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Post-Test (Formative Assessment)


Direction: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the topic. As much
as possible, as you answer, use your own words and never ever copy paste answer from the net or from
the discussion. Each item has equivalent of five points.

1. Explain the role of language in communication.

For me role of language communicationit is help people to develop, shape perceprtion, share
interception, share expectation to develop, shape perception, share interpretation, share
expectations and share expressions and also feelings and emotions.

2. How is human communication different from any other communication such as animal
Based on my opinion Human language improves by Inteligence example, allows speakers to express
thoughts in sentence comprimising subject verbs and objects, while Animal language focuses in

3. Among the model of communication presented in the lesson, choose one and explain its significance
in human communication.
Shannon and weaver model, This is the most popular model of communication, shennon and
weaver model simply proposes that a massage actually orignates from the person who gets
the thought or has the information.

4. Explain the importance of feedback in communication.

Feedback is essential in communication so as to know whether the recipient has understand the
message in the same terms as intended by the sender and whether he Agrees to that messages or

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