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Month : March Week : 1

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 01 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

1. irresistible impossible to refuse because it is too pleasant, attractive, or strong

2. irrelevant not related to what is being discussed

3. irresponsible not thinking enough about the possible results of what you do

4. irreconcilable impossible to find agreement between or with

5. subordinate having a lower or less important position

6. submerge make something go below the surface of the sea or a river or lake

7. subscription an amount of money that you pay regularly to receive a product or service

8. submission the act of formally sending a document or a plan

9. preference the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person

10. pretentious trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are

11. preparation the things that you do preparing for something

12. precarious in danger because not firmly fixed; likely to fall or suffer harm

13. binocular using both eyes to see things

14. bilingual able to use two languages equally well

15. biceps the large muscle at the front of the upper arm


Month : March Week : 1

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 01 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

16. bibliophile a person who loves or collects books

17. nonexistent completely absent

18. nonsensical making no sense

19. nonpoisonous not able to cause illness or death if taken into the body

20. nonverbal not using words



Month : March Week : 2

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 15 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

1. exceptional not like most others

2. excursion a short trip usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people

3. exhilarating making you feel very excited and happy

4. exasperate to cause anger or extreme annoyance in someone

5. exclamation something you say or shout suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.

6. development the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced

7. democracy the belief in freedom and equality between people

8. determination the ability to keep doing something difficult

9. descend to go or come down

10. deficiency a state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed

11. contaminate to make something less pure or make it poisonous

12. consequence the result of something

13. concurrently at the same time

14. continuous without a pause or interruption

15. contradict to state the opposite of what someone has said



Month : March Week : 2

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 15 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

16. bedazzle to impress someone very much with outstanding ability or striking appearance

17. bespoke specially made for a particular person

18. bequeath to arrange for money or property to be given to somebody after your death

19. believe to think that something is true, correct, or real

20. bejewelled wearing a lot of jewellery or decorated with precious stones



Month : March Week : 3

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 22 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

1. disguise to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form

2. aesthetic relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty

3. automatically without human control; independently

4. vegetable made or obtained from a plant

5. parliament the group of people who make the laws in some countries

6. business the activity of buying and selling goods and services

7. jeopardy in danger of being harmed or destroyed

8. colleague one of a group of people who work together

9. guarantee to promise that something will happen or exist

10. prologue a part at the beginning of esp. a play, story, or long poem that introduces it

11. yacht a large and usually expensive boat, used for racing or for travelling around for pleasure

12. rhinoceros a very large, thick-skinned animal that eats plants and has one or two horns on its nose

13. spaghetti pasta made in the form of long, thin strings

14. raspberry a small soft red fruit

15. phlegm a thick substance in your nose and throat that is produced when you have a cold


Month : March Week : 3

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 22 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

16. knowledge skill in, understanding of, or information about something, which a person gets by experience or

17. adjacent very near, next to

18. mortgage to borrow money to buy a house

19. campaign a plan consisting of a number of activities directed toward the achievement of an aim

20. psychology the scientific study of how the mind works and how it influences behaviour


Month : March Week : 4

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 29 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

1. entrepreneur someone who makes money by starting their own business

2. experience something that happens to you, or you feel it

3. pronunciation the way in which a word or letter is said

4. rhythm a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes

5. maintenance the work needed to keep something in good condition

6. necessary needed in order to achieve a particular result

7. pastime an activity that is done for enjoyment

8. privilege an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or
because they are rich

9. receive to get or be given something

10. recommendation advice about what is the best thing to have or do

11. separate to (cause to) divide into parts

12. successful achieving the results that were wanted and hoped for

13. vicious likely to be violent

14. calendar a printed table showing all the days, weeks, and months of the year


Month : March Week : 4

Year 6: Spelling Test Date : 29 / 03 / 2023

Hopeful, Insightful, Purposeful, Faithful,
Thoughtful, Mindful

No Word Meaning

15. amateur someone who does not have much skill in what they do

16. cemetery an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried

17. collectible an object that people collect as a hobby or an investment

18. conscientious serious about your work and putting a lot of effort into doing it in a careful way

19. possession the fact that you have or own something

20. accidentally by chance or by mistake

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