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AP Stat Test Cheat Sheet

by PrincessB3ll3 via

Five Number Summary Shape Coeffi​cents

R2 (Coeff​icient of determ​ina​tion):
represents the percentage of the change in

Minimum, Q1, Median, Q3, Maximum the y-variable that can be attributed to its
relati​onship with the x-variable

IQR and Outliers Ex: r-squared for the regression between x

Density Curves and y is .73, we can say that x accounts for
IQR: Q3-Q1
-Always on or above x-axis 73% of the variation in y
Low Outlier: (Q1)(1.5 IQR)
-Area = 1 R (Corre​lation coeffi​cient): strength of linear
High Outlier: (Q3)(1.5 IQR) -Has mean and median line on scale of -1≤0≤1
-Infinite tails
Boxplot -1: perfectly linear (negative slope)
-Singular point has NO AREA
0: literally sucks
Median: equal areas point (point that 1: perfectly linear (positive slope)
divides curve in half)
Mean: balance point (where curve would Correl​ation
balance if solid)
X and Y variable assignment doesn't matter
Symmetric curve: Mean = Median
Quanti​tative values only
Histograms "​Des​cribe the relati​ons​hip​" (Scatter plot) Non-re​sistant (affected by outliers)
Regular: equal spacing, used to determine Direction: +/- or neither (analyzed from L to
shape Mini Tab!
Relative: divide # by n to get % Form: linear or not
Cumula​tive: ≤, last bar = n, never for shape Strength: how correlated (see below)
Cumula​tive: percentage based, 50% is
Very strong: 100-91
Strong: 90-85
relative location= (# of values below)/n Moderately strong: 84-75
Moderately weak: 74-70 Scatte​rplot Vocab
Transf​orm​ations Weak: 70 and below
X-vari​able: explan​ato​ry/​ind​epe​ndent
Linear: affects center not spread variable (cause)
Residual Plots
Adds to sample mean (x), M, Q1, Q3, IQR Y-vari​able: respon​se/​dep​endent variable
Exhibits random​ness, then a line is a good
Multip​lic​ation: affects center and spread (effect)
model for the data
Multiplies to mean (x), M, Q1, Q3, IQR, and Extrap​ola​tion: predicting outcome outside of
Exhibits a pattern, then a line is NOT a good
sigma the domain
model for the data
Interp​ola​tion: predicting inside the domain
"​Des​cribe the distri​but​ion​" [lowest X, highest X]
Center: Mean or median
Spread; Standard deviation, IQR or range
Shape: Symmetric or skewed

By PrincessB3ll3 Not published yet. Sponsored by

Last updated 17th May, 2020. Measure your website readability!
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AP Stat Test Cheat Sheet
by PrincessB3ll3 via

Sampling Methods Principles of Experi​mental Design (cont) Binomials

Simple random sample (SRS): every group Replic​ation: Use enough experi​mental units 1. Each observ​ation falls into one of just two
of objects has equal probab​ility of being in each group so that any differ​ences in the categories –“success” or “failure”
selected effects of the treatments can be distin​‐ 2. The procedure has a fixed number of
Ex: Hat method, calc, table of random guished from chance differ​ences between trials – (n)
digits* the groups
3. The observ​ations must be indepe​ndent –
Stratified random sample: sample from each Completely random​ized: result of one does not affect another
subgroup (good for compar​ison) -The treatments are assigned to all the
4. The probab​ility of success (p) remains
experi​mental units completely by chance
Cluster sample: pick a few subgroups to the same for each observ​ation
-Control group: that receives an inactive
sample and sample entire subgroup
treatment or an existing baseline treatment
Systematic Random Sampling: select a Geometric
-Placebo effect: response to a dummy
sample using a system (like every 3rd) (1-3 same as binomial)
*ignore number if not in sample, skip if -Doubl​e-blind experi​ment: neither the 4. The variable of interest is the number of
repeat subjects nor those who interact with them trials required to obtain the first success*
and measure the response variable know *Geometric is also called a “waiti​ng-​time”
Bad Sampling which treatment a subject received distri​bution
Voluntary response: incomplete data
(extremes) Experi​mental Design Error
Conven​ience: chooses easiest indivi​duals to Type I: Rejecting the Ho when it is actually
reach true (a false positive); probab​ility = alpha
Under-​cov​erage: people aren't reached or Type II: Accepting the Ho when it is actually
accessible false (a false negative)

Bad surveying Matched pairs: Central Limit Theorem

-Rando​mized blocked experiment in which
Non-re​sponse: not providing data or talking
each block consists of a matching pair of
to you
similar experi​mental units
Response: lying
-Chance is used to determine which unit in
Poor wording: leans toward bias answer each pair gets each treatment

Principles of Experi​mental Design Law of Large Numbers

Compar​ison: Use design that compares two As n becomes large the sample mean
or more treatments approaches the population mean As n becomes very large the sampling
Random Assign​ment: Use chance to assign distri​bution for sample mean (x bar) is
experi​mental units to treatments (balances approx​imately normal
effects of other variables) (n≥30)

Control: Keep other variables that might

affect the response the same for all groups

By PrincessB3ll3 Not published yet. Sponsored by

Last updated 17th May, 2020. Measure your website readability!
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