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Respond in no more than three (3) sentences. Your answers will be graded
according to the rubric below.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, what are the gaps encountered by the business
as shown in the video? How this innovation meets the gap?

The gaps that the business encountered that was shown to the video are
the Observing trends, Solving problems, and Finding gaps in the market place.
We may claim that the invention demonstrated in the documentary
satisfies all the requirements since when the pandemic strikes, human can hardly
go out of public place in fear of contacting the deadly virus, hence, that said
business venture out in making a contactless innovation between vendors and
consumers where the innovation is entrail to the 3 gaps.
We can say that the innovation is entwine to the 3 gaps because first, the
company is observing the trends, hence, the situation gives the idea to create
something out of the opportunity that was given to still continue the business
with the use of the new innovation; second is the company solve the problem that
is presented, where the people can get a contactless interaction or transaction by
the said innovation; third is the company is able to find a gap in the market place
where the company introduce the new innovation to fulfill the needs and wants
of the consumers which is the contactless interaction or transaction.

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