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Magdalena Bissinger 3c

Hi Max,
I wonder how you are doing. I have been very busy recently because I am involved in an educational
project organised by my school. This is language project, aimed at learning foreign language and culture.
During classes we meet people with partner city, with whom we establish relationship and get to know
their country. To take part in this project, I had to submit an application and pass language test. All
recruitment process lasted 2 months and were selected only 10 people from the whole school. Recently,
we started preparation to presentation our country abroad. We meet three times a week to write a script.
Interestingly, we split the work, girls deal with costumes whereas boys working on music and special
effects. I am hopeful that this trip will be unforgettable. During my stay in the city, I would like to visit
the Sagrada Familia and try regional cuisine. I look forward to hearing from you.
130 words

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