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*"* WhenJenny was 12, she wrote a list of
things she wanted to do.Jenny is now 75. Write
"''"'li' sentences about what she has and hasn't doJ'le.
*" Find twelve past participles in the word Use the present perfect form of the verbs.
search. Use the irregular verb list on page 133
to help you.
0 write a book /
1 see the Himalaya mountains /
R D SLEPTSF 2 fly in a hot air balloon X
T o WSLEEPL 3 meet the president X
A N UVUMSOE 4 sleep under the stars /
5 swim to France X
6 win a tennis tournament )(
E iBi

WRITTEN 7 with no shoes | /


ri go for a walk in the snow -




t 1

o I
o buy 6 sleep 5

1do 7 speak 6

2fly I swim 7

3go 9 take
:ii: l':'i.r;"
;' l'..'rl

4 meet 10 ii1 .1:;1..::i:, : :::i'.."::':': r:'

5 see 11 write 4 *'* Match the pictures and the sentences.

&& Complete the sentences. Use the past

participles from Exercise 1.
0 I have never n
r'.,' ,,i. i_r, in a plane.
1 My brother has to a lot of football
matches this year.
I don't want to watch that film - l've it
five times!
l'm having a great holiday. l've
hundreds of photographs !

He's really tired because he's fiftv

emails today.
Th"y haven't got any money left because they've
so many things.
My dad's really happy because he's
0 He's been to China.

com petition. 1 He's gone to China.

The teacher's angry with us because we haven't 2 They've been to the supermarket.
our homework. 3 They've gone to the supermarket.

, i it ..,,ri,,,i' i , i i: ii --.,' I .'

e # *, Complete the email. Use the present

perfect or past simple form of the verbs in
* & Put the words in order to brackets.
and answers.
0 A you / ever I a I won / Have / competition ttx
l-/rat-r:-y#f4 f il/fiy' i&tilk7 r4 g:1rm/l*f,e **rr+ ?
Hi Mark,
B never / l've / No, / anything / won
Sdcrn { 'rt{ r!-'?}': t{,r6?}4 ot ttyf & Jurjf Sorry I 0 j";t*u'e,$'?'f r.*'p'tdd.f-e"t (write) to you recently -
the thing is, I 1
14 "

(be) really busy in

1A been / Has / New York / to I ever I she
June and July!
Anyway, l've got news for you. TWo great things
B n"r", i tn" USA / ,h"', / to / been / No, (happen) to me.
*' rrst b s new' *,ffi'r3}[?f}jt
2 A you / eaten / ever I Have / food /Japanese ?o rny rriend,s
house and I a (meet) a really nice
girl called Joanna. We s (talk) the
B restaurant / been I never / No, /Japanese I l've I
whole evening and we 6 (get) on
to/a together really well.

So that's good, eh? Only there's a problem, because at

3 A ever i.n"y / ; ; heticopi", I H.;; / flown the end of the evening she (ask)
me to go ice-skating with her. Of course I

B never rfil; ;;,'ve tin a helicopt", o,. ; 9
(say) yes! But I

(never/try) ice-skating before,

plane / No,
Should I go? don't want to iook stupid, you know?

The other big news rs - my parents

4 A your parents / Have / ever / angry with you / been 10
(buy) a house! l'm a bit sad
because I 11 (live) in this flat all
B they've / angry I with me / lots of times lYes, I my life so far. But the new house is great - it's got four
been bedrooms so my brcther and I can each have a room, I

(never/have) my own bedroom
before! I hope you can come and stay some time.
OK, I have to go now. Write soon, CK?
Best, Andy
*& Complete the conversations. Use the
present perfect or past simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
1A Let's go and eat some lndian food.
B But I 0 'v'# r.r {u't{ {.*{r:*"x (never/eat) lndian food.
A No, you're wrong! You +*"_.:fl;
Jrsq *iFi EFF
$ d
F{t ,i ;+"".," h
fi..$t."*t*'* $ i
S '-*".* d

(eat) lndian food at my house last week.

B Really? Oh yes - you 2
(make) a cu rryl I remember now. We use neverwhen we want to say'at no time in
2 A My parents 3
(travel) to lots (mylyour/his, etc.) life'and we use everwhen we
of places round the world. want to say 'at any time in (my/your/his, etc.) life'.
B (they/visit) China? / l've seen 'War Horse'. lt's the besf frlm l've ever seen.

A Oh, /€s, they (go) to X l've seen 'War Horse'. lt's the best film l've never seen.
B"Uing two years ago. Th"y Remember, we don't use notand nevertogether.
6 (love) it there.
(ql1gp the correct adverb.
They're Iucky .17 (always/
want) to go to China, but I I 1 Lindsay was the best friend l've never I ever had.
(never/have) the chance. 2 l've never I ever been to London, but I hope to next
3 l'm nervous about flying because l've never I everdone
it before.
4 I'm wearing my new shoes. They're the best shoes l've
$*rct*ffiflffi $t*"ffis$ never I ever had.
Go to page 122. I have never I evervisited Paris.


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