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Farewell Day

A memorable experience that happened last year in my life was on my school graduation day.
A few days before my school farewell date I was still out of town in Surabaya. I go to the city of
Samarinda five days before the farewell day was held. When i am in Samarinda I looked for a
farewell dress and preparing anything. When I came home no one knew besides my family. One of
the cute moments when I gave a surprise to my boy friend who I really love, I said to him that I will
not present the school farewell day, but when there was a rehearsal that was the day before the
event, I surprised him by sitting right next to him, he was very surprised and happy by seeing me in
front of him. After that we go out and he took me home that day we were really happy because
because we really miss each other. The next day at the day, I got ready from early in the morning,
put on make up and leave early. I was present with my mother, that smile was so pretty with her
dress and makeup that perfected it. When I got there I felt various feelings of joy, sadness, I felt
emotion all of them. I give warm hugs and tears to all my best friends. We captured the moment and
danced crazy on our last day. My mother was watching me from afar while take some picture of me,
so I also feel very loved by my mother. My mother came home first and I was entrusted with my boy
friend who said I was more beautiful in the dress I was wearing than all his female friends. After the
show was over, I went with him to the cinema in our party dress and shirt, it was really cute. After
watching and spending time together, he took me home with a smile that was very attached to both
of us. It was a true memorable experience that I can still feel to this day.

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