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Health &

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1. Career

. I would like to start preparing my resume for work

. I would like to look at the areas I am good in and those I am not so good at.

2. Relationships

. Build and develop stable relationship with my family members

3. Personal Development

. Read more academic books

. Avoid unnecessary distractions

4. Finances
. Cut down on buying unnecessary things
. Plan a budget and only buy stuff that are seen as necessary

5. Fun & Recreation

. Go outside and hang out with people

6. Physical Environment
. Clean my space twice a week.
. create a roster of duties to do each week.

7. Health & Fitness

. work out twice a week
. Drink plenty of water

8. Spirituality
. Do daily prayers and read my bible

9. Charity/Contribution
. Donate things that are not in use to charity

10. Education

. Focus on my studies
. Avoid unnecessary distractions

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I ranked fun and recreation at level 9 because

I feel that this is the area that I am the best
at. I usually develop very healthy and
outgoing relationships with family and
friends. The goals that I chose for Fun and
recreation was to continue to go and hang
out with other friends and family members
instead of just staying by myself doing other
things. Planning hangouts and meetups can
help and improve my social skills

I can connect Fun and recreation to

relationships because both are connected in
the sense that they help you develop
personal relationships. I want to work on my
relationships with my family members so I
can become more close to them and develop
a stable relationship.

My lowest level was health and fitness. I

usually don’t take care of my health very well
and it has affected me and made me develop
sickness and health issues. I want to improve
my health life and start to do things in a
healthy way and live a healthy life so that I
can begin to feel more energized and
motivated. I also want to improve in the area
of charity giving and be more giving to those
who are in need.

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