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General Assembly Committee and The Security Council

South Africa by Logan Harte

The General Assembly and The Security Council,

Stressing the importance The U.N has in deciding which refugees needs the most help,

Acknowledges that Afghanistan refugees need to be helped,

Proclaims the importance of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security
Council responsive attitude towards Afghanistan and their refugee crisis, but
acknowledges the limitations of South Africa to provide resettlement of refugees.

Keeping in mind that South Africa has its own problem right now,

Considers that even with money help it would be difficult for south africa to deal with
refugees right now,

Recognizing that South Africa cannot support anymore people even for a short amount
of time.

1. Requests that refugees be sent to countries with more wealth instead of south

2. Calls upon the countries with more wealth and stability to help afghanistan
refugees in need.

3. Recommends that if the countries with more wealth should not take the refugees
that they are sent to and stay in the first country they find resettlement in

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