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research outcomes

research methods

theoretical literature type of literature Focus

practical or applied literature



Conflict Resolution Integration

Bridging disparate bodies of literature Goal


Identification of central issues

Advocacy of a position
Cooper's taxonomy
Comprehensive or Exhaustive

Comprehensive with selected citation


Central or Pivotal

Historical or Chronological
provides foundation for the research
Organization Part of Larger Project based on what has been done
Conceptual or Thematic

pointing out gaps

Audience / Readership
integrate the literature in such a way highlighting central or unresolved issues
Freestanding as to produce 'new frameworks and
Type of articles accepted
perspectives on the topic' bridging related or disparate areas

Specialized Potential Journals Audience

Scholarly provide new perspectives on the topic

Chart for Research &
Practitioners or Policymakers Theoretical Lit. Reviews
Review and Analysis
Organized around and related
Organized Scoring Rubric
directly to the thesis or research
question being developed
1. What is the specific thesis,
Synthesize results into a summary of Synthesize problem, or research question
what is and is not known that my literature review helps
to define?
Identify areas of controversy in the Identify
2. What type of literature review am I
conducting? Am I looking at issues of
Formulate questions that need Formulate Qs theory? methodology? policy?
further research quantitative research? qualitative
1. Has the author formulated a
problem / issue? 3. What is the scope of my literature
review? What types of publications
2. Is it clearly defined? Is its am I using? What discipline am I
significance (scope, severity,
Literature Review working in?
relevance) clearly established?
4. How good was my information
3. Could the problem have been seeking? Has my search been wide
approached more effectively from Questions to ask when enough to ensure I've found all the
another perspective? relevant material? Has it been narrow
writing enough to exclude irrelevant
4. What is the author's research material? Is the number of sources
orientation (interpretive, critical I've used appropriate for the length of
science, combination)? my paper?

5. What is the author's theoretical 5. Have I critically analysed the

framework (psychological, literature I use? Do I follow through a
developmental, feminist)? set of concepts and questions,
comparing items of each other in the
6. What is the relationship between ways they deal with them? Instead of
the theoretical and research just listing and summarizing items, do
perspectives? I assess them, discussing stregths
and weaknesses?
7. Has the author evaluated the
literature relevant to the problem / 6. Have I cited and discussed studies
issue? Does the author include contrary to my perspective?
literature taking positions she or he
does not agree with? 7. Will the reader find my literature
review relevant, appropriate, and
8. In a research study, how good are useful?
the basic components of the study
design (population, intervention, Qs for Critiquing
outcome)? How accurate and valid
are the measurements? Is the
analysis of the data accurate and
relevant to the research question?
Are the conclusions validly based
upon the data and analysis?

9. In material written for a popular

readership, does the author use
appeals to emotion, one-sided
examples, or rhetorically charged
language and tone? Is there an
objective basis to the reasoning, or is
the author merely 'proving' what he
or she already believes?

10. How does the author structure

the argument? Can you 'deconstruct'
the flow of the argument to see
whether or where it breaks down

11. In what ways does this book or

article contribut to our understanding
of the problem under study, and in
what ways is it useful for practice?
What are the strengths and

12. How does this book or article

relate to the specific thesis or
question I am developing?
/Literature Review/Types

Imel, S. (2011). Writing a literature review. In Rocco, T. S., & Hatcher, T. (Eds.), The Handbook Of
Scholarly Writing and Publishing. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

/Literature Review/Review and Analysis/Chart for Research & Theore...

Imel, S. (2011).

/Literature Review/Review and Analysis/Scoring Rubric

Boote, D. N., & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation
literature review in research preparation. Educational Researcher, 34(6), 3 -15. doi:

/Literature Review/Questions to ask when writing

Taylor, D. Univ. of Toronto.

/Literature Review/Qs for Critiquing

Taylor, D. Univ. of Toronto

/Literature Review/Requirements

Taylor, D. The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It, Retrieved from
Retrieved on 8/28/2012

/Literature Review/Cooper's taxonomy

Cooper, H .(2003). Editorial. Psychological Bulletin, 129(1), 3 -9. doi: 10.1037/0033 -2009.129.1.3

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