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Education in Jogja

1. The importance of education

Education is one of the important aspects in life.
Education is a series of learning processes that everyone must go through in order to
achieve a better life. Specialized in improving human resources. The lower the quality
of education will have an impact on the crisis of human resources.
With the development of this increasingly advanced era which also has an impact on
technological developments, human resources are also needed who are able to balance

and master existing technology.

Education is taken at an educational institution, ranging from Early Childhood
Education to Higher Education.
In education, we are not only equipped with subject matter and skills, but education
also instills values ​and ethics that are no less important in life.
Because even though we have high knowledge but it is not accompanied by good
ethics, then this is useless.

2. The reason why Jogja is choose as a place for education

Education is a very interesting topic to discuss.
One of them is education in the special city of Yogyakarta.
Jogja is a city that has an academic atmosphere that strongly supports academic
development and personal development. Where the city of Jogja is a big city that still
maintains its simplicity, starting from the calm and comfortable atmosphere of the city as
well as the friendly people with soft words. Not only that, Jogja is also rich in educational
resources, ranging from qualified teachers and lecturers, as well as adequate study centers.
From some of the factors above, Jogja is very suitable to be used as a place of choice to
demand education, especially for those who want to continue their education to the
tertiary level.

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