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1, JANUARY 2005 25

Flyboost Power Factor Correction Cell and a New

Family of Single-Stage AC/DC Converters
Shiguo Luo, Weihong Qiu, Student Member, IEEE, Wenkai Wu, and Issa Batarseh, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A novel power factor correction (PFC) cell, called

flyboost, is presented. The proposed PFC cell combines power
conversion characteristics of conventional flyback and boost con-
verters. Based on the flyboost PFC cell, a new family of single-stage
(S2 ) ac/dc converters can be derived. Prominent features of newly
derived S2 converters include: three power conversions, i.e., boost,
flyback, and another isolated dc/dc power conversions are simul-
taneously realized that typically uses only one power switch and
one simple controller; part of the power delivered to the load is
processed only once; bulk capacitor voltage can be clamped to the
desired level; and capable of operating under continuous current
mode. Experimental results on example converters verify that
while still achieving high power factor and tight output regulation,
the flyboost PFC cell substantially improve the efficiency of the
Index Terms—AC/DC converter, power factor, power factor cor-
rection, single-stage, single-switch.


P OWER factor correction (PFC) techniques have become

increasingly important since several regulations that are
used to limit harmonic injection to the power utilities have been
enacted recently. There are two basic PFC approaches, namely,
active PFC and passive PFC. Active PFC, classified by the
system configurations, can be categorized into two-stage and
Fig. 1. Functional block diagram of PFC converters: (a) two-stage PFC
single-stage S schemes. A two-stage scheme results in high converter and (b) typical single-stage PFC converter.
power factor and fast response output voltage regulation by
using two independent controllers and optimized power stages, and dc/dc regulating tasks as a two-stage converter. Usually, the
as shown in Fig. 1(a). The main drawbacks of this scheme are its high power factor of an S PFC converter is guaranteed by
relatively higher cost and larger size resulted from its compli- operating the PFC cell in discontinuous current mode (DCM),
cated power stage topology and control circuits, particularly in while the fast response output regulation is achieved by the
low power applications. An S scheme combines the PFC cell dc/dc cell. Many S converters have been presented in recent
and dc/dc power conversion cell into one stage, and typically years [1], [2]. Although the single-stage scheme is especially
uses only one controller and shares power switches, as shown attractive in low cost and low power applications due to its
in Fig. 1(b). It should be pointed out that from the viewpoint of simplified power stage and control circuit, major issues still
functionality, in order to get high power factor and regulated exist, such as low efficiency and difficulty being moved to
output, an S converter actually still needs to complete PFC higher power level, and high as well as wide-range intermediate
dc bus voltage stress [3], [4].
Manuscript received April 10, 2003; revised January 5, 2004. This work was In conventional PFC ac/dc converters, as shown in Fig. 1(a)
supported in part by NASA and the National Science Foundation under Grant and (b), no matter whether it is a single-stage or a two-stage
ESC-0132965. This paper was presented in part at 33rd IEEE Annual Power configuration ac/dc converter, ac input power is first transferred
Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’02), 2002. Recommended by Asso-
ciate Editor S. Y. Hui. into somewhat pulsating dc power stored on intermediate bulk
S. Luo is with Dell Computer Corporation, Round Rock, TX 78682 USA capacitors, this process is completed by a PFC functional cell.
(e-mail: The power stored on the bulky capacitors is processed again by
W. Qiu is with Intersil Corporation, Palm Bay, FL 32905 USA (e-mail: a dc/dc functional cell to reach final output. This double power
W. Wu is with Osram Sylvania, Beverly, MA 01915 USA. processing results in low conversion efficiency, which is the
I. Batarseh is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- product of the efficiency of each power conversion. In an ac/dc
neering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 USA (e-mail: converter, the way with which power is processed only once is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2004.839876 referred to as direct power transfer (DPT) in this paper. Use of
0885-8993/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

DPT concept to obtain increased conversion efficiency has been dant power processing configurations, each circuit configuration
reported in [5]–[11]. is still composed of two basic switching converters. A 100 W
As described in [10] and [11], the simplest circuit to carry out example PFC regulator in that paper shows its complex cir-
the DPT concept is the flyback circuit. However, the following cuit configuration with three inductive components, three power
arguments still exist. switches, and two controls. Therefore, the penalty in realizing
DPT idea is the same as in [5] and [6].
1) Large low-frequency ripple is present at the output, par-
In this paper, a novel PFC cell called “flyboost” is presented
ticularly at double the utility line frequency. A very large
and provides an alternative method to reduce redundant power
size output filter is needed, in which the capacitor could
processing. Further, a new family of S converters with the
be actually understood as an equivalent part of the bulk
DPT concept is derived, which are intended for use in low
storage capacitor in other S converters. Usually, a bulk
to medium power level ac/dc converters such as adapters of
capacitor is necessary to realize required holdup time and
personal computers. Compared to existing S PFC converters
handle low-frequency power unbalance between input
with reduced redundant power processing [5]–[9], newly de-
power and output power within a half line cycle.
rived S converters are of simplified circuit configuration
2) Slow regulation of the output voltage due to the large
and control, and typically, only one simple voltage control
output filter and the low loop crossover frequency.
and one power switch are needed in circuit implementation.
3) Holduptimecannotbeguaranteedduetolackofbulkstorage
However, good tradeoff can be obtained in terms of cost, effi-
capacitor in the high voltage primary side. A complicated
ciency, size, bulk capacitor voltage level, and component stress.
circuit for hold-up time has been designed to solve this issue
Experimental results with a representative flyboost converter
[10], however, it is not a cost-effective solution.
demonstrate that the flyboost cell significantly improves the
A parallel power factor correction (PPFC) approach has been
efficiency over the conventional converter. Moreover, experi-
proposed in [5] and [6], which allows partial input power to be
ments also verify that a newly derived S converter can operate
processed only once. However, the parallel circuit configura-
in discontinuous current mode continuous current mode
tion inherently implies that multiple power switches and control
(DCM CCM) operation due to the clamped bulk capacitor
loops must be used, as demonstrated in example converters in
voltage characteristic of flyboost PFC cell. Our main focus
[5] and [6]. Complicated circuit structure may cause practical is-
in this paper is in comparative study rather than optimization
sues such as sophisticated operation mechanism, complex con-
of a specific converter as well as investigating improvements
trol, and thus difficult design and poor reliability. That is why
of existing S converters while using the flyboost PFC cell
the authors in [5] and [6] suggest that the applications may be
to replace conventional boost PFC cell. Further theoretical
suitable for high power only.
analysis and research for applications of the flyboost PFC cell
Assuming that a complete converter stage consists of a con- in other PFC converters needs to be done in the future.
troller and one or more power switches responding to specific
turn-on and turn-off commands, technical approaches presented
in [7] and [8] to reduce redundant power processing actually II. FLYBOOST PFC CELL AND ITS OPERATION MECHANISM
employ a two-stage circuit configuration with a main converter As described above, the efficiency of PFC converters can be
and an auxiliary converter. Typically, the auxiliary converter improved by converting a part of the input power to output
that uses either a buck-boost converter in [7] or a postregulator power with the DPT concept. The present topic is how to im-
in [8] is put in the secondary side. Consequently, a controller plement the DPT concept using a simple circuit structure with a
has to be placed in secondary-side. As discussed for flyback simple control. First consideration would be to use a simple fly-
converter above, since bulk capacitors are put in the secondary back converter to implement the DPT idea. Since there is only
low voltage side, capacitor size (total capacitance) cannot be re- one power switch and one controller, flyback topology is indeed
duced to realize required holdup time and handle low-frequency a single-stage PFC converter when used as a front-end PFC con-
power unbalance between input power and output power within verter with all input power directly transferred to the output.
a half-line cycle. Therefore, at the expense of higher efficiency This is the simplest approach to carry out the DPT concept. It
while using those circuitries will be an increased cost in prac- was reported that an above 85% efficiency could be obtained by
tical applications, caused by more complex circuit structure, using a relatively complex active clamp flyback topology [10].
large size filter, floating metal oxide semiconductor field effect However, the above arguments have tarnished the inherent ad-
transistor (MOSFET) driver, and multiple bias power supplies vantages of the flyback converter when considered as a front-end
for controls. In addition, as claimed by authors in [8], the range PFC converter.
of output voltage is limited by input voltage, and thus applica- On the other hand, it is well known that the flyback con-
tions may not be good for universal input (85 to 265 ). verter can automatically produce near unity power factor with
Authors in [9] attempt to generate a set of universal power constant duty ratio under DCM operation [10], [11], as does
flow configurations that might include all circuit structures of the boost converter. Therefore, it is desirable to still keep the
known and unknown PFC converters. Based on the partial power input PFC cell with flyback or/and boost features. The second
flow configurations that those authors think of as desired, an- desirable feature is to let the input PFC cell implement DPT, al-
other family of PFC regulator configurations with reduced re- lowing a part of input power to be processed once. Meanwhile,
dundant power processing has been constructed. However, even the input PFC cell will allow a part of the input power trans-
in equivalent circuits of the so-called simplest reduced redun- ferred to energy buffer bulk capacitors. Bulk capacitors used as

Fig. 2. Flyboost PFC cell as a general PFC cell.

holdup time storage components should be placed in the pri-

mary-side in order to reduce the size and number. Further, we
have to keep a conventional dc/dc cell in an ac/dc converter to
obtain tight output regulation and fast dynamic response. The
above deducing triggers the idea that it may be a good choice to
merge flyback with boost topology to achieve a new PFC cell.
Based on this idea, a novel PFC cell was presented, as shown in
Fig. 2.
Unlike any existing PFC cells, the proposed PFC cell simul-
taneously implements both flyback power transfer and boost
power transfer. The transformer modified from the original
boost inductor is named the flyboost transformer because
the combined word flyback boost exactly expresses its new
functionality. The flyboost PFC cell consists of a switch, a
capacitor, a flyboost transformer, and two diodes.
Although there is only a small difference physically between
theflyboostPFC cellandcurrentlyknownPFC cellssuchasboost, Fig. 3. Operation modes of flyboost PFC cell in one line frequency cycle: (a)
SEPIC,buck-boost,Cuk,andbuck,etc,itsoperationalmechanism j j
mode changes at ( v (t ) = V 0 V =n ), (b) flyback mode, and (c) boost
is very different. If considering leakage inductor of flyback trans- mode.
operation modes will definitely exist. Ideally, assuming that the conversion cell, with this portion of input power being
capacitance of intermediate bulk capacitor is infinitely large such processed twice. Operational waveforms are presented in
that it could be regarded as an ideal voltage source, and leakage in- Fig. 3(c).
ductor of the transformer is ignored. There are only two operation According to the operational mechanism of the flyboost PFC
modes for flyboost cell, as shown in Fig. 3(a). These two modes cell, the flyboost PFC cell integrates the functions of flyback
of operation are discussed as follows. and boost PFC cells. Since high power factor can be achieved
1) Flyback mode: When rectified input voltage V is by either the DCM flyback PFC cell or the DCM boost PFC
lower than V V , where V is the intermediate cell, a high power factor can also be expected from the fly-
bus voltage and is the turns ratio of T , T operates as a boost PFC cell. The tight output regulation and fast dynamic
flyback transformer. When switch is ON, T is charged response would also be accomplished by the dc/dc conversion
by rectified line voltage linearly. When is OFF, T will cell following the flyboost PFC cell. In addition, the other two
discharge all of its stored magnetizing power to the output unique advantages of the flyboost PFC cell may be summarized
through its secondary winding. So the input power stored as follows.
in T as magnetizing power during ON period is directly 1) Direct power transfer (DPT): At flyback mode, all input
transferred to the output, resulting in this portion of input power is directly transferred to load through transformer
power being processed only once. Operational waveforms T . This portion of input power is processed only once. It
are presented in Fig. 3(b). means lower current stress on power devices, and higher
2) Boost mode: When V is higher than V V , power efficiency.
T1 works as a boost inductor. When is ON, T is 2) Intermediate bus voltage is clamped automatically:
charged by rectified line voltage linearly. When is Only when the rectified input voltage is higher than
OFF, T will discharge all of its magnetizing power to V V , will the intermediate bus capacitor be
intermediate bus capacitor. The power stored in the dc bus charged by the input power. The higher bus voltage,
capacitor will be transferred to the output by the dc/dc the less charging power to the bus capacitor, thus the

maximum intermediate bus voltage will be automati-

cally clamped to V peak V under any load
condition. It means that S PFC converters with the
flyboost cell can operate either in DCM DCM mode or
in DCM DCM mode without high bus voltage problem
with a light load, which is one of the main drawbacks
existing in other S PFC converters in [3], [4], and [13].
As a result, the proposed PFC cell is especially more
suitable for universal input voltage applications with
higher power handling capabilities when compared with
other well-known S PFC converters that cannot operate
under DCM CCM.
By integrating flyboost PFC cell with conventional dc/dc con-
version cells, new S PFC converters can be constructed with
high power factor and tight output regulation. In order to keep
simple control while obtaining both high power factor and tight
output regulation, it is desirable to keep the input cell operating
under DCM. The dc/dc cell can operate either in DCM or in Fig. 4. Power transfer block diagrams of PFC ac/dc converters: (a)
conventional power transfer and (b) proposed power transfer with DPT
CCM, depending on dc bus voltage and power level. concept.

III. COMPARISON OF EFFICIENCIES FOR DIFFERENT so the efficiency of this S PFC ac/dc converter is
In a conventional two-stage or S PFC ac/dc converter,
there are two functional cells, i.e., PFC cell and dc/dc cell. Comparing (2) with (4), it is clear that the converter with the
AC input power is first transferred into somewhat pulsating DPT generally has higher efficiency than its counterpart without
dc power stored on intermediate bulk capacitors by the PFC the DPT approach, simply because the converter with the DPT
cell. The stored dc power on the bulk capacitors is processed concept follows an inequality
again by the dc/dc cell to the desired dc output power. So the
input power is processed twice to reach the output, as shown in (5)
Fig. 4(a). Assuming the PFC cell has unity input power factor,
and the efficiency of the PFC cell and dc/dc cell are and , where , , and .
respectively, we have output power The above efficiency comparison enhances our understanding
why the DPT concept will help build an inherently more effi-
(1) cient PFC converter.

and the resultant efficiency of S PFC ac/dc converter is IV. NEW FAMILY OF S CONVERTER TOPOLOGIES BASED ON
Like other PFC cells such as boost, SEPIC, buck-boost, and
From the above equations, we can see that the dual power Cuk [1], the flyboost PFC cell in Fig. 2 can be used to replace
processing approach means lower conversion efficiency since it existing PFC cells in the family of S topologies and thus a new
is the product of the efficiency of each power conversion. family of topologies can be derived from the general functional
Some new power transfer approaches have been proposed in structure shown in Fig. 1(b). A similar derivation using the fly-
[5]–[9] that allow a part of the input power to be processed boost cell can be applied into other existing two-stage topolo-
only once and let the remaining input power to be processed gies. As a result, a new family of two-stage topologies can be
twice while still achieving both high power factor and tight achieved through a general structure diagram shown in Fig. 1(a).
output regulation. Those power transfer approaches provide a The research in this paper is concentrated on only S converters.
new way to achieve more efficient and higher power rating PFC Fig. 5 gives some sample topologies obtained through mod-
converters than the conventional double power processing ap- ifying existing S converter topologies. For clarity and sim-
proach. A block diagram of the proposed power transfer ap- plicity, the input EMI filter, the reset and clamp circuits of the
proach with the DPT concept is expressed in Fig. 4(b). single-switch flyback and forward converter cells are not de-
In Fig. 4(b), k portion of the power from the PFC cell is di- picted. Flyboost PFC cell combines the characteristics of con-
rectly transferred to the output, and the remaining power ventional flyback and boost functional cells. Therefore, com-
from PFC cell is stored in the intermediate bus capacitor and pared to other known S converters, the derived converters in
then processed by the dc/dc cell. Based on this concept, we have Fig. 5 have the following potential merits:
1) high power factor due to inherent characteristics resulting
(3) from both the flyback and boost converters;

Fig. 5. Derived new family of S converter topologies based on the flyboost

PFC cell and typical dc/dc cells: (a) flyboost PFC flyback dc/dc, (b) flyboost
PFC forward dc/dc, (c) modified BIBRED with flyboost PFC, (d) flyboost
+ +
PFC two switch flyback dc/dc, (e) flyboost PFC two switch forward dc–dc,
(f) flyboost PFC + half-bridge dc/dc, and (g) flyboost PFC + series/parallel
Fig. 6. Example S topologies: (a) Russian’s topology, (b) simplified topology
based on the Russian’s topology, and (c) newly modified topology with flyboost
2) high efficiency due to partial input power being processed PFC cell.
only once;
3) intermediate dc bus voltage is clamped automatically
within a desirable range, which is determined by peak V. OPERATION AND BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
input voltage and the turns ratio of the flyboost trans-
former; A. Converter Operation
4) relatively low voltage stress power devices can be used in
For the sake of topology comparison, related topologies to
the proposed converters because of controllable interme-
example converter with flyboost PFC cell are drawn as follows.
diate dc bus voltage;
5) input inrush and surge current protection because of in- So-called Russian’s S topology is depicted in Fig. 6(a) [17].
herent characteristics of flyback and boost converters; A simplified S topology based on the Russian’s topology that
6) simple circuit structure due to the use of only one power uses leakage inductors of the transformer is investigated in detail
switch (or one stage) and one controller while keeping the in [12], as shown in Fig. 6(b), where and are the leakage
same number of magnetic components; inductors. Combining the flyboost cell, the Russian’s topology
7) higher power processing capability due to dual power can be further modified into a new topology shown in Fig. 6(c),
transfer channels and the CCM operation possibility of which basically consists of a flyboost PFC cell and a series/par-
the dc/dc cell; allel forward converter cell. Compared to Fig. 6(a), physically,
8) holdup time in the proposed converter is guaranteed by the only added part is diode . One more winding (usually
primary side bulk capacitors; with a few turns) on the same core of the previous boost in-
9) fast output voltage regulation is provided by dc/dc con- ductor that changes it into a special transformer to implement
version cell. the DPT concept.

For most of the existing S topologies, simply and optimally,

both the PFC cell and the dc/dc cell should operate in DCM,
otherwise, it is almost impossible to satisfy trade-offs of design.
This is because the intermediate dc bus voltage variation range
is load-dependent and unacceptable if DCM CCM operation is
employed [3], [4]. In the topology shown in Fig. 6(c), an impor-
tant trait is that the intermediate dc bus voltage is controllable if
only the flyboost PFC cell is properly designed. DC bus voltage
can be limited to a desired range. This means that the proposed
topology can operate either DCM DCM or DCM CCM while
still keeping a simple controller. With the first DCM, by the end
of the switching cycle, the flyboost delivers all of its stored en-
ergy to either the next stage or the output. With the second DCM,
the output-filtering inductor current for the dc/dc forward cell is
discontinuous on a cycle-by-cycle basis. With the second CCM,
the output-filtering inductor current for the dc/dc forward cell is
continuous. At the first DCM there is only a slightly increased
conduction loss because the reverse recovery loss of diodes will
be decreased. But the switching losses associated with the hard
turn-off of the rectifier diodes are eliminated.
Like other S converters, the example topology has only one in-
in the converter, i.e., flyback, boost, and forward modes. As dis- Fig. 7. Key waveforms of example converter.
mode and boost mode. For the forward cell, we need to consider TABLE I
that the circuit is operating in the DCM or CCM. Fig. 7 shows key +
operation waveforms of the example converter in Fig. 6(c). Table I
givesconduction status of power components under DCM CCM
operating, corresponding to typical four periods of circuit opera-
tion in one switching cycle in Fig. 7.

B. Basic Design Considerations

In example converter shown in Fig. 6(c), a simple voltage
mode control strategy is used for either DCM operation or
DCM CCM operation. According to the characteristics of the
proposed flyboost PFC cell and topology, basic design consid-
erations are discussed as follows.
1) Control: Like other regular dc/dc converters, a single
fast voltage control loop can be employed, which keeps the the lowest input voltage with full load. Since the maximum
output voltage constant by monitoring the output voltage and intermediate dc bus voltage is clamped at V V ,
correcting it as needed. Current-mode controls (either con- the turns ratio n of the flyboost transformer determines the bus
stant-frequency or variable-frequency) are also applicable. But voltage level. Meanwhile, rated component voltage in primary
this family of topologies complicates the control strategy of side at the worst case might be considered with certain safety
current mode, because the inner current-controlling loop must coefficient (say 1.2) based on this maximum dc bus voltage
be based on the current flowing in the dc/dc cell and current V .
flowing in the secondary side of the flyboost cell. Both currents 3) Design of dc/dc Cell Transformer: The demagnetizing
are substantially contributing to the load. Due to pulsating fly- voltage for the dc/dc forward transformer is clamped at V , The
boost secondary current, average switch current-mode (ASCM) magnetic constraints require that the maximum duty cycle must
control might fit this application. The benefits of the current be lower than 0.5.
mode control are decreased low-frequency ripple at the output Taking the CCM operating mode as example, the following
and increased dynamic response. constraints should be applied:
2) Intermediate Bus Voltage and Component Voltage
Stresses: The voltage stresses on all power switches depend on (6)
the intermediate bus voltage. So it should be as low as possible
to reduce the voltage rating of power components, which will where represents designed maximum duty cycle, V
result in low cost and higher efficiency. However, V should represents minimum dc bus voltage, is turns ratio, and V
be high enough to keep the PFC in the DCM operation at output voltage.

Turns number of transformer at primary and secondary sides where V V : ratio of intermediate dc bus voltage to
can be determined by output voltage, represent load resistor, and T line cycle
(here also holdup time).
(7) Output filter inductor and capacitor can be designed by fol-
and lowing typical forward converter design procedures. In gen-
eral, output capacitor at secondary side is mainly determined by
(8) output voltage ripple and max ripple current level at high line
and heavy load conditions. Output inductor is determined by
max ripple current as well as its operating mode in either CCM
where and represents turns numbers of primary-side and
or DCM.
secondary-side, respectively, and is the designated max-
6) High Efficiency Design Consideration: In order to
imum flux density, usually taking , and is the mag-
achieve high efficiency while meeting holdup time and tight
netic core across-section area.
regulation, and the more input power must be allowed to
4) Design of Flyboost Transformer: In a flyboost converter
reach the output through flyboost with the DPT method and
the most challenging design is for the transformer. The trans-
duty-cycle should be designed as large as possible.
former performs both the flyback and boost types of power
7) Operation Over a Wide Line Voltage Range: The voltage
transfer, with most of the power transferred by the flyback
across the bulk capacitor is a proportional function of the
mode with DPT concept. Therefore, it can be concluded that
line voltage. Several simulation results show that although
flyback operation dominates the activity of flyboost PFC cell.
maximum dc bus voltage is controllable, the voltage still varies
For purpose of analysis it can be considered that all of the
over two times when the line voltage varies between 85 and
power is transferred by an equivalent flyback transformer. The
265 V . It is difficult to design the power supply to accom-
following are the simplified design procedure.
modate that variation and to keep high efficiency in the whole
a) First, for a DCM operating flyback transformer (inductor), input voltage range. So the optimum point has to be considered
to protect from flux walking, magnetic reset must be taken at nominal line voltage.
into account, and volt-second balance must be followed More practical design considerations and steady-state anal-
by ysis with MathCAD can be found in previously published pa-
pers [13]–[15].

where V represents output voltage, expresses turns VI. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS

ratio of the flyboost transformer, is designed max- A. Verification for DCM CCM Operation
imum duty cycle (less than 0.5), which is decided by dc/dc
forward controller, corresponding to minimum ac input This is to verify that the proposed converter has capability to
voltage V . run in DCM CCM mode that is impossible for conventional
b) Considering power balance between input and output S converters using only a simple voltage mode controller [3],
and also employing the quasistatic principle that ac input [4]. The key circuit parameters designed are: kHz,
voltage resource is replaced by an equivalent dc voltage H, H, , ,
resource with the same value as ac rms, peak current at pri- F [see Fig. 6(c)].
mary-side of flyboost could be approximately determined Target specifications are
by 1) universal line voltage: V ;
2) nominal line voltage: 110 ;
(10) 3) output voltage: 28 ;
4) output power: 150 W;
5) holdup time: 0.17 ms;
where is the converter efficiency from input to output,
6) switching frequency: 100 kHz;
and is the average output power.
7) ripple limit: 200 mV p-p;
c) Equivalent inductance at the primary side could be
8) power factor: higher than 0.95;
roughly determined as
9) regulation: 1%.
(11) Fig. 8 shows experimental waveforms of input line voltage
and input line current at nominal line voltage. A near unity
5) Capacitors and Inductor: The two bulk capacitors are power factor 0.994 is measured and a sinusoidal waveform is
mainly designed to meet the holdup time requirement. Setting drawn from input line. Fig. 9 shows experimental power factor,
holdup time factor (this means 20% voltage drop efficiency, and bulk capacitor voltage varying with input line
during one cycle is permitted), we can determine storage capac- voltage. The power factor and efficiency only change a small
itance of capacitor by amount under universal input from 85 to 265 , and dc bus
voltage varies only from 110 V to 265 V , which allows
(12) the use of commercially available 600 V power devices. In
DCM CCM operation, comparison study cannot be completed

Fig. 8. Experimental line voltage and line current at nominal voltage =

110 Vrms: trace A, line voltage (100 V/div, 5 ms/div); trace B, line current
(measured after auxiliary line filter; 1 A/div; 5 ms/div), and the measured
power factor is 99.4%.

Fig. 10. Experimental comparison for conventional and proposed topologies

under DCM CCM operation: (a) power factor, (b) efficiency, and (c)
intermediate bus voltage.

B. Verification and Comparison for DCM DCM Operation

Prototypes based on the topologies in Fig. 6(a)–(c) were built
to meet the following major design specifications:
1) input: 85 265 ;
2) output: 28 at 150 W;
3) switching frequency: 100 kHz;
4) circuit parameters: H, H,
, and .
All measurements were completed at 150 W full load, and all
power losses were included while calculating efficiency.
Measured power factor under universal input is shown in
Fig. 10(a). Compared to the simplified topology in Fig. 6(b),
it can be seen that the newly modified converter in Fig. 6(c)
significantly improves power factor and an above 0.97 power
factor can be achieved under universal input. For the Russian
Fig. 9. Experimental results under DCM CCM operation: (a) power factor, topology shown in Fig. 6(a), although high power factor is
(b) efficiency, and (c) bulk capacitor bus voltage varying with input line voltage. obtained, it has no operating capability under universal input
because excessive dc bus voltage is encountered with increased
because unchanged topologies in Fig. 6(a) and (b) cannot be input voltage. Fig. 10(b) shows experimental efficiency com-
run in this mode. parison with different topologies at full load 150-W output.

The topology with the flyboost PFC cell achieves the highest [6] Y. Jiang, F. C. Lee, G. Hua, and W. Tang, “A novel single-phase power
efficiency, and the second is Russian. Fig. 10(c) shows experi- factor correction scheme,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’93 Conf., 1993, pp.
mental intermediate dc bus voltage comparison at full load. The [7] O. Garcia, J. A. Cobos, P. Alou, R. Preito, J. Uceda, and S. Ollero, “A
simplified topology in Fig. 6(b) has the lowest dc bus voltage, new family of single stage ac/dc power factor correction converters with
but its variation range is comparable to the topology with fast output voltage regulation,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’97 Conf., 1997, pp.
flyboost PFC cell, about 130 . The Russian topology has [8] J. Sebastian, P. J. Villegas, F. Nuno, O. Garcia, and J. Arau, “Improving
excessive bus voltage when the input exceeds 150 thereby dynamic response of power-factor preregulators by using two-input
making it impractical for universal input applications. high-efficient postregulators,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 12,
no. 6, pp. 1007–1016, Nov. 1997.
Another application example based on a simple bi-flyback [9] C. K. Tse, M. H. L. Chow, and M. K. H. Cheng, “A family of PFC
topology has been reported in [16]. Detailed simulation work voltage regulator configurations with reduced redundant power pro-
was also completed in [13]. cessing,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 794–802,
Nov. 1998.
[10] R. Watson, G. C. Hua, and F. C. Lee, “Characterization of an active
VII. CONCLUSION clamp flyback topology for power factor correction applications,” in
Proc. IEEE APEC’94 Conf., 1994, pp. 412–418.
A novel PFC cell, called flyboost, has been proposed in this [11] R. Erickson, M. Madigan, and S. Singer, “Design of a simple high power
factor rectiffer based on the flyback converter,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’90
paper, from which a new family of S PFC topologies can be de- Conf., 1990, pp. 792–801.
rived. The proposed flyboost PFC cell allows a portion of input [12] H. Wei and I. Bartarseh et al., “A single-switch ac/dc converter with
power transferred to the output directly, resulting in improved power factor correction,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 15, no. 3,
pp. 421–430, May 2000.
efficiency. In addition, the derived PFC converters based on the [13] S. Luo, “Front-end converter design and system integration techniques
flyboost PFC cell have been characterized with the unique ad- in distributed power systems,” Ph.D. dissertation, School Elect. Eng.
vantages of controllable dc bus voltage, inherently high power Comput. Sci., Univ. Central Florida, Orlando, 2001.
[14] S. Luo, W. Qiu, W. Wu, and I. Batarseh, “Flyboost power factor correc-
factor, low component stress, and simple circuit structure. These tion cell and its applications in single-stage ac/dc converters,” in Proc.
unique merits allow newly derived PFC converters to operate IEEE PESC’02 Conf., 2002, pp. 1375–1380.
under DCM CCM for universal input applications with sub- [15] W. Qiu, W. Wu, S. Luo, and I. Batarseh, “Practical design considera-
tion of a single-stage single-switch parallel PFC converter for universal
stantially improved efficiency. Therefore, good tradeoff can be voltage applications,” in Proc. IEEE IAS’02 Conf., 2002, pp. 2133–2140.
obtained in terms of cost, efficiency, size, bulk capacitor voltage [16] W. Qiu, S. Luo, W. Wu, and I. Batarseh, “A Bi-flyback PFC converter
level and component stress. with low intermediate bus voltage and tight output voltage regulation for
universal input applications,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’02 Conf., 2002, pp.
Based on a 150 W at 28 V experimental prototype, the ex- 256–262.
periments for a specific example converter were carried out to [17] R. Redl, “Power factor correction in single-phase switching-mode power
verify the operation of the converter under both DCM CCM supplies—an overview,” Int. J. Electron., vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 555–582,
and DCM CCM modes. Experimental results demonstrate that
while obtaining high power factor, the flyboost cell substantially
improves the efficiency of the converter over conventional PFC
ac/dc converters without the flyboost PFC cell. Shiguo Luo received the B.S. degree in industrial
The newly proposed flyboost PFC cell is a generalized one automation from the Southwest Institute of Tech-
that can be used in any existing PFC converters, either two-stage nology, Sichuan, China, in 1985, the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from Chongqing University,
or S configurations, and particularly suitable for those where Chongqing, China, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in
the boost converter is being used as a PFC cell. electrical engineering from the University of Central
Florida (UCF), Orlando, in 2001.
Starting in 1985, he was an Assistant Lecturer
ACKNOWLEDGMENT and later an Associate Professor at Chongqing En-
gineering Institute, Chongqing. From 1993 to 1995,
The authors wish to thank Dr. P. Kernetzky for providing the he was with the School of Electrical Engineering,
help in conducting the experimental work and R. J. Maley for Southwest Jiaotong University, Sichuan, as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. From 1997
to 1998, he was a Visiting Professor in the Virginia Power Electronics Center
his time used in helping to refine the technical writing. (now CPES), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
In more than 15 years of professional experience, he also worked for Huawei
Technology Ltd., Shenzhen, China, Lucent Technologies Power Systems, Inc.,
REFERENCES Mesquite, TX, and Artesyn Technologies, Inc., Framingham, MA. He is now
[1] R. Redle, L. Balogh, and N. O. Sokal, “A new family of single-stage iso- a Senior Consultant Engineer at Dell Computer, Inc. His current research
lated power-factor correctors with fast regulation of the output voltage,” interests are computing system-oriented power analysis and design techniques.
in Proc. IEEE PESC’94 Conf., 1994, pp. 1137–1144.
[2] C. Qian and K. Smedley, “A topology survey of single-stage power
factor corrector with a boost type input-current-shaper,” in Proc. IEEE
APEC’00 Conf., vol. 1, 2000, pp. 460–467.
[3] J. Qian, Q. Zhao, and F. C. Lee, “Single-stage single-switch power Weihong Qiu (S’02) received the B.S. degree from
factor-correction ac/dc converters with dc-bus voltage feedback for Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, China, in 1991, the
universal line applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, pp. M.S. degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics
1079–1088, Nov. 1998. and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 1994, and the
[4] M. M. Jovanovic, D. M. Tsang, and F. C. Lee, “Reduction of voltage Ph.D. degree from the University of Central Florida,
stress in integrated high-quality rectifier-regulators by variable-fre- Orlando, in 2003.
quency control,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’94 Conf., 1994, pp. 569–575. He joined Intersil Corporation, Palm Bay, FL, in
[5] Y. Jiang and F. C. Lee, “Single-stage single-phase parallel power 2003. His research interests include modeling and
factor correction scheme,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’94 Conf., 1994, pp. control design of switching power converter, PFC,
1145–1151. and VRM techniques.

Wenkai Wu received the B.S. degree from Jiao Tong Issa Batarseh (S’84–M’85–SM’92) received the
University, Xi’an, China, in 1986, the M.S. and Ph.D. B.S. degree in computer engineering, and the M.S.
degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
1993 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in University of Illinois at Chicago, in 1983, 1985, and
electrical engineering from the University of Central 1990, respectively.
Florida, Orlando, in 2003. He is a Professor and Chair of the Electrical and
His interests include ac/dc converters with active Computer Engineering Department, University of
power factor correction, maximum power tracking ar- Central Florida (UCF), Orlando. He was a Visiting
chitectures, high power electronic ballast, and low Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at
voltage dc/dc converters. He is a Principal Engineer Purdue University, Calumet, IN, from 1989 to 1990
with Osram Sylvania, Beverly, MA. before joining the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, UCF, in 1991. His major research interest is power
electronics, focusing on high frequency dc-dc conversion, soft-switching and
dynamic modeling of dc-to-dc converters, harmonic analysis, and power factor
correction. He has more than 11 U.S. patents, and more than 50 refereed journal
and 200 conference publications. His research work has been sponsored by
federal agencies and private sector. He authored Power Electronic Circuits
(New York: Wiley, 2003).
Dr. Batarseh received many national and international teaching, research, and
service awards. He served as Session Chairs and Committee Member for APEC
and PESC Conferences. He will be the General Chair for the PESC’07 Con-
ference, Orlando. He has served as a Chairman of the IEEE Orlando Power
Engineering Chapter, Chairman of the IEEE Orlando Section, and as Faculty
Advisor for the IEEE Student Branch and Eta Kappa Nu. He is a Registered
Professional Engineer in Florida.

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