guy.

Your number one enemy when trying to build a

meaningful and powerful relationship with an amazing
woman is going to be your insecurities.

If you don’t feel secure within yourself, no woman will

feel secure with you.

the cure for worry and anxiety is action, and when I

remember this I can always do something to bring
about a change in the way I’m feeling.

if you’ve never had a gorgeous and highly affectionate

woman treat you like a king,

you’re definitely MISSING OUT.

If you want to really impress a woman, or rather, the
ideal kind of high-quality woman that you want to
attract, the first thing you must do is focus on building
your character and making yourself much more
masculine in a natural sense.

you must REFUSE to be a doormat for other people,

including her, by asserting yourself.

As a man you were meant to be self-reliant,

independent, and highly capable at leading yourself
and your family in the best way you possibly can.

Become comfortable telling people “NO”, and hearing

“NO” from others.

Thanks for reading.

Follow (@DarkPsychForMen ) for more threads on

Social Skills, Seduction, Attraction and Manliness.

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