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Liceo de Cagayan

Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro

(Individual Task)

Subject: Earth Science

Topic: Earth’s Endogenic Processes – Effects of Volcanoes in our Community

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the activity, the students will be able to explain why the Earth’s interior is hot and describe what happens after magma is formed.

Location of the activity: This should be done outside due to the mess.

1. The piece of cardboard will be the base of the volcano. Tape a film canister near the center. The vial will be the lava pond or magma
conduit. 2. The interior of your volcano will be made of newspaper wrapped in tape. Make balls from the newspaper.
3. You will need balls of different sizes. Use the balls to shape your volcano.
4. To make your model look more volcanic add a coat of spray glue and sprinkle sand over the volcano.
5. Combine the vinegar, water, dish soap, and 2 drops of food coloring into the empty soda bottle (vial) located inside our volcano.
6. Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.
7. Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly and step back.
Volcano Experiment Video:

● Newspapers ● Baking soda slurry
● 10 ml of dish soap ● piece cardboard roughly 9 x 12 inches ● small vial (film
● 100 ml of cold water containers work well)
● 400 ml of white vinegar ● tape
● Food coloring ● newspaper/any paper will do ● aluminum foil
Liceo de Cagayan
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro

Criteria Needs Work Competent Exemplary
2 3 5

Materials All materials needed are not All materials needed are present, but All materials needed are present and
(x3) present and are not entered on not all are entered on the lab report, entered on the lab report. The
the lab report. The materials are or some materials are absent and materials are appropriate for the
not all appropriate for the must be procedure. The student is not
procedure or there are some obtained during the procedure. wasteful of the materials.
major omissions. The materials are appropriate
for the

Procedure The procedure does not allow The procedure could be more The procedure is well designed and
(x4) control of all variables efficiently designed, but it allows allows control of all
selected. Many stages of the control of all variables selected. variablesselected. All stages of the
procedure are not entered on Most stages of the procedure are procedure are entered on the lab
the lab report. entered on the lab report. report.

Conclusions and Missing some parts of conclusion Clear and concise Conclusions The conclusion is comprehensive
Evaluation (x4) or knowledge gained. are given. The conclusion and succinct; showing the
Single evaluation function. addresses the problem and states significant depth of thought and
Knowledge gained. strong evidence of successful
learning. Activity suggests high
Good evaluation functions.
student engagement.
High-level evaluation functions.

Liceo de Cagayan Senior High School Department

University RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro
PERFORMANCE TASK (Volcano Experiment)

Name: Gift Zoe O.Sanchez

Section: Grade 11-STEM 11


Date: May 9,2022 Score:

Before Eruption After Eruption

Liceo de Cagayan
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro

1. What causes the eruption?

The most common type of eruption is caused by the movement of tectonic plates, The force of a volcanic eruption depends partly on the amount of gas
dissolved in the magma. but the fundamental concept of an eruption is that an increase in pressure on the chamber lid causes the magma to be released from
beneath it. If its magma is thick and sticky, a volcano erupts explosively.

2. What are the possible effects of a volcanic eruption?

During an explosive eruption, a volcano can belch out hot, burning clouds of volcanic gases as well as cinders and bombs. Not only Volcanic ash when inhaled can cause
breathing problems and damage the lungs, but It could also bury entire towns, damage crops, and clog car engines. Eruptions can also cause landslides and avalanches of mud,
melted snow, and rock.

3. What happens when the pressure inside a volcano builds up?

If the pressure gets high enough, the magma can break through the crust and spew out in a volcanic eruption. Just like the carbon dioxide trapped in a bottle of soda pop, the
dissolved gases trapped in magma are under tremendous pressure. You cannot see the carbon dioxide gas in a bottle of soda pop because it is dissolved in the liquid. But when
you open the bottle, the pressure is released. The carbon dioxide forms bubbles, which rush to the surface.
Liceo de Cagayan
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro

4. Why is the interior of the Earth hot?

After 4.5 billion years, the inside of the Earth is still very hot (in the core, approximately 3,800°C – 6,000°C), and we experience phenomena generated by this
heat, including earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building.

5. What are the major gases in magma? What are the minor gases in magma? Why is the amount of gas in magma important in relation to volcanic eruptions?

The composition of the gases in magma are: Mostly H2O (water vapor) & some CO2 (carbon dioxide) Minor amounts of Sulfur, Chlorine, and Fluorine gases.
The reason why the amount of gas in magma is an important trigger for an eruption its because it influences how the volcano erupts.

6. What are the things that we need to do before, during and after a volcanic eruption?

Before the Volcanic Eruption Make sure to bring vital survival items such as protection against volcanic dangers, goggles, mask, charge your electronics, have
replacement batteries, flashlights, first aid kits, food, extra cash, personal documents, clothing, and water before the eruption. Be on the lookout for an immediate
evacuation and be prepared to leave.

During the Volcanic Eruption Wear your masks and protect your skin and eyes from the abrasive and sharp volcanic ashfalls. Cover your food and water to avoid
contamination, and make sure you are secure indoors or out.

After the Volcanic Eruption Do not leave your homes until you are notified to do so; the government will then evacuate you to a safer shelter, away from the
hazardous effects of the eruption; keep an eye on your loved ones and remember to protect yourself from the dangers of volcanic eruptions even before, during,
and after the eruption. When heading outside, stay attentive and listen for any information and alerts. These conditions will undoubtedly save your life, as well as
the lives of your family and loved ones.
Liceo de Cagayan
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro


Volcanoes are geologic architects and have created some of Earth’s most spectacular landforms and serve as a laying foundation that allows life to thrive. As we all
know, A volcano is a crater on the surface of the earth, and the reason why It erupts is that The pressure inside the earth causes volcanoes to erupt. Earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions are caused when tectonic plates clash. The pressure inside the earth will rise, and the dense liquid inside the earth, known as magma, will rise with
it. The volcano erupts when the magma reaches the opening. Lava is the term for magma that has reached the earth's surface. Volcanic eruptions can be spectacular,
and they can also be dangerous. Since Volcanoes existed from the very beginning, we all know that they are likely causing disasters, and can even wipe us all out, that
includes any living thing. Yet volcanoes and people have been closely connected throughout history all around the world. And most people often live near volcanoes
because of the benefits they offer, from the rich soil to minerals to hot springs. Just looking at a Lava river is quite mesmerizing as well as destructive but when It has
cooled down, It forms into solid rock and then again adds up to the Earth’s surface and adds new rocks to existing lands and even form new islands. But aside from
attaining new minerals that are provided after the explosion, It has its downsides such as It can take away a person’s life and many lifeforms have died due to the
volcanic blast. Since It spews such dangerous hot gases in the air, especially volcanic ashes when inhaled It could cause severe complications in our Health, It also
greatly affects the people and the environment because they will lose their homes, roads, agricultural fields, and even kill plants and animals. And If you live near In
a volcano always make sure to be prepared for what kind of disaster it may emit. Being prepared saves time and life. Thus, Volcanoes are magnificent but also very
destructive. But we can’t deny the fact that volcanoes forge the Earth and have remain as the major contributors to support mankind.

Liceo de Cagayan
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro
It is a new experience for me to try making a volcano model and doing an experiment. While I was doing a volcano model, I had a bit of a struggle putting all the layers of
paper around the water bottle, which infuriated me a bit because It won’t stick on the tape no matter how I force It. And It’s kind of my fault because I use a paper that is
so thick, I only found out that It doesn’t work like that. So, I decided to use a newspaper instead, Thankfully, a florist near the church willingly gave me some of her
newspapers used to wrap her flowers. I can’t thank her enough for that because she just cast away all my worries and I'm grateful to God for helping me on my mission to
find a newspaper. Anyhow, I constructed and layered my newspapers and It was a relief that they turned out the way I wanted them to be, Then I covered them with the
newspaper strips filled with Zoy paste, so that they would stick to the newspaper layers, After that, I exposed It to the sun for it to dry, afterward, I painted it with the
necessary colors that would embody more of a volcano and let it dry. The most exciting part was the experiment, To be honest, I had doubts and was too scared to even try, I
fear that It wouldn’t turn out like the others. But of course, I didn’t let that fool me. I enjoyed mixing the vinegar, water, food coloring, and dish soap into the water bottle, I
also prepared the baking soda slurry that I would add to the mixture. And to my surprise, It suddenly burst out like a soda pop. It was such a nice reaction, surely this is
what they call a volcanic eruption. I like how the Runny magma erupts through openings or vents in the earth's crust before flowing onto its surface as lava. The experiment
was a huge success for a first-timer, I made a huge mess. Even so, It was a very rewarding experience. Aside from all the makings of the volcano and experiments. I only got
to find out by watching videos on youtube of actual eruptions and searching on the internet on how it works. It is quite amazing that tremendous pressure of magma causes
volcanoes to erupt, when It does there is no stopping this natural phenomenon and we can't do anything about it. And there is something about how it erupts as it reaches
the surface, you can see the lava glowing, It does make most of the Earth’s surface by making new landforms and new rocks, It's quite amazing that a disaster could
eventually turn into a blessing in disguise, Though, it might not be for some people. Especially, those who are living near it. They might consider it as a bane for ruining
their homes and their lives, as well as giving them sickness. I have learned so much from this experience that I am glad about it. My curiosity has been finally fed and
proven through this experiment. It is quite something that we can simply make a model out of it in the comfort of our homes, and the ingredients are attainable to pose as
the explosion. I can’t help but be in awe, Although It has Its negative effects we must not forget how it provided us all kinds of minerals for us to use to continuously allow
life to thrive on Earth.

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