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Procedures in case if earthquake emergency:

1]Conduct toolbox meeting to all staffs and workers for advance information and knowledge in case of

*Awareness in case of earthquake emergency

*Explain, gave instruction and discuss how to proper DROP,COVER and HOLD and also how to
evacuate the area and towards to assembly point

2]Provide signage and emergency evacuation plan

3]Assign authorized person to assists staffs and workers to proceed in the assembly area

4]Call the attention of Emergency Response Team [ERT] to rescue in the area

5]DROP,COVER and HOLD ON”If you are not near a strong table or desk,drop to the floor against an
interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms

*Do not try to run out of the structure during strong shaking

*Do not use eleavator

6]Authorized person chain command to all staffs and workers that need to evacuate in every area

*Guide and assist all staffs and workers to proceed in the assembly point

7]Once the earthquake shaking stop

*Check the staffs and workers around for injuries,provide first aid.Do not move seriously injured
persons unless they are in immediate danger

*Check the dangerous condition,such as fire,downed power lines

8]Take head counts after the evacuation

9]Immediately notify Emergency Response Team [ERT]on the scene if someone may be trapped inside
the building

10]Do not enter the building or workplace until no instruction by the emergency responder

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