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Module 2: Goal-setting

“What gets measured gets​ done.”-unknown source

Please finish the module ​before​ answering the questions below. Use the first person.


Goals are essential to motivational success, because they actually lead you somewhere. If
you don’t know where you want to go, how can you get there?

They also provide happy-drug experiences in your brain from simply being tracked. I.e. you
don’t need to finish a goal before the brain rewards you for it. Simply tracking the progress
towards your big goals, as outlined in the module, yield chemical rewards.

What are your outcome goals?

Also known as your ultimate goals or dreams for the language(s) you’re studying

Here are some examples:

● To speak French fluently

● To pass the B1 exam
● Having a 1 hour conversation with my friend without breaks
● Reading Harry Potter at a reasonable pace

Note: As outcome goals are a bit like dreams you can add as many as you like, we’ll narrow
them down a bit in the next section.










From the list above, pick up to 3 of your most important outcome goals and write them here
in the order of importance to you.




Note: It’s perfectly possible to have more outcome goals, but as focus is a really important
factor it’s important to prioritise.

It’s also best if your outcome goals are about the same language, as learning multiple
languages at once can add unnecessary challenge to your life. I’m personally a big fan of
sequential language learning rather than simultaneous learning.

What are your process goals?

In other words, which daily activities and processes will you do to achieve the 3 outcome
goals above?

​ Don’t forget the SMART criteria for making better goals. Specific, Measurable, Actionable.
Relevant, Time-bound. Try to set your goals on the easier side to increase the chance of
you doing them. Once you’ve started you can keep going for longer than your goal.

- 15 minutes of flashcards when I wake up
- 5 pages in Assimil Russian when I’m eating my breakfast
- 1 Tutoring Lesson on Italki when i come home from work
- 1 Pimsleur Lessons before bed





Bonus Question Formula
For each goal you can think of the following questions:

1. What’s the outcome goal?

2. When do I want it done by? (=deadline)
3. What are the obstacles against achieving your goals?
4. What people, organisations, groups, and tools will help me achieve it?
5. What are the action steps towards completing it (=process goals)
6. What will it mean to me when I’ve achieved it?

Here’s some space to write it all down. You don’t have to do this, as we already worked on it
on the previous page but it helps to do, for sure. Make a copy for each language or outcome
goal you want to achieve.















Bonus: Printable Goal Tracking Page
Print the below page and use it to track up to 4 process goals per day.

Month _____________

Mon ____ Tue ____ Wed ____ Thurs ___ Fri ____ Sat ____ Sun ____

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Mon ____ Tue ____ Wed ____ Thurs ___ Fri ____ Sat ____ Sun ____

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For tracking your goals digitally I would recommend a spreadsheet (Google Drive) or one of
the many softwares and apps out there. Simpler is generally better!

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