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Joseph Mateo Cotamora

1. How Industrial Skills help build your Modern world.

It helps to develop skills while also making economic sense. Unskilled workers
face unemployment or must accept unstable low-wage jobs with little opportunity for
advancement. As a result, labor productivity falls and economic investment falls. The
private sector cannot thrive in the absence of a skilled workforce.
Skills development can aid structural transformation and economic growth by
increasing employability and labor productivity and assisting countries in becoming more
competitive. Investment in a high-quality workforce can start a virtuous circle in which
relevant and high-quality skills enable productivity growth and foreign direct investment,
which leads to more and better jobs for the current workforce and more public and
private investment in the education and training system. As a result, both the current and
future workforces' employability and productivity improve. Spending time on improving
your skills can help you achieve personal career goals such as earning a promotion or
becoming an expert on a certain topic. Skills are an important factor in achieving
success in the workplace. Whether you're a business owner or an employee, certain
competencies can help you positively impact an organization's efficiency, performance,
and productivity. Understanding these skills and how to hone them can help you qualify
for a variety of corporate positions. As daily routines become consumed by work,
family/friends, eat, sleep, and repeat, days dissolve into weeks and weeks into months.
There isn't much time left to work on personal and professional growth. However, staying
current in your field is now a must. Our world is constantly changing, thanks to evolving
innovation and technologies that carve out new trends in all industries. Maintaining your
knowledge will not only ensure your relevance in the role, but will also provide you with
opportunities for growth, experience, and a competitive advantage.
Use your professional/social networks. Networking is one of the most powerful
tools in keeping skills up-to-date and there are many avenues to rub elbows with those
who can offer greater awareness. Connect to peers and join professional associations.
Many members are well versed on industry trends, headways in technology or real-time
information. An incredible platform in keeping your knowledge current with access to
experts and industry players. Follow prominent business leaders and public figures as
well as companies to see what the competition is doing and gain in-depth insights.
LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook all provide mounds of content coupled with current
sources of news. Undertake refresher courses, the importance of technical skills or
building a repertoire of soft skills cannot be over-emphasized in our dynamic market.
Undertaking extra training will go a long way in keeping skills up-to-date and with so
many education options available, you will be surprised just how much there is out there
relevant to your industry. Many courses are available online or on a part-time basis to
suit time-poor individuals and often at a reasonable cost.
Maintaining your industry knowledge and learning new information is made
easier when you can get it from another experienced professional. A mentor does not
have to be someone you work with. It could be a close friend, tutor, or family member
with extensive industry knowledge. Seek their advice and guidance, and share and
debate your ideas. The ability to ask any question (including what you may consider a
silly question) is invaluable. Maintaining current knowledge is now an essential part of
the professional journey. With so many free resources at your disposal, you can take
advantage of the numerous ways to stay current on industry trends while also
developing your skill set. You will soon reap the benefits and establish yourself apart
from those who haven’t made it a priority.
2. The effect of pandemic (CoVid-29) as an Industrial Technology student
Many countries are implementing measures to reduce large crowd gatherings in
order to contain the virus. Our schools are not immune to these actions or the virus's
spread. Many countries have now implemented measures in their education systems,
ranging from the prohibition of public gatherings to the temporary closure of schools.
More than 180 million schoolchildren are staying home in China, the virus's epicenter.
However, even though schools are temporarily closed for quarantine, education
continues. It's just that it's a different type of instruction. Students are being educated
remotely through the use of technology. This is accomplished through the use of a
variety of online courses and electronic textbooks.
Almost all countries in Europe and Central Asia have ordered their primary and
secondary school systems to close completely or partially in order to prevent the spread
of a virus among students and the general public. A massive effort is underway in China
to ensure that children continue to learn. Technology appears to be the solution. We
won't know how effective this is until the crisis is over, but it appears to be a good use of
children's time. Home schooling could be an option, but it is not widely used outside of
the United States. We have a diverse set of countries in Europe and Central Asia with
varying levels of income and development. The spread, use, and availability of
technology is critical, as is the availability of online learning materials, devices, and
home internet connectivity. At the same time, another critical question is whether
students can benefit from technology at home. We clearly have an equity problem here.
While students from well-off families can afford computers and multiple devices,
students from low-income families can only afford basic devices and are unlikely to have
access to the internet at home.
Being a product of an Industrial Technology student, technology provides
students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to
practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their
understanding of difficult concepts. How this technology affects me as a students is that
it helps me to decrease absenteeism, lower dropout rates, and motivate more students
to continue on to college. I think…base on my own experience, students who regularly
use technology take more pride in their work, have greater confidence in their abilities,
and develop higher levels of self-esteem. Done right, this academic exposure to
technology deepens understanding because learners internalize concepts while
acquiring authentic skills. Most notably, technology engages students in simulated
experiences and encourages them to practice collaborative decision-making skills.
However technology has a negative side effects to a students it has proven that it
could change education negatively through four paths: deteriorating students'
competences of reading and writing, dehumanizing educational environments, distorting
social interactions between teachers and students and isolating individuals when using
technology. But technology in education enables children to adjust to their own pace of
learning. Students who need extra time can spend more time going over exercises until
they understand, whilst students who need less support can continue ahead. It also
frees up the teacher to help kids who need more support on an individual level.

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