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HJ.Eysenck's M.P.I.

Name______________________________________ Sex________ Age:__________ Date.

Occupation________________Monthly Incometstwlonu should mention putty's income)______


Here are some questions regarding the way you feel and act. There are no right or wroitg answers
because different people react in different manners for the.same kind ofexperience. Therefore, What you
feel right is the most appropriate answer for you. For example;

Do you like to indulge in gossip? Yes O ?D No 0

As you can see that every question has three possible answers; "Yes" "7" , and "No" .You
have to decide whether "Yes” or “No" represents your usual way of acting or feeling, then put a (X) mark
in the beet right next to "Yes" or "No". If you find it absolutely impossible to decide, put a (X) mark in the
box next .to "?". But do not use this answer very frequently. Work quietly and do not spend too much time
over any question. Give the first natural answer as it comes to you. Of course, the questions are too short
to give you all the particulars you would sometime litre to have, even then give the best,possible answer.
Be sure not to skip anything, and answer every question, somehow. You should finish the entire
questionnaire in not more than fifteen minutes. Therefore, work quickly and remember to answer ever)’

I. Are you.happiest when you get Involved in some project that calls Tor


rapid action?.____________ _______________________ _______ __.___ ______;„._YesQ


Z Do you sometimes feel happy, sometimes depressed without any apparent


3. Does your mind often wander while you are Dying to concentrate on
some topic?..,—„._™............ .................. .................... ,........ ...... ........... .......................... .

zo zo oz cz oz oz oz oz oz oz

4. Doyouususally take the iniu'ativeinmaldngnewfriends?--------------- ______ __ ______ Yes O

5. Arcyou quick and surein youractions?- —„—...-------..------------------ --------- --- ....Yes Q
& Are you frequently lost in thoughts even when you arc conversing?____ ...........—-Ycs O

7. Arc you sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish?.....__ ,.„.Ycs □
& Wouldyourate yourselfas a lively individual?.............. .... ............. ...............................YesO

9. Would you be unhappy if you were prevented from making social contacts?..™;____ Yes □
1ft Do you have frequent ups and downs in yourmood?......... ....................... .... „................. YesQ

II. Does your behaviour keeps changing without any apparent cause?------------------------ Yes O
1Z Doyoupreferacliontopiarming foraction?™tHHntuiwiHinti MM»<M<H>UMiiu»»iwiun»»»Htu(i •YesO

Total of Short Scale: - N E

r (2) ,
13. Are your day dreams frequently about things that can never come true?.—i—.......—YesQ

□□□□□□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
14. Arc you inclined to keep in the background on social occasions?^..------ ...------—------- Yes □

15. Are you inclined toponderover your past?............ -........ ........... —........... ............. ..............-YesQ
l& DoyoufinditdiflfcuUfomixwithpeopieevenaiaiiirelypany?-------------------------- ----------Yes£]

17. Do you ever Teel 'just miserable” for not any good reason at all?. .—YesQ
18. Areyou inclined tobeoverconcibus?.------- ------------ .YesQ
19. Do you often feel that you have made up your mind loo late do
something?___ ------------------ ---------------------------- —---------------------------------- ------------YesQ

20t Doyou like tomix socially with people?------------------------------- -—.——------- -------------- ...YesQ

21. Have you often lost sleep ovfir your worries?..-------- ------ ....YesQ
22 Areyoulnclinedlolimityouracquiantancetoaselectcdfcw?_________ .....---------------—Yes Q
23. Areyouoftco troubled by fcclingof sin orgulit?...... .—......... .......... ........---------- ;----------- -YesQ

24. Dayouoftendoyourworkwholp-heartcdly (sincerely)?...—.......... .................... -..—YesQ
25. DoyoufeclrathcrhurtvcryeasiUy? —YesQ
2l DoyouiikelohavemanysocialcngagemeMs? — —— — ______ YesQ

27. Would you rate yourself as a tense or highly strung individual?..——— ----- —------ —Yes Q
28. Doyou generally prefer to take the leadership inagroup?..---------- ------- -——YesQ
29. Doyou often experience periodsof loneliness?..——————«— --------—-------- YesQ
301 Areyou inclined to be shy in the presence of the opposite sc*?....—____ YesQ
31. Doyouliketoindulgeinarevcricfday-dreaming)? YesQ
32 Do you always have a “ready answer" for remarks directed to you? ..._____________.YesQ
33. Do you spend much time in thinking over good times you had in the past? —_______.Yes Q
34. Would you rateyouiselfasahappy-go-lucky individual?.------ --------- ----- ———YesQ
35. Have you often felt listless and tired for no good reason?.._____________ —........ —............ Yes Q
36. Areyou inclined to keep quiet when out ina social group?..—................ ——.Yes Q
37. After critical moment is over, do you usually think of something you should S 3 ? S-S S ? S S S ? 3
havedonebut failed to do?.________ ——______ ______ —___——.........—...... .........YesQ
□ □□□□□□□□□'□□

38. Can you usually let yourself go and have a hilariously good time at a picnic?_____ ____-.YesQ

39. Doideasiuninyourmindihatyoucannotsleep? .YesQ

40. Do you like work that requires considcrabieattention?—________—........——YesQ
41. Have you ever been bothered by. useless thought repeatedly?——......... -............... —.YesQ
42 Doyouoftcn take your workcasualiy?.—................... ..........—.— -------YesQ
43. Arc you touchyon various subjects?________ —_______ —__________ —______ _____ ___ YesQ

44. Do other peopleregard you as a lively person?..... ...... ...__________________________ ____.YesQ


45. Areyouoftcn disappointed andsad?WMwriMtnmtmwmwiHMntMiwnMitHwMwWwnnirtMMWwmn—YesQ

46. Wouldyourateyourselfasalalkativeindividual?-...----------:------- —— ______ ..—YesQ -
•O x®

47. Do you ever feel restlessness that you can not sit on a chair fora long time?——„ Yes Q
48. Doyou liketopiaypranksonothers?tKnuuMMHumrmmtnnnMHiuniitNIMunrHMirtuiuUMuaiHaM.YesQ

Total of Long N B
or Full Scale

Raw Scores *

Standard Scores


1 2 1 0
2 2 1 0
4 2 1 0
3 2 1 0
5 2 1 0
6 2 1 0
8 2 1 0
7 2 1 0
9 2 1 0
10 2 1 0
12 2 1 0
11 2 1 0
14 0 1 2
13 2 1 0
16 0 1 2
15 2 1 0
18 0 1 2
17 2 1 0
20 2 1 0
19 2 1 0
22 0 1 2
21 2 1 0
24 0 1 2
23 2 1 0
26 2 1 0
25 2 1 0
28 2 1 0
27 2 1 0
30 0 1 2
29 2 1 0
32 2 1 0
31 2 1 0
34 2 1 0
33 2 1 0
36 0 1 2
35 2 1 0
38 2 1 0
37 2 1 0
40 0 1 2
39 2 1 0
42 2 1 0
41 2 1 0
44 2 1 0
43 2 1 0
46 2 1 0
45 2 1 0
48 2 1 0
47 2 1 0

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