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Laclede County Treatment Court

celebrates first class of graduates

factor was Gov. Par-
STEVE SMITH son’s decision to not
build any more prisons.
The first participants
“So I thought, we’re
of the Laclede County
going to have to do
Treatment Court grad-
something different,”
uated Thursday night.
he said.  He said they
They received
decided to “just jump
plaques with a state-
in and start doing it.”
m e n t t h a t re l a t e d t o
“These were our
their achievement:
first three, I told them
“I’m not telling you
many times they’re our
it’s going to be easy; I’m
guinea pigs and I val-
telling you it’s going to
ue their feedback, and
be worth it.”
they weren’t bashful,
T h e g r a d u a t e s a re
they let us know when
Jordan Waterman, Josh-
stuff was working and
ua Blain and Stacy Dis-
when it wasn’t work-
ing. So future partici-
The court prepares
pants in our program
people for dealing with
are going to be much
life without addiction
better served because
and meeting its chal-
of them.” 
l e n g e s , a c c o rd i n g t o
Treatment courts di-
Judge Larry Winfrey,
vert offenders from in-
associate circuit court
carceration in prisons
judge for the 26th Cir-
and allow offenders to
cuit Court.
remain in the commu- LCR Photo/Steve Smith
“These three have The first Laclede County Treatment Court graduates are, from the left, Jordan Waterman, Stacy Dismang
nity, to work, pay taxes
risen to that challenge and Joshua Blain.
and support their fam-
in a dramatic and re-
ilies. The participants him to live.” he said. ney and prosecuting
markable way,” he said.
are asked to commit to Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n attorney-elect said she
Winfrey said he was
checkups, drug tests is also an obstacle. Local initially wasn’t interest-
not a proponent of
and meetings with pro- sponsors have helped ed in treatment court.
treatment court at first.
bation officers. in both these areas. “Before we got start-
At Thursday night’s
Winfrey said this role Team members talk- ed I drug my feet, I 
g r a d u a t i o n , Wi n f re y
in treatment court is ed about their work w a s n ’ t i n t e re s t e d i n
said his mind changed
different from the tra- with the court. hand holding peo-
a f t e r t h e l e g i s l a t u re
ditional court system. Wi n f re y c re d i t - ple and helping them
and Supreme Court
“My role is different, ed Lebanon Police through life,” she said. 
started changing the
in treatment court I’m Chief Bryan Arnold as She said she now
judge’s authority on
here to support you, one  team member who cares deeply about
bond conditions.
I’m not going to judge helped break down the the people going
“What we would
you,” he said. barriers between the through the program.
typically do is have pre-
Winfrey said the pro- participants and law “I look back at their
trial supervision where
gram was challenging enforcement. journeys and they are
they were tested, given
especially in a rural “He goes over and so incredible.” she said.
treatment and I thought
area. above, whatever the She said all the team
that was an effective, LCR Photo/Steve Smith
“When folks get out need is, he tries to meet members work hard to
appropriate thing,” he Pictured are speakers at the graduation, State Repre-
of prison and they’ve it, Winfrey said. ensure the participants
said.  sentative Jeff Knight (left) and Judge Larry Winfrey (right).
been incarcerated for a Arnold said he was are successful.
He said that authori-
lengthy period of time, proud of the graduates State Rep. Jeff Knight vantage of this oppor- they were looking for-
ty was taken away and
w h e re d o t h e y l i v e ? and praised their cour- also spoke in the pro- tunity,” he said. ward to the future.
now people arrested for
We have one right now age “in putting your gram and addressed the The three graduates More information
offenses get a summons
that’s been accepted lives back together.”  graduates. commented on their about treatment courts
to appear in court.
into treatment court but Amy Folson, assis- “Thanks for having struggles in completing can be found at mo-
He said the other
we can’t find a place for tant prosecuting attor- me here and take ad- the program and said


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