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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.

Founded 1993
Area E, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED; PACUCOA Level II Accredited
Call and/or Text: 0915 532 2643/ Telefax No: (044) 760 0301 / (044)760 0397


(Course Code & Description)
Date: MARCH 10, 2023

The title of the book/ article I have read is: THE COMPUTER FOR THE 21ST CENTURY

AUTHOR’S LOGIC: The author is conveying the message/idea of:

Example: “Green” branding of businesses has gone too far and no longer carries the same sort of impact it once did. Today, so many
people are concerned with the environment that many businesses try to represent themselves as being “green.” They want to have a
reputation for being environmentally conscious.
Specialized elements of hardware and software, connected by wires, radio waves and infrared, will be so ubiquitous that no
one will notice their presence. The most profound technologies are those that become part of the fabric of everyday life, such
as writing, street signs, billboards, shop signs, and graffiti. Silicon-based inlbrmation technology, such as personal computers,
remains largely in a world of its own, with complex jargon that has nothing to do with the tasks for which people use them.
This is analogous to the period when scribes had to know as much about making ink or baking clay as they did about writing.
The Xerox Palo Alto Research Center is trying to conceive a new way of thinking about computers, one that takes into account
the human world and allows the computers themselves to vanish into the background. This is a fundamental consequence of
human psychology, as when people learn something sufficiently well, they cease to be aware of it. Computer scientist Herbert
A. Simon calls this phenomenon "compiling", philosopher Michael Polanyi calls it the "tacit dimension", psychologist J. J.
Gibson calls it "visual invariants", philosophers Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger call it the "horizon" and the "ready-
tohand", and John Seely Brown of PARe calls it the “periphery”. This is because only when things disappear in this way are
we freed to use them without thinking and so to focus beyond them on new goals.

STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and how a particular set
of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and say no to
plastic bags.
The role of computer systems in society has dramatically evolved since the mid-20th century, with the invention of the
microprocessor in the 1970s leading to the rise of personal computing and the democratization of computer technology. The
internet in the 1990s further expanded the potential of computer systems, making them a means of communication,
entertainment, and commerce. Today, computer systems are ubiquitous and essential to almost every aspect of modern life.
From the massive, expensive, and limited machines of the past to the ubiquitous and powerful devices of today, computer
systems have transformed society in ways that were once unimaginable.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian Culture of
Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the marginalized to thrive
in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially
responsible graduates.
I can apply what I have learned from my reading by use it, and apply it to know the past of the computer and have kownledge
about it and improve my skills on computer system.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED; PACUCOA Level II Accredited
Call and/or Text: 0915 532 2643/ Telefax No: (044) 760 0301 / (044)760 0397


Student Professor/Instructor
(Course Code & Description)

Date: __ MARCH 10, 2023_________________________

I learned in our prayer that: will continue to be our source of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration,

My action today is to _ is a time to learn, grow, and prepare for your future career. By focusing on academics, getting
involved, networking, gaining practical experience, developing soft skills, and taking care of yourself, you can make the most
of your college experience and set yourself up for success in the future.

In our lessons for today, I have learned about:

1. Understanding the function of a computer and its functions can help you troubleshoot problems, upgrade
components, and optimize performance. Understanding the parts of a computer can help identify the cause of a
problem and narrow down the source of the problem. Upgrading can help you determine which components to
upgrade and how to install them properly.
2. Compatibility can help you choose compatible parts when building or upgrading a system. Performance can have a
significant impact on its performance, and communication can help you communicate more effectively with others
when discussing technical issues._
3. Understanding how a computer works can help you troubleshoot problems and make informed decisions when
upgrading or repairing it. It can lead to career opportunities, cost savings, better performance, and personal interest.
It can also be an enjoyable and intellectually stimulating hobby.
4. Studying software can provide a rewarding career path with a range of benefits and opportunities for growth and
5. Software professionals are in high demand due to the rise of technology and digitalization.
6. Studying software can lead to a variety of career opportunities, such as lucrative salaries, versatility, creativity,
flexibility, and continued learning.
7. Software development requires creativity and problem-solving skills, and can provide opportunities to work on
innovative projects. Many software professionals work remotely or have flexible schedules, providing a good work-life
8. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a broad term that refers to the use of technology to access,
process, and communicate information.
9. IT (Information Technology) is a subset of ICT that specifically focuses on the use of computers, software, and
networks to manage and process data.
10. Both ICT and IT are essential components of modern society, enabling individuals and businesses to communicate,
collaborate, and access information quickly and efficiently.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our activities.

VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique Gabrielian Culture of
Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly Individuals and reaching the marginalized to thrive
in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
_I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by applying what we learned in our subject to
improve our learning about computers because we use it in the future for ourselves and for our future work

Prepared by: Checked by:

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.
Founded 1993
Area E, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED; PACUCOA Level II Accredited
Call and/or Text: 0915 532 2643/ Telefax No: (044) 760 0301 / (044)760 0397

_ KHAILA C. MESA ___ __ _____MR. RAMON S. OSDAÑA____

Student Professor/ Instructor

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