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Activity #2

Vivian Julieth Quintero Castro



Course Ingles II

Group number



Liliana Lozano Zapata


Administracion de Empresas


September 2022
Step 1: Reading comprehension exercise.
Sentence that represents the main idea of the text.
Most UK universities are part of the top ranked institutions in the world

Thesis of the text and supporting examples that sustenance

The UK is home to world-renowned universities and universities with
excellent records of achievement. 29 UK higher education institutions
currently rank in the global top 200, with four out of the top ten. As well as
its first-class academic reputation, the UK offers international students the
opportunity to study in English and experience the cultural and historical
sites that the UK is famous for.

Explanation of the meaning of the phrase “Top-ranked”

As the name suggests, university rankings position universities in tables to
allow easy comparison.
UK universities are among the top ranked institutions in the world.

Inference from lines 11 and 12 when the text says “Finally, it is

important to hightlight that living in the UK is probably one of the
most multi-cultural experiences one can ever have, and
universities are no exception”.
Being an international student in a multicultural, diverse and exciting country
opens many doors for you when it comes to choosing your career, as well as
giving you the opportunity to explore beautiful landscapes, visit historic castles
and churches and enjoy the culture in this incredible place.
Comparison between the UK universities with Colombia
• Facilities to access education.
• Ease of carrying out immigration procedures and obtaining a visa Offer of
specialized programs
Screenshot of your participation in the collaborative forum.
Step 2: Writing an email about your professional experience.
Letter showing your professional experience using Infinitives and

By: Vivian Julieth Quintero

To: Carolina Martinez.
Subject: Presentation of professional profile Vivian Julieth Quintero
Dear Mrs. Carolina Martinez.

I hereby write to you to express my gratitude for your interest in making me part of such
an excellent company.

Academic Profile: Business Administration

My name is Vivian Julieth Quintero, I live in the city of Palmira Valle, I am a technologist
in agricultural business administration graduated from SENA, and I am currently studying
9 semesters of business administration at the National Open and Distance University.
Work experience
My work experience for 8 years has been in the financial area and customer service. I
currently work for the company Group Coomeva in the financial area where I perform
very well.
I am very interested in listening to the job offer and I know that with my academic
training and experience I think I meet the specific requirements to perform this job.
I will be very pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate my skills in your company,
so I confirm my attendance for Thursday.
Waiting for your news, yours sincerely,
Vivian Julieth Quintero

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