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The General Assembly

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russian Federation, Iran, Brazil, France


The General Assembly,

Asserting that the most important thing is to immediately unfreeze Afghanistan’s assets,

Recognizing that there may be issues with other countries/delegates trusting Afghanistan to function on
its own,

Emphasizing that once Afghanistan is granted sovereignty and assets it will be able to accomplish the
aims and hopes of the United Nations more effectively,

Aware that the United Nations is gravely concerned about the state of womens’ rights in Afghanistan,

Having considered that bringing refugees back into Afghanistan will be beneficial to the economy,

1. Proclaims that Afghanistan’s assets should be unfrozen without delay by their holders,

2. Emphasizes that Afghanistan will not budge on its opinions about the unfreezing of assets

3. Affirms that once Afghanistan’s assets are unfrozen, it will commit to accomplish the following:
a. Put effort into furthering womens’ rights
b. Address any concerns with physical and mental health pointed out by the United Nations
c. Further Afghanistan as a country
d. Grant humanitarian visas to all refugees who require them
e. Educate women in their homes
f. Offer books in care packages along with other basic necessities provided by the United

4. Urges other countries to trust Afghanistan to accomplish the aims laid out in this resolution, and
to take action if they are not met.

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