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I'm perplexed by life.
With its many pieces and parts
How i cannot make sense of it
how a piece of me is lost.

Every day, I watch them.

How they approach life and express desire
But here I am, weighed down by the past,
unable to move on.

Tears don’t stream down anymore

They have all dried up,
And the weight of pain
Is hanging off my neck like lead

But if i am not careful

I’ll give away the world
And the person I'm destined to be

So i'll have to see through all the chaos

Learn to ignore it,
As mind is a terrible thing to waste
and is a weak way to stay awake.

The snow will soften one day,

And i shall circulate in a brand new manner
of existence that I've coveted for a long time.

Too young to be old

Too old to be young
Though i've been questioning for a while

I confess, I am nonetheless confused.

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