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I've been attending every nation campus here at our local center since my freshman year of high

school. Because I was from the kids' church, it was easy for me to adjust to campus without
feeling awkward because I knew my peers. It was fun. It was all about having fun back then. My
intention was hazy because I hadn't given much attention to why I was going to youth service
every Friday. Until that time, I just find myself not going there because of a sudden flash of
shame, and we all know where it sprang from. I eventually stopped attending youth services and
even Sunday services. Of course, when God prompts me to return, I do so with hesitation. God
drew me back to ENC in December of 2017. Then, all of a sudden, everything became foreign. I
was shy and timid, and I didn't bother to communicate or interact with others. Because my
former friends were not present, I was left alone. However, we know that God would not
abandon me; he will send people to me. They are the ones who brought about change within me.
They pushed and encouraged me to interact with others. Because I am so introverted, a little
interaction would suffice. It was uncomfortable but necessary, much like how God orchestrated
my life. Then I began to open up to people, and I told myself, "Let's give it a try." With the
assistance of our local campus missionaries, I gained the confidence I needed. They taught me
how vital it is to be around by others who share the same purpose in life: to praise God. I would
not be where I am today if they had not believed in me, pursued me, challenged me, and prayed
for me. If they had not answered the Lord's call to reach out to students, I would not have this
much wisdom that was passed to me, I would not be following God's calling, and I would not
have a personal relationship with the Lord. Looking back on my time on campus, all I could
think about was how to trust God with every turn of my life. It is necessary to have people who
sense my potential and respond to God's call to disciple me. It was not easy; there were setbacks,
offenses, doubts, and a season of hopelessness, but it was necessary for progress, as I previously
stated. The Lord will always lead us home. I assure you that it will not be an easy journey, that it
will be uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but I am confident that God will shape and grow us into
people of faith.

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