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Neuralink- Neuralink's device has a chip that processes and transmits neural

signals that could be transmitted to devices like a computer or a phone. The company hopes that
a person would potentially be able to control a mouse, keyboard or other computer functions like
text messaging with their thoughts.
2. Faultiness of facial recognition - China's facial recognition system logs nearly
every single citizen in the country, with a vast network of cameras across the country. A database
leak in 2019 gave a glimpse of how pervasive China's surveillance tools are -- with more than 6.8
million records from a single day, taken from cameras positioned around hotels, parks, tourism
spots and mosques, logging details on people as young as 9 days old. 
The Chinese government is accused of using facial recognition to commit atrocities
against Uyghur Muslims, relying on the technology to carry out "the largest mass incarceration
of a minority population in the world today." 
"China uses facial recognition to profile Uyghur individuals, classify them on the basis of
their ethnicity, and single them out for tracking, mistreatment, and detention," a bipartisan group
of 17 senators said in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on March 11. "And these
technologies are deployed in service of a dystopian vision for technology governance, that
harnesses the economic benefits of the internet in the absence of political freedom and sees
technology companies as instruments of state power."
3. Mastercard launches tech that lets you pay with your face or hand in stores
Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make payments with just their face or
hand at the checkout point. The company on Tuesday launched a program for retailers to offer
biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning. At checkout, users
will be able to authenticate their payment by showing their face or the palm of their hand instead
of swiping their card. The program has already gone live in five St Marche grocery stores in Sao
Paulo, Brazil. Mastercard says it plans to roll it out globally later this year.
4. TOM (theory of mind models)- teaching machines to preach love and empathy
while breaking sterotypes, intolerance and prejudice. Theory of mind (ToM) is the ability to
attribute mental states to oneself and others, and to understand that others have beliefs that are
different from one's own. Although functional neuroimaging techniques have been widely used
to establish the neural correlates implicated in ToM, the specific mechanisms are still not clear.
We make our efforts to integrate and adopt existing biological findings of ToM, bridging the gap
through computational modeling, to build a brain-inspired computational model for ToM. We
propose a Brain-inspired Model of Theory of Mind (Brain-ToM model), and the model is applied
to a humanoid robot to challenge the false belief tasks, two classical tasks designed to understand
the mechanisms of ToM from Cognitive Psychology. With this model, the robot can learn to
understand object permanence and visual access from self-experience, then uses these learned
experience to reason about other's belief.  Governments struggling with a massive mental health
crisis may turn to emotional support robots to address the issue at scale.
5. Cultivated meat- also known as cultured meat, is genuine animal meat (including
seafood and organ meats) that is produced by cultivating animal cells directly. This production
method eliminates the need to raise and farm animals for food.
6. Bionic suit -- Ekso is a wearable, bionic suit that enables individuals with lower
extremity paralysis or weakness to stand and walk. Battery powered motors drive the legs and
replace neuro-muscular function.
7. epigenetic editing - a type of genetic engineering in which the epigenome is
modified at specific sites using engineered molecules targeted to those sites (as opposed to
whole-genome modifications).  These processes are crucial to normal development and
differentiation of distinct cell lineages in the adult organism.
8. Micro/nano motors - the self-propulsion ability of micro/nanomotors makes
possible an easier transport of drugs to specific targets in comparison to the conventional
distribution by passive carriers circulating within the blood, which enhances the drug
bioavailability in tissues.
9. Organs-on-chips - it is a micro-scale system used for mimicking the human body
environment. The goal for organ-on-a-chip is to develop human tissue models for disease
modeling and drug testing.
10. Esports, short for “electronic sports,” transforms online gaming into a spectator
sport. The experience is similar to watching a professional sporting event, except that instead of
watching a physical event, spectators watch video gamers compete against each other in a virtual
11. Smartglasses- combine Augmented Reality technology into a wearable device
that allows hands-free access to the internet. By allowing the user to access the internet using
voice control, they can view and listen to up-to-date information on the spot without interrupting
their work.
12. Robotic surgery - Robotic pancreas surgery is a minimally invasive form of
surgery that can be performed on highly select patients. It reduces some of the discomfort
associated with a standard open operation. Don't worry, robotic surgery is performed by
surgeons, not robots! The surgeons use the operative robot as an instrument that allows them to
make smaller incisions and to cut and suture at angles not possible with human hands. The
surgery is typically performed using 3 or 4 half-inch or one-inch incisions, sparing patients a
large incision. Fine surgical instruments controlled using a surgical "robot" are used to remove
the tumor.
13. Contact tracing apps- include mobile-software applications for digital contact-
tracing - i.e. the process of identifying persons ("contacts") who may have been in contact with
an infected individual.
14. Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via
electronic information and telecommunication technologies.[1] It allows long-distance patient and
clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote

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