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Week number: 6


March 27,  I encoded the DPA Cash report of March 2023

2023  I labeled folders for KK per barangay and verify the
data from VRS
 I also helped in issuing Voter’s Certificate
March 28,  I sorted out voter’s records per precint and
2023 also helped in issuing Voter’s Certificate

March  We attended the seminar “safe Space Act

29,2023 also known as RA 11313 #BAWAL BASTOS

March  I helped Atty. Binbinon in sorting legal

30,2023 documents

Reflection/insights learned

“Determination leads you to success”. I really owe my experiences and knowledge to all the people
who thought me to be a better person. It’s been a week full of lessons and reasons to learn new things. I
realize how dedicated I am to be learning new things because of the people who inspire me to do better. This
internship had thought me to be open-minded and be able to accept criticisms. I can tell that these mistakes
will always be a good memory to treasure because it made me stronger every day.

The good environment and bosses that we have in our office really helped us to give our best shot since they
always cheer us on and gave us compliments. Also, they are like our mother who guides us in our work and
also about life.


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