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Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.

1. What bones that protect the heart ?

A. scapula B. ribs C. clavicle D. skull
2. Which is the function of the skeletal system ?
A. It gives shape to the body.
B. It serves as framework of the body.
C. It makes the body grow.
D. It acts as the armour of the body.
3. This is a bony structure from the back of the neck to the hipbone that protects the
spinal cord.
A. Spinal column B. Appendages C. joints D.. hinges
4. This cord that connects the muscles to the bones .
A. Collagen B. Tendon C. triceps D. biceps
5. An infant has 350 bones, a child has 208 and an adult has 206 bones.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Not sure
6. The main function of the musculoskeletal system is to_____
A. support the body, allowing motion, and protecting vital organs
A. release waste product from the body
B. maintain the heat and temperature of the body
C. send and receive different stimuli from the sense organs
7. Muscles in the body work _______________
A. individually B. in group C. in pairs D. as needed
8. The bones provide______________
A. food for the body. C. proper nourishment.

B. stability of the body. D. protection against all kinds of diseases.

9. The skeletal portion of the system serves as the primary storage of_________
A. system for calcium and phosphorus. C. for oxygen and carbon dioxide.
B.for white blood cells. D.vitamins, and minerals.
10. Muscles support bones in place and also play a role in the movements of _________
A. bones B. internal organs C. legs and hands only D. eyelids
11. Where does the final digestion occur?
A. Mouth B. large intestine C. stomach D. small intestine
12. In which part of the digestive system does digestion start?
A. Esophagus B. mouth C. stomach D. small intestine
13. The food useful to the body when it reaches to ____________.
a. body cells B. blood C. intestine D stomach
14. Which moves the food from the esophagus to the stomach?
A. Swallowing B. fluid C. peristalsis D. digestion
15. Which of the following helps in eliminating food to prevent constipation?
A. Meat B. Chocolates C. rice D. fruits and vegetables
Gas Bronchi Pharynx Lungs Trachea

Directions: Complete the following statement by filling in the blanks with the correct answer.
Write it on your activity notebook.
When air enters our nose through the (1) _____________. It passes to the pharynx
and then to the (2) _____________. Then the air continues to pass through the (3)
____________________down to the lungs. The (4) ______________ contain millions of alveoli.
It is also the site of (5 ______________exchange between air and blood.

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