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Sanitary and
Services for
Fifth Edition




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First published by The Mitchell Publishing Company Ltcl. ii subsidiary of B.T. Batsford 1079
Second edition I98 I
Third crlition 1986
Fourth edition published by Longinan Scientific and Technical 1'99s
Fifth edition publishcd by Butterworth-Heinemann 2002

Copyright 2002, A.F.E. Wise and J.A. Swaffield. All rights reserved

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5 Design of Soil
and Waste Pipe

Planning considerations usually result in the

Drainage stack
soil and waste pipe system in modern buildings in service duct
taking one of two forms. By far the most
common stems from the more or less close
grouping of the sanitary appliances in columns
up the building. The system consists of several
‘horizontal’ branches, usually fairly short,
serving the sanitary appliances on each floor
and leading to a vertical discharge stack that &e b e d n e bed
conveys the soil and waste water by the most
direct route to the underground drains. Such
installations are to be found in many types of
building. They are often on the single-stack
principle outlined in the previous chapter, and
an example where such a system might be
installed in a hospital (figure 5.1) and a system
for a block of flats (figure 4.4) are typical. In
contrast, hospitals, schools and offices are
sometimes planned nowadays with a consider-
able horizontal spread. The sanitary accom-
modation is arranged as ‘islands’ on each floor
and it may then be difficult to link the
appliances by short branches to a vertical
stack. Extensive ‘horizontal’ piping is used
instead to connect the appliances to a vertical
stack some distance away, e.g. figure 4.17.
The move towards European standardiza-
tion has focused attention on the various
approaches to the design of such systems
Armngement of
found in different countries. Methods to sanitary appliances 7T7T:
determine water flows on the discharge unit
principle for the main stacks and drains vary,
as outlined in chapter 1. A good deal is known
about the hydraulics of stacks and drains -
see chapters 8 and 9 -but the methods used to
establish discharge capacity also vary. A simple
relationship given in chapter 8 has formed the
basis for the calculation of stack capacity in Figure 5.1 Examples where single-stack drainage
BS 5512 and in some other countries and was might be installed in a hospital
66 Water, Sanitary and Waste Services for Buildings

proposed as a basis for a CEN standard European standardization. The performance

(De Cuyper 1993). Further tables in BS 5572 requirements given in chapter 4 form the
are based on the approach to the determination general basis for design whilst research back-
of vent sizing outlined in chapter 8, but the ground is provided in chapters 8 and 9.
CEN proposals included some rules of thumb.
Now BSEN 12056, with National Annex based Traps and valves
on BS 5572, brings together the relevant
information (see Appendix 1) and offers a With WCs the trap is an integral part of the
choice of design approach. In the long term, appliance but with other appliances it is fixed
the new methods set out in chapter 9 and the to the outgo and a wide variety of shapes,
advanced procedures discussed in chapter 1 may materials and depths of seal are available.
lead to a new approach to design calculation. Appearance may be an important feature, also
The design of individual and combined ease of access for cleaning, and flexibility of
branches also varies in European countries outgo position. Figure 5.2 shows basic types
and three main categories may be identified: including bottle traps, in one of which the body
of the trap is a glass container which indicates
1. Traps from waste appliances such as basins, the need for cleaning. There are three-jointed
baths and sinks connected into larger pipes traps which can give a wide range of outgo
which d o not normally run full, thus
positions, and the bend of which can be
avoiding siphonage problems; for example, removed in the case of blockage. Table 5.1
a 30mm trap connected to a 50mm branch
gives the commonly accepted minimum diam-
or to a 100mm soil branch (exemplified by eters of traps for various appliances.
figure 4.12). In addition to the features described above
2. Traps with waste appliances connected to the depth of seal must be specified. In the past
pipes of similar or slightly larger diameter. traps were used with seals ranging from a
Full-bore flow may occur and the resulting nominal depth of a few millimetres to a depth
suction effects are limited through limita- of 75mm. The latter figure was specified for
tions o n such factors as lengths and waste appliances on the original one-pipe
gradients of pipes, numbers of bends and system in the U K and has subsequently been
vertical drops, thus ensuring adequate trap used on simplified one-pipe and single-stack
seal retention. systems. This depth of trap creates an installa-
3. What is, in fact, a variant of category 2, tion problem under baths and showers, where a
smaller trap and pipe sizes being used with 50mm depth causes less difficulty. The latter
appliances having lower discharge rates can be used for these two appliances, and also
associated with water-saving devices. for floor drains, bearing in mind that WC traps
Practice in the UK on the whole has followed commonly have 50 mm seals. The performance
category 2, research having provided a sound requirements for seal retention in use have
and economic design procedure set out in been specified in the previous chapter; this
publications of the Building Research Estab- retention is normally achieved by suitable
lishment, in BS 5572 and in Approved Docu- design of the pipe system into which the traps
ment H associated with the 2000 Building discharge.
Regulations. Awareness of the possibilities Special traps in which the seal is retained
with category 1 has led to the inclusion of through a particular feature of the trap itself are
certain layouts on this basis in UK procedures, also on the market. They allow air to pass through
research having provided the necessary informa- while retaining sufficient water to re-establish the
tion. European standardization provides seal. Figure 5.2 shows several traps of this type.
opportunities for the use of each of the three Whilst it is possible by their use to make
broad categories. Their application will depend substantial pipework economies, deposits inside
upon the forms of construction and sanitary such traps over a period can render their oper-
layout found in the countries concerned. ation less effective and regular cleaning may
The present chapter draws on all this be required. Some can be noisy.
information to provide data and procedures Air admittance valves, described in chapter 9
for design, taking account of the direction of may be useful in some circumstances - see the
Design of soil and waste pipe installations 67

Outline of trap Features Table 5.1 Minimum internal diameters of traps

Type of Dia. Type of appliance Dia.

appliance (mm) (mm)
Conventional P- or S-type;
may hove cleaning eye or Washbasin 30 Drinking fountain 20
removable section for Bidet 30 Bar well 30
cleaning Sink 40 Hotel or canteen sink 40
Bath 40 Urinal (bowl) 40
Shower tray 40 Urinal (stall, 1 or 2) 50

Washing 4@50 Urinal (stall, 3 or 6) 65
Kitchen waste 40 Waste disposal unit 50
Bottle trap with removoble disposal unit (commercial)
lower section; the latter
may be of glass, e.g. Note: Where there are more than six urinal stalls in
Econa one range, more than one outlet should be provided

surfaces. The main requirements have been

set out in chapter 4. Cast iron has been the
Resealing trap with main material for soil stacks, for combined soil
horizontal reservoir ond and waste stacks, and for main vent stacks. It is
removoble section for
cleaning, e.g. Econa still used but PVC-U pipes and fittings are also
much used. This pipework in the early 1960s
sometimes failed as a result of hot water
discharges causing local softening. Greater
wall thicknesses and improved properties and
Resealing trop with reservoir designs have greatly reduced the numbers of
ond cleaning eye: shown
under suction with air failures with the result that PVC-U is now
bubbling through, e.g. highly competitive. Copper, stainless steel,
McAlpine galvanized mild steel in a prefabricated form,
and some other plastics (see chapter 14) are
also used for stacks. Waste pipes are com-
monly in copper, with fittings in brass. Plastics
and steel are also used, with glass and plastics
Resealing trap with reservoir,
byposs and cleaning eyes; for applications such as laboratory wastes
under suction airflows where there are special requirements.
through bypass,
e.g. Grevak
Design of individual branches
Figure 5.2 Examples of traps - diagrammatic In order to reduce the risk of stoppages,
pipework should not decrease in diameter in
the direction of flow. With this requirement
final sections of this chapter - provided that and with the sizes of traps and branches in
such valves, as with other special devices, common use, e.g. 30 mm for basins, 40 mm for
remain effective over long periods and are sinks, 40mm for baths (see table .5.1), a rate of
accessible for maintenance. A waterless trap is discharge to satisfy the user is readily achieved.
also described in chapter 11. Design, then, is not primarily a matter of
achieving a required flow rate but of limiting
noise and the seal loss associated with self-
Pipes and fittings siphonage. The same kind of measure for-
Only a few types of pipe are in common use for tunately tends to limit both effects, and experi-
soil and waste pipe installations, chosen on the ence shows that adopting the following
basis of cost and such factors as durability, recommendations for controlling self-siphonage
ease of working and jointing, and their so as to retain 25mm depth of seal also gives
68 Water, Sanitary a n d Waste Services for Buildings
generally a satisfactory result as regards noise. The use of S-traps is on the whole less
Where appropriate, the avoidance of backflow common in U K practice, although they may
and blockage is also considered in this section. sometimes be convenient from an installation
It was customary to control self-siphonage standpoint. The conditions a t the end of
by installing a vent pipe close to the trap, but discharge without a vent tend to be more
research has shown that a special vent is variable than with P-traps and large seal losses
usually unnecessary. It is now common for a and noise are more likely. Successful unvented
trap to be connected directly to a stack without installations may be achieved by careful choice
venting and to limit self-siphonage by suitable of pipe sizes, using the larger pipes, and layout,
design of the waste, with particular reference to but tests may be best to establish the perform-
its length and slope. A gradient of 2 per cent is ance to be expected. S-trap installations are
a reasonable practical minimum. more common in other European countries,
also in the USA where the trap outlet is
normally vented to control self-siphonage and
(i) Washbasins
Figure 5.3 gives a relationship between slope Special resealing traps may also be used
and length of waste from trap to stack to be successfully with waste pipes many metres long
used to control self-siphonage with ordinary but, as already mentioned, such installations
basins having the normal outlet and grating are often noisy, whilst the trap is likely to
and 75 mm seal traps. Originally established require regular cleaning to maintain perform-
for 32 mm pipes, it also forms guidance for the ance.
30mm size. For lengths of about 1.7m, and
above, the slopes required are hardly suitable
(ii) Sinks, baths and showers
for practical purposes and a vent pipe near the
trap may then be necessary. An alternative to a Self-siphonage is not normally a problem - it
vent pipe with the longer wastes is to use this may be with small sinks - because the trailing
diameter P-trap discharging into a larger waste flow at the end of the discharge refills the seal if
pipe -40 or 50 mm diameter - with not more any suction occurs, but noise can be a problem
than two bends in its length, of large radius, with long, unvented bath and sink wastes.
not less than 75 mm. The pipe length should be There is, therefore, an advantage working to
limited to 3 m and the slope not more than 4.4 some broad limits to the length of unvented
per cent. This method prevents the waste wastes from these appliances. With P-traps and
running full and, therefore, avoids suction on 40mm pipes, a limit of 3 m is a reasonable
the trap. practical rule, with pipe slopes up to 9 per cent.
With 50mm pipes the length might be up to
4 m . Any vertical drops in the pipe should not
exceed 1.5m. The waste pipes from S-traps
used on sinks should also be limited in length,
say to 3 m . Wastes from showers on their own
are commonly 40 mm diameter but there seems
no reason why they should not be smaller, say
32 mm.

(iii) WCs
Traditionally the W C branch was required to
be not less in diameter than the outgo from the
pan. This was to ensure that a stoppage
occurred in the pan rather than in the pipe-
Length between trap weir and vent, Llm)
work and could, therefore, be more readily
cleared. Washdown pans thus, commonly,
Figure 5.3 Waste pipes from washbasins - max- have an outgo of somewhat less than 100mm
imum slope for various lengths of 32 m m pipe and discharge into 100mm branches. Siphonic
Design of soil and waste pipe installations 69
pans with outgoes perhaps as small as the object of reducing the risk of cross-flow
5 5 4 0 mm may discharge into 75 mm branches. from one branch into another.
In these circumstances, moreover, there is no
danger of full-bore flow in the branch and
hence of self-siphonage with the WC in any Design of combined branches
normal position in relation to the soil stack.
(i) Bath and basin wastes combined
Thus with P-trap WCs, there should be no
need to limit the length of branch; a practical From a siphonage standpoint some arrange-
limit of 6 m is suggested in Approved Docu- ments of combined bath and basin wastes
ment H, Building Regulations 1991. Branches perform satisfactorily unvented, but general
from S-trap WCs contained within the floor design recommendations are not readily
are normally quite short, the pan being sited formulated. Tests are needed to check the
close to the stack so that the branch at the performance of particular installations.
normal angle does not appear in the room Installing a vent as shown, for example, in
below. Self-siphonage does not normally occur figure 5.6 avoids the need for testing. Care is
under these conditions, nor with much longer also necessary to avoid water from the basin
branches. Experience has not shown any flowing into the bath, as can occur unless
special precautions to be necessary in this precautions are taken. From this standpoint,
respect with siphonic pans. the bath and basin wastes should join at an
angle of 45" on plan and the length of the
waste between the bath trap and tee should
Application of information
be sloping, preferably using a bath trap with
on individual branches
9 per cent rake of outlet. The waste between
Figure 5.4 shows a few examples of compact the tee and the stack should, if possible, be
sanitary layouts against which the data on straight. If a horizontal bend is necessary
branches may be considered. The appliances into the stack it should be of large radius.
are so positioned in relation to the service shaft The whole length of waste from basin to
that each branch to the stack is normally well stack should have a continuous fall, 4 per
within the limits for P-traps given in the cent being reasonable.
previous section. Pipe connections of the type
shown in figure 5.4 may, therefore, be used.
(ii) Bath wastes combined
With figure 5.5, the basin or sink is some way
from the main stack and would, therefore, With the arrangement in figure 5.7 water from
probably require a separate stack or venting - one bath may flow into the other unless
the arrangement shown in figure 5.6. precautions are taken. The waste pipes should,
As regards the tolerance in fixing the basin therefore, join as far from the traps as possible
branch (for which the slope of pipe is an and have a good fall. It is often convenient to
important factor, figure 5.3), the plans in figure use a Y-junction connecting directly into a
5.4 may be grouped as follows. 50mm boss in the stack wall with the angle of
Plans 1-4: the basin waste typically would be the Y nominally 60 '.
some 600 mm long and the slope would not be
critical. Plans 5-7: the basin waste typically
(iii) Combined soil and waste branches
would be about 1OOOmm long. The slope is
important; a working rule is to ensure that the Bathrooms in which the WC is 2 or 3 m from
difference in level between the trap outlet and the stack may be conveniently arranged with
stack connection does not exceed 50 mm. the WC branch, 100 mm diameter, containing
An alternative with some constructions and connections for the basin and bath or shower.
layouts may be to connect waste appliances A typical arrangement is with an S-trap WC,
into a larger 'horizontal' branch at or below with the WC branch beneath the floor, if
floor level - see next section. construction permits, where the waste connec-
Figure 5.9 gives recommendations, elabor- tions may readily be made in the upper half of
ated later, regarding the relative positions of the WC branch. The connections should be
WC and bath connections to the stack, with selected to ensure that the waste flows are
70 Water, Sanitary and Waste Services for Buildings


--- I

Sink Basin

A- 3


Service shaft
Pipe connections to
the stack


Figure 5.4 Compact accommodation served by single stack system

Design of soil and waste pipe installations 71

1700 800 5

T S e r v i c e shaft
6 Stock 2

1 I

1700 7 3

Sink or
Note: Approximate dimensions of accommodation
are given (mm). See also figure 7.4

directed towards the stack and not towards the

WC. Since the W C branch does not run full,
noise and siphonage problems d o not normally Pipe connections
arise, except in so far as self-siphonage may to stacks
occur in the basin waste between its S-trap and Note: Approximate dimensions of accommodation ore
given (mm).See alsofigure 7.4.
the W C branch. With a 30mm S-trap dischar-
ging into a short, vertical 40 or 50 mm pipe the
Figure 5.5 Compact accommodation with separate
problem is not likely to be serious. waste stack
A variation on this arrangement, common in
Scandinavia, is to use a floor gully trap in the
bathroom, to receive flows from the washbasin the floor. There is sometimes a practical
and bath. Pipes from these two appliances difficulty in accommodating the gully trap
discharge into the gully which can also take within the floor, without it appearing in the
any spillage from bath o r shower. The gully is room below, especially with modern prefabri-
connected into the W C branch located within cated concrete construction.
72 Water, Sanitary and Waste Services for Buildings

Stock gives a safety margin, since the following

recommendations are based on filled basins.
I The recommendations in figure 5.8 relate to
traps with 75 mm seal used on ordinary basins,
Both and are intended to ensure not less than 25 mm
seal retention.
Wastes from spray taps d o not normally
run full even when the branch is only 30mm
diameter, and trials have shown that up to
eight basins may be connected to this size of
vlnt pipe to pipe without venting. Such waste pipes are,
vent stack
however, likely to become blocked by the
build-up of deposit, and regular cleaning is
usually necessary. Pipes should be kept
Bosin Resealing traps are sometimes used for basin
ranges, as noted earlier, but may be noisy and
require periodic cleaning to perform well. The
-- above venting considerations d o not apply
when a running trap is used, serving several
I connection basins. The latter is probably a less satisfactory
installation than the fully trapped type which
Pipe connections should be used where possible.
to stock

Figure 5.6 Bath and basin waste pipes combined (v) Ranges of WCs
Ranges of WCs are common in public and
(iv) Ranges of washbasins
commercial buildings. Branch pipes serving
Ranges of basins are common in public and such ranges normally are 100 mm diameter and
commercial buildings. Design recommen- do not run full, whatever the slope. There is,
dations (figure 5.8) have been formulated therefore, usually no need for branch venting,
with the aim of limiting siphonage in the although, as a precaution, it is recommended
event of full-bore flow anywhere in the branch. for more than eight WCs. Where there are
Full-bore flow depends upon such factors as bends in the pipe it may be necessary to fit
discharge rate, pipe size, the length and slope a vent pipe to the appliance furthest from the
of the branch and the shape of tee connections. stack. Hydraulic considerations indicate that
It is unlikely if washing is done under a W C connections to the common branch should
running tap and, as the latter is common, this be swept in the direction of flow.

Bath Bath

40 m m

50 m m boss

Service Stock
shaft Stock

Figure 5.7 Bath waste pipes combined

Design of soil and waste pipe installations 73
(a) Up to four basins ing at least 900mm above the top of any
opening within 3m. The details of the larger
~ Stroight 50 mm dia.
branch fittings that admit water to a stack, the
dimensions of offsets and the curvature of
bends influence performance and hence the
Up to \Short, straight, 30 mm dia. from
4.4% P-trap into swept T-connection
need for venting. Research at the Building
Research Establishment has shown that suc-
Accommodate slope of main tions in stacks tend to be greater when WC
pipe in tailltrap connection
branch entries are straight and at an angle not
(b) Up to five basins far from 90" to the vertical. Thus the trend in
the UK has been for the larger sizes of branch
fitting at angles of between 90" and 112.5' to
be made with entries curved into the stack with
a 50mm radius, or similar curve. At steeper
angles there is less need for curvature since the
branch itself feeds water into the stack in the
'Short, straight, 30 mm direction of flow. The advantage of curved
dia. from P-trap entries has not been realized in some European
Accommodate slope of main
countries which have relied on straight (normal)
pipe in tailhrap connection entries without a significant curve. The CEN
The 50 mm dia. pipe may contain Standard now takes account of both types. The
two bends in the 'horizontal'plane
shape of the smaller inlets, i.e. waste branches,
(c) Up to 10 bosins is not critical as far as stack performance is
concerned. In the main tables of data, stacks
are assumed to be straight; separate comments
cover offsets. A large-radius bend is assumed at
the base of all stacks, minimum radius twice
the internal diameter, e.g. 200mm for 100mm
Stacks serving urinals only or sinks only
I Iii Short, straight, 30 mm dia. from block up readily as deposits accumulate. If
P-trap, alternatively S-trap possible, therefore, urinals and sinks should be
connected into stacks that are frequently
Figure 5.8 Pipework for ranges of washbasins flushed out by flows from WCs or baths. If
separate stacks for urinals and sinks are
(vi) Ranges of urinals essential, the need for regular clearing must
be reckoned with and adequate means for
On flow considerations alone, venting is not
access provided.
normally necessary for a branch pipe, 50mm
minimum, to a range of urinals. As with wastes
for spray tap installations, however, regular (ii) Domestic installations
cleaning of urinal branches may be necessary,
Stack diameters range typically from 100 to
especially in hard water areas where substantial
150 mm. The smallest size is normally sufficient
deposit may build up. Pipes should be as short
for single-family dwellings of one, two or three
as possible.
storeys and may be used with systems on the
single-stack principle, some recommendations
Design of stacks and ancillary venting for which are assembled in figure 5.9. These are
intended to help avoid cross-flow from one
(i) Some general considerations
branch to another, and to limit pressure
Both hydraulic capacity and the control of air variations at the base of stacks.
pressures have to be considered. Stacks gen- The branches generally should be designed
erally should be open at the top to admit or in accordance with the recommendations given
remove air, and terminated outside the build- earlier in the chapter. Typical arrangements are
74 Water, Sanitary and Waste Services for Buildings


2io No waste branch

, Stack

connection in shaded
Curved t part (180° on plan)
or 135' h t a B + - ? --
J Drain
Minimum (0)Bungalow
Stack dia. distance
Stack (mm) Nmml
75 90
Waste 90 100
branch 100 110
125 210
- 150 250 Basin

' No waste branch

connection in shaded
part (180° on plan)
With 100 mm
Lowest stack only Basin
branch Minimum Sink
I Stack distance
L(mm) Situation
Single houses
450 up to three
storeys high
k Drain

750 up to five (b) Two-storey house

storeys high
One- Buildings Figure 5.10 Examples of single-stack installations
storey higher thon for single-family dwellings
height five storeys
tion in a simplified form, not requiring
calculations, based on BS 5572. It was origin-
Figure 5.9 Recommendations for stacks and ally established for WCs with 91 flush, and is
likely to be on the safe side with smaller
flushing quantities. Indeed the general pro-
shown diagrammatically in figure 5.10. In cedure given later may well give smaller stack
circumstances typified by figure 5.10(a) and sizes than table 5.2. To prevent the passage of
with a 100 mm stack, it may be an advantage to effluent into a cross-vent from discharge stack
use a 'stub stack' in which the top is closed. In to a vent stack, that vent should slope upwards
this case, the stub stack should connect into a from the discharge stack at an angle of not less
ventilated stack or drain nearby. N o branch on than 135". The recommendations of figure 5.9
the stub stack should be more than 2 m above should be applied. The practice of connecting
the invert of that connection or drain. The ground floor appliances directly to the drain or
drop from the crown of a W C trap to the invert manhole has been found to help to prevent
should not exceed 1.5m. A discharge stack backflow of detergent foam from stacks into
may be terminated inside a building with an air buildings and in combating the effects of
admittance valve subject to a British Board of stoppages at the base of stacks.
Agrkment Certificate, provided this does not In developing single-stack systems in the UK
adversely affect the ventilation of the under- it was recognized that stacks d o not work as
ground drains. independent units but may be affected by
With blocks of flats or maisonettes, stacks discharges from adjacent installations. From
should be 100, 125 or 150mm in diameter. the early research it was recommended that a
Again the single-stack principle may be used in 50mm relief vent should be fitted to the lowest
many situations. Table 5.2 provides informa- branch of a single-stack installation if it was
Design of soil and waste pipe installations 75

Table 5.2 Stack sizes and vents for various domestic loadings

Flats with one group of appliances on each floor:

100mm stack for buildings up to 10 storeys high
125mm stack for buildings up to 15 storeys high Single-stack system
150mm stack for buildings up to 30 storeys high
100 mm stack for buildings 1 1-1 5 storeys high - add 50 mm vent stack
Flats with two groups of appliances on each floor:
100mm stack for buildings up to 10 storeys high Single-stack system
150mm stack for buildings up to 30 storeys high }
100 mm stack for buildings 1 1-1 5 storeys high - add 50 mm vent stack
Maisonettes with one or two groups of appliances on alternate floors:
100mm stack for buildings up to 10 storeys high - single-stack system

Nofes: Each appliance group includes WC, bath and/or shower, basin and sink, and may include a washing
machine. WC branches should have entries swept or at an angle of 135" into the stack. Bend at base of stack
should be large radius. There should be no offsets in the 'wet' part of the stack. One connection of vent stack
to discharge stack in each storey should suffce

known that the drainage system downstream (iii) Office buildings

was likely to run sufficiently full to prevent the
Ranges of appliances are commonly used in
escape of air travelling with the water down the
office buildings. Stacks of 100 or 150mm
stack. Experience since the 1950s has shown
diameter are usual, and the latter is likely to
that back-pressure effects of this nature are
be large enough for most buildings in the UK.
rare in practice. Only a few cases have come to
Figure 5.11 illustrates a traditional installation
notice: situations with 25 storey flats dischar-
for an office building in which all the traps are
ging into heavily loaded drains running sur-
vented. Considerable economy is now possible
charged; relief vents of 75mm diameter
compared with traditional practice and recom-
minimum were necessary. Where surcharging
mendations are given in table 5.3. As with table
is expected a relief vent should be fitted.
5.2, the sizes are likely to be on the safe side
An offset in the stack above the topmost
when WCs flush less than 9 litres, and the
connection to the stack has little effect on the
general procedure given next may be more
performance of the system. Offsets below the
economical still. With 100mm discharge stacks
topmost connection do not have a large effect
used up to 12 floors and 150mm up to 24
in simple installations with light loading, e.g. in
floors, table 5.3 gives the minimum vent sizes
dwellings of three storeys, but greater pressure
recommended for use with such stacks serving
fluctuations may occur with heavier loadings
equal ranges of WCs and basins. For example,
and in taller buildings. In general such offsets
table 5.3(a) shows that with a 100mm dis-
should have large-radius bends and, in the
charge stack serving four WCs and four basins
taller buildings and with heavier loadings, may
on each of eight floors, a 40 mm diameter vent
require venting to reduce pressure fluctuations
stack is needed. The effect of the flow from
in the stack.
washbasins on induced siphonage is small and
Discharge stacks may take small flows of
hence the recommendations can apply when
rainwater. The highest likely rainwater flow
the number of basins is less than the number of
from the roof of a small house or flat (with an
WCs. Stacks serving basins only are usually
area of approximately 40m2) is equivalent to
less than 100mm in diameter and table 5.3
the maximum discharge from a lavatory basin.
does not therefore apply.
For this size of roof the rainwater can normally
The effect of urinals may be allowed for as in
be ignored in the calculation of hydraulic
table 5.4 to be used with table 5.3 for the
loading on the stack. Where easy access to
design of stacks serving WCs, washbasins and
the roof exists, the roof gully linking the roof
urinals. It is not comprehensive but illustrates
to the stack should be trapped.
76 Water, Sanitary a n d Waste Services for Buildings

WC/urinal/basin combinations that may be

taken as equivalent from a hydraulic stand-
WC connection point to the WC/basin combinations in table 5.3.
In table 5.3, the 10 min interval, ‘Commercial’
use, section is likely to be sufficient for most
purposes; the ‘Congested’ use (5 min) table is
included to cover special situations where a
concentrated peak use may be expected.
The table does not cover offsets in the ‘wet’
part of the stack, nor a series of changes of
Tmps from - direction between the lowest connection to the
stack and the sewer, which may increase back
pressure above that likely in a simple situation
comparable with figure 5.1 1. As with domestic
Soilstack - installations where above-normal back pres-
sures are likely to arise as a result of down-
stream conditions, a relief vent connected to
the stack near the lowest branch connection is
Bmnch vent
- recommended, especially where table 5.3 shows
no vent stack needed. Table 5.3 assumes the
use of a large-radius bend at the foot of the
stack, whilst a bend and drain of 150mm
diameter is recommended for the type of
Vent stack - situation shown in figure 5.11. This figure
also shows one way in which a vent stack may
be connected to a discharge stack at each floor;
alternatively the vent stack may simply be
connected directly to the WC branch on each
floor. The vent stack should join the discharge
Note: The complete venting shown is not stack just above the bend at its base to help
usually necessary - see text relieve back pressure. Both stacks should end
away from parapets and the corners of roofs
Figure 5.11 Example of a traditional soil and waste
pipe system for an office building

Table 5.3 Stack sizes and vents for office buildings

Diameter of discharge stack 100mm 150 mm

Number of floors 1-4 5-8 9-12 1-8 9-16 17-24

(a) 10 min interval WCs and basins

‘Commercial’ use 1+1 0 0 32 0 0 0
2+2 0 0 32 0 0 0
3+3 0 32 40 0 0 0
4+4 0 40 40 0 75 75
5+5 0 40 I111 0 75 75
(b) 5min interval
‘Congested’ use 1+1 0 0 32 0 0 0
2+2 0 50 50 0 0 0
3+3 0 50 Ill/ 0 0 75
4+4 32 I/// /I// 0 75 75
5+5 32 I/// //I/ 0 75 75
~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~

Norex 0 means no vent stack needed; /////// means overloaded on ‘one-quarter-full’ basis. WC branches should
have entries swept or at an angle of 135” into the stack. Bend at base of stack should be large radius. There
should be no offsets in the ‘wet’ part of the stack
Design of soil and waste pipe installations 77

because the substantial suctions due to wind in Table 5.4 Conversions to be used in conjunction
these areas may cause considerable loss of seal. with table 5.3
Application of the recommendations will ~

commonly involve the use of table 5.3 with WC Urinal Basin WC Basin
figure 5.8. Suppose, for example, that in a
‘commercial’ building there are four floors
2 +I +2 equivalent to 2 +2
2 + 2 + 3 3 + 3
with four WCs on each. The individual ranges 3 + 3 + 4 4 + 4
may be served by 100mm straight branches 4 + 4 + 5 5 +5
without venting; from table 5.3, the four
branches may discharge into a l00mm dis-
charge stack without the addition of a vent stack cross-section to be occupied by water
stack. Suppose that four washbasins on each under idealized conditions of annular flow.
floor are also connected to the discharge The ‘one-quarter-full’ criterion has been
stack. With the arrangement shown in figure assumed in most UK procedures (BS 5572),
5.8(a) the individual branches d o not need including the data in tables 5.2 and 5.3, along
venting and table 5.3 shows that the addition with swept W C entries. Proposals in CEN
of these basins does not necessitate a vent (De Cuyper 1993) took a greater safety margin
stack. With the basins fitted with S-traps and assumed around ‘one-sixth full’, along
according to figure 5.8(c), however, the indi- with ‘normal’ WC entries, which gives smaller
vidual ranges require venting as shown and a capacities. Figure 5.12 gives the calculated
vent stack would be required to link this vent information from the equations in chapter 8.
piping together and with the outside air. The T h e capacities that appear in the C E N
information available suggests that a vent standard are rounded to satisfy the wide
stack of 30mm diameter should be sufficient. range of views in different countries. An
A vent stack remains unnecessary as far as attempt to allow for the greater capacity
table 5.3 is concerned; limitation of induced permissible with swept WC branch entries
siphonage and back pressure associated with can be made through the recommendation of
flow in the discharge stack itself is virtually an arbitrary increase on the ‘one-sixth-full’
independent of the way in which the basins are values.
installed. In a sizing exercise the diameter of the
As a further example, consider 12 ‘commercial’ discharge stack should be determined from
floors with four WCs and four basins on each, figure 5.12 after establishing the likely flow
all discharging into the same stack. The using one of the discharge unit procedures of
individual W C ranges d o not need venting, chapter I . The diameter of vent stack required,
nor d o the basins if served by P-traps as shown if any, is then determined from table 5.5 (as in
in figure 5.8(a). The installation does, however, BS 5572) or other rule.
require a 40mm vent stack according to table
5.3, and this should be cross-connected to the
Design of ‘horizontal’ installations
discharge stack at each floor and near its base.
If the basins were to be fitted with S-traps, In this section we consider ‘horizontal’ instal-
venting would be required as in figure 5.8(c) lations of the kind illustrated in chapter 4, with
and this could be linked by the 40mm vent long drain lines or branches taking a consider-
stack derived from table 5.3. able number of inflows (figure 5.13). Where
applicable the information given in the fore-
going sections may be used. The following
(iv) General sizing method
notes supplement this from the experience
The basis is set out under the section on water available.
flow capacity in chapter 8. Based on equation Estimation of the peak flow load in the main
(8.1 l), which is not dependent in any way on drain may be done on the basis of the methods
shape of water entry to the stack, two relation- set out in chapter 1. As indicated, information
ships yield tables of capacity against cast iron on the frequency of use of appliances in
stack diameter. The values depend upon the hospitals is scanty and the best course is
assumption made about the proportion of the probably to assume that the frequency of use
78 Water, Sanitary a n d Waste Services for Buildings

Figure 5.12 Relationships between stack diameter and capacity

Table 5.5 Diameters of ventilating stacks corresponds to not less than that assumed for
peak hours in public buildings.
Diameter of Diameter of The capacity of the drain to carry the peak
discharge stack, D ventilating stack load has to be considered. For underground
drains the assumption is often made that pipes
Less than 75 mm Two-thirds D
75 mm and over Half D should be designed for flow three-quarters full,
thus providing some spare capacity. Some
Design of soil and waste pipe installations 79

Figure 5.13 Example of 'horizontal' drainage installation in a hospital (Nottingham Teaching Hospital;
courtesy of Schott UK Ltd)

assumption of this kind must be made for 120 or 135 fittings. They should have access

'horizontal' systems inside buildings. It might doors fitted to the side opposite the branch
reasonably be assumed that the 'horizontal' drain. Double-branch junctions on plan should
drains in the building should not flow more not be used. Access door openings should be
than half full, thus providing a greater safety rectangular in shape, large enough for cleaning
margin against surcharge in the branches equipment to be easily inserted into the pipe,
from the appliances, and permitting ready and should be positioned where the removal of
circulation of air. Such considerations apply the door and the insertion of the equipment
particularly to the main drains such as that can be easily carried out. They should not be
illustrated in figure 4.17. As to gradients of obstructed, for example, by other pipes. Access
pipes, limited experience with main drains laid points should be provided at each end of every
at 1 in 80 (1.25 per cent) has been successful main horizontal drain, at the top end possibly
and it is suggested that 1 in 80 should be by a screwed cap and socket ferrule and at the
regarded as a reasonable practical minimum lower end by a rectangular door on the crown
for pipes of 100 and 150mm diameters within of the pipe.
buildings. At this gradient these two pipe sizes Waste pipes should as far as possible run in
will take around 5 l/s and 13 I/s flowing half full straight lines at even gradients of not less than
(compare figure 12.4). The equivalent dis- about 2 per cent, and with any bends of not less
charge units may be obtained from chapter 1. than 75 mm radius on plan. Such piping should
Figure 1.7, for instance, gives around 300 and be well provided with cleaning eyes and with
2300 units respectively with mixed appliances, as means for readily dismantling sections for the
in BS 5572 (1994). clearing of stoppages. Wastes should enter the
For the reasons given in chapter 4, blockages main drain in the direction of flow using 120
are particularly likely to occur in this type of or 135" unequal branch junctions. Where a
installation, and the design and construction boss is used it should not discharge vertically
should take account of this point. Offsets and downwards into a horizontal drain.
short-radius bends should be avoided as far as It is usual in such installations to fit S-traps
possible as present evidence suggests they are a to waste appliances. Following the principles
main source of blockage. When a change of set out earlier, the trap either should be vented
direction is necessary it should be made by to prevent self-siphonage or should be of a
using either a large-radius bend or by combin- special resealing type. As a guide, the length of
ing two 135" bends. All such bends should be unvented waste pipe in the latter case should be
fitted with access doors. Junctions should be limited to 6 m in order to limit noise. In general
made obliquely in the direction of flow using the guidance given earlier for limiting self- and
80 Water, Sanitary and Waste Services for Buildings

induced siphonage in combined branches Again in hospitals, and particularly in

should be followed where applicable. For installations in some laboratories, there is
example, where P-traps with gradually sloping a risk that some reagents and solutions may
wastes can be incorporated in the scheme, be particularly corrosive. A further risk,
75 mm seal traps should be used and the piping although uncommon, is that some solutions
installed in accordance with the recommen- may contain components that can react with
dations for avoiding self-siphonage. metals and form compounds that readily
Traditional practice with an installation such detonate and explode, e.g. when some mech-
as that shown in figure 4.17 would require anical means is used to clear a blockage and
individual venting of all traps to avoid a mechanical shock occurs. It is important,
problems of induced siphonage due to flow in therefore, particularly in the more complex
the main drain. Whilst it is clear that such buildings such as hospitals and laboratories,
precautions would be excessive, it is difticult for the designer to consider in detail not only
with present knowledge to make precise the appliances to be used but also the nature of
recommendations. Experience suggests, how- the effluent likely to result from processes
ever, that a vent pipe should be provided at going on within the building. Information of
the top end of all such horizontal drains more this kind is basic to good design, the specific-
than about 10m in length, and at intervals of ation of materials, and the preparation of
10-15m in longer drains. A pipe of 50mm maintenance schedules.
diameter is likely to be adequate. The use of air
admittance valves may be considered in such
Appliances special to hospitals often require
Note on pipe sizes
special treatment. Disposal units that grind In preparing the foregoing design information
papier mBch6 bedpans and can discharge a the small variations between pipes of different
porridge-like effluent are an example. To assist materials, although nominally similar sizes,
the flushing of such effluent through the pipe were considered. Between such pipes in cast
system, the design should be arranged so as to iron, plastics, copper, steel and glass there can
ensure that the piping receives the discharges be differences in bore of several millimetres. In
from regularly used WCs upstream of the general such differences are not critical for
disposal unit. New special purpose appliances performance in the fields considered in this
may pose further problems in hospital installa- chapter and thus a range of pipe specifications
tions, and the designer should obtain all the may be regarded as equivalent in relation to
information possible about the appliances to the recommendations made. The actual bore
be installed and their use before planning the and nominal size of pipes should, nevetheless,
installation. There is also some evidence that be compared because appreciable differences in
highly infectious areas in hospitals should be bore may have an effect to be considered on
served by separate pipe systems. Experience flow capacity o r on flow regime - for
has shown, for example, the importance of example, from partial-bore to full-bore flow.
keeping separate the drainage from clean and Information on nominal and bore sizes is given
infected parts of an animal house. in Standards.

Water, Sanitary & Waste

Services for Buildings
Water, sanitary and waste services represent a substantial
proportion of the cost of construction, averaging 10 per cent of
the capital costs of building and with continuing costs in
operation and maintenance. Nevertheless, they are often
regarded as a 'Cinderella' within the building process. Parts of
many different codes and regulations impact on these services,
making an overall viewpoint more difficult to get.

This new edition of this classic text draws together material from
a variety of sources to provide the comprehensive coverage not
available elsewhere. It is a resource for the sound design,
operation and maintenance of these services and should be on
the bookshelf of every building services engineer and architect.

Dr Alan Wise was Assistant Director at the Building Research

Establishment and before that responsible for building
services research and environmental design. John Swaffield
is William Watson Professor of Building Engineering at Heriot-
Watt University and Chairman of the Water Regulations
Advisory Committee.

An imprint of Elsevier Science

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