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PA-09 - Effective Communication in the Workplace Handout

Effective Workplace Communication Handout

Part 1: Five Principles for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Principles for Effective Communication

● Always speak formally, using “please,” “thank you,” and avoiding slang when
● Speak respectfully to your colleagues and manager, as you would a grandparent or
● Pay attention to tone, ensuring that your voice and words sound friendly and positive.
● Use positive language and focus on positive outcomes in all interactions.
● Ensure that your body language communicates respect to both those in a conversation
with you and those around you.
● Respond in a timely manner for written responses, and ensure you have all the
information needed and appropriate permissions.
● Use discretion when talking about your personal life in a professional setting.


● Articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely.
● Take the time to ensure that you understand others' ideas, needs and wishes in detail
and that others understand you without making assumptions.
● Be clear with the commitments you accept and take responsibility for them.
● Do not pretend to know the answer when you are unsure. When you are unsure of the
answer or do not have the information readily available, tell others that you will look into
it and get back to them as soon as possible.


● Adapt what you say and how you say something, depending on who you are

© 2022 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

PA-09 - Effective Communication in the Workplace Handout

communicating with.
● Share more or less details and adjust the topic and context to the person’s access
level, background, needs, and level of understanding.
● Accommodate different personalities by adjusting your directness or friendliness of
● Use more formal language with managers and senior management.
● Use the platform most appropriate to the content and communication style of the other


● Ask questions to ensure that you fully understand.
● Recognise when you need help from others and graciously approach when asking for
● Accept feedback as an opportunity to grow and improve your work.


● Understand the roles and responsibilities of other teams.
● Explain the role and responsibilities of your team to stakeholders.
● Share information and knowledge.


© 2022 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

PA-09 - Effective Communication in the Workplace Handout

Part 2: Practice: Effective Communication in the Workplace

● 30 sec - Move to your breakout rooms.
● 30 sec - Assign roles:
○ TimeKeeper: Make note of time and ensure the activity runs on time
○ Speaker: Discuss the group’s observations in the debrief
○ Note-Taker: Take notes and share with the group
● 4 min - Watch the video and identify key principles used with a check mark.

Effective Workplace Communication Checklist

Video 1

Principle ✔ Rationale






Notes & Observations:

Part 3: Role Play Scenarios

© 2022 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

PA-09 - Effective Communication in the Workplace Handout

Scenario 1

RA (Finn):
You have been a RA for 1 year. You consistently score well on performance reviews and have
demonstrated strong customer service skills. Your wife is expecting a second baby, and you will
need some extra money. You schedule an appointment to talk with your manager about a

Your objective is to communicate your needs clearly and politely and respond professionally to
whatever your manager decides.

Manager (Freya):
You are a Retrofit Coordinator and one of your best employees has asked to speak with you
about a possible promotion. You just heard there may be a round of layoffs at the end of the
quarter, but you also want to recognise his hard work.

Your objective is to listen and respond appropriately.

Scenario 2

RA 1 (Antoinette):
You have been working as a RA for three months. Although you are getting used to the day-to-
day routines, you are still shy around colleagues and managers and nervous about making
mistakes. You have limited time to interact with others - you take care of your sick grandmother
after work which restricts your flexibility. You like your colleague Danylo, as he is hard-working
and always has a good attitude.

Your objective is to listen to Danylo and respond appropriately.

RA 2 (Danylo):
You are a single dad with two kids. You are having a hard time finding someone to watch them
after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays while you work. You request a meeting with your
colleague, Antoinette, to talk about the possibility of switching schedules so that you work longer
shifts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which would allow you to leave early to pick up your
kids on Tuesday and Thursdays. You know Antoinette is shy, hard working, and takes care of
his sick grandmother.

Your objective is to communicate your needs clearly and politely and respond professionally to
whatever your colleague decides.

© 2022 Generation: You Employed, Inc.


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