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Shousheng He and Mats Torkelson
Department of Applied Electronics, Lund University
S-ZZlOOLund, Sweden

Abstmct- Signal-to-NoiseRatio (SNR), the stan- vidual distortioddisturbance conhihutions from different
dard measure of analog noise attribute, is used to as- sources. The design trade-offs for signal quality and im-
sess the quality of the final demodulation signals in a plementation complexity are not on a solid numerical ba-
OrthogonalFrequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) sis.
system. The approach is based on the statistic proper- On the other hand, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR, has
ties of random process after Fourier transform, An heen long used as the standard measure of quality of ana-
simple form of least-square SNR estimator in fre- log signals in noisy environment. It has heen also pro-
quency domain is presented, which drastically reduces posed that measurement of effective S N R to he used in
wmputational complexity since no timing alignment is evaluating the quality of the received signals, which is
necessary. SNR estimationis used to evaluate not only corrupted by both noise and distortion, in communication
the adverse impairment of the interference in external systems [l]. There are, however, two difficulties in esti-
channel, but also the seventy of different distortions mation of the S N R in the simulation of general commn-
caused by non-ideal operations of the internal compo- nication systems. First, it is very difficult to establish the
nents. It is shown that with an effective SNR estima- statistical property of SNR estimation, due to the nature
tion, quantified measurementcan be achieved in short of impairment by various distortions, some of them seem
simulation time for such distortions as caused by non- to be not random enough to justify a noise assumption.
ideal channel estimation, signal dipping, camer fre- Second, the estimator for general communication systems
quency offset, and many other soumes in the system. is impractically complicated, and demands intensive com-
This leads to more rational trade-offs in the hardware putation that decreases its feasibility in system simulation
design to optimize the performance of the system un- which is already very time-consuming.
der given implementation constraints. In this paper, we propose a simplified variation of the
estimator that is specially tailored to communication sys-
I. INTRODUCTION tem based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex-
In the design of digital communication systems, simula- ing (OFDM) principles. The estimator is greatly sim-
tion is imperative for performance evaluation and design plified, and the contribution of distortions are better dis-
space exploration, where many realistic limitation and tributed when the transformed signal in frequency domain
practical implementation restrictions must to he taken into comes to the demodulation. In next section we give a brief
consideration. For a generic communication system, the description of a OFDM system. Then various distortions
performance degradation is dominated by many interac- in OFDM system are discussed, which illustrate approx-
tive factors, which falls in two categories: the interference imate Gaussian type distribution. A simplified S N R esti-
noises and distortions. The impairment to the received mator is presented in section 1V.Quantifiedassessment of
signal can be caused by either the external environment, some distortions in OFDM system is used to demonstrate
the channel, or by the non-ideal hardware components, the merits of this approach, which can lead to more ra-
such as filters and non-linear power amplifiers within the tional trade-off when implementation complexity is taken
system establishment. into consideration in OFDM system designs.
Although it is generally accepted that the Bit-Error-
Rate (BER) is most informative performance measure-
ment for digital communication systems, it is very ex- Mobile communication faces a particularly hostile envi-
pensive, in terms of simulation time, to obtain an un- ronment, simultaneously containing multi-path, interfer-
biased and reliable estimation of BER for a complex ence and impulsive parasitic noise. The problem is fur-
communication system, especially when the level of ther complicated by the scarcity of available spectrum re-
noisdinterference and the distortion is relatively low. sources. Robust, bandwidth efficient systems with good
This difficulty prevents an accurate assessment of indi- performance in such an environment are therefore desir-

0-7803-4984-9/98/$10.00 01998 IEEE.

able for data transmission signal can be written as
S-1 fi-- I
.(t) = C.i;;cr(t)
= Cspfxt, O<t<T
k=U k=ll
In a ideal, distortion and noise free channel, the received
signal is just a delayed and scaled replica of the transmit-
ted signal:
Figure 1: Principle of multi-carrier modulation 05 t <T
y(l) = yo@) = r z ( t - T ) , ~ 7 (5)

Multi-carrier Modulation (MCM) has long heen used and the demodulation rule can be easily deduced as
to overcome the adverse effects of communication chan-
nels [Z], with its basic principle shown in Fig. 1. Re- Zk = + ,gY"(t)Cji(i,)df
cently proposed Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi-
plexing (OFDM), the most spectrum efficient MCM tech-
nique, is considered especially suitable for applications in
the mobile communication environment [3, 4, SI. In an - I/Cb~~~Cfr(l)e-j'"fXLd~,
N-carrier OFDM modulation scheme, the set of carriers
f k is located at intervals of I/T, 05A <N
fk = fc, + -,T 0 < A < iv (1)
where the factor WO= [ T P - J ~ ~ ~is~ obtained
' )

estimation of the ideal distortion-less channel.

as the

The OFDM technique transforms a highly-selective

where T is the time duration of the symbol. A set of elc-
wide-band signal into a large number of non-selective
mentaq functions is used as the carrier signals:
narrow-band signals which arc frequency multiplexed.
Channel estimation in OFDM system becomes simple,
since for each suh-carrier modulated by a narrow-band
signal, the sub-channel can be considered flat. Just one
the spectra of each individual carriers are sinc functions complex operation will be able to correct both amplitude
mutually overlapped, as shown in Fig. 2. and phase offset for each sub-channel. OFDM systems
have been proposed for audio signal transmission to mo-
bile receivers [6, 71, data intensive HDTV broadcasting
program [8] and cellular mobile communication [9]. Re-
cently, there has heen a growing interest in the application
of OFDM modulation technique in DS-CDMA (Direct-
Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access) scheme to im-
prove the performance in frequency selective fading chan-
nels [lo, 11, 12, 13, 141.

In a communication link containing dclay spread, which

Figure 2: Carrier spectrum overlapping in OFDM system can be caused by either multi-path propagation of the
channel or the memory components in the system, such
Unlike traditional Frcqucncy Division Multiplexing as in filters, Inter-Symbol Interferences (ISI) occurs. In
(FDM) schemes, there is no guard band between adjacent OFDM system IS1 is much alleviated due to the long sym-
carriers to isolate them at the receivers using conventional bol duration. In addition, a cyclic prefix, or a cyclic ex-
filters. Instead, the frequency-division is achieved, not by tension of the temporal signal, as shown in Fig. 3, is em-
bandpass filtering, but by baseband processing utilizing ployed to further eliminate IS1 distortion. The duration
the orthogonal property of the base functions of the carr- of cyclic prefix is chosen to be longer than the impulse
ers: response of the channel, so that when it is cut off before
T. k=/ demodulation, the signal is free from IS1 distortion. For
CL. ( 1jc; ( t ) r / t =
0, otherwise (3) thcse reasons, in the following discussion, IS1 free signal
is assumed to have been obtained in a OFDM rcceiver.
When a set of symbols .ii , ( I 5 I < A' from a finitc In a communication systcm built with realistic com-
complex alphabet is transmitted, the modulated temporal plexity, many functors are not ideal which distort thc

= +J: yo(t)c;(tjdt + + J,’n(t)c;(t)dt

Disregarding the form of distortionshferences, by the
AmI- : ,: , ., .
. virtual of the central limit theorem, the noise part in
m.m z%m 3o.m 15.m eqn. (10) tends to approach a Gaussian process, and it
has been shown that if n(t) is a Wide-Sense Stationary
Figure 3: Temporal aspecl of OFDM signal and cyclic (WSS) process, the noise part in eqn. (10) tends to he
prefix white 1151. For an OFDM system with large number of
sub-carriers, T is sufficiently long and the approximation
is very close to observations. The statistic property of the
transmitted signal even without external noises. These Fourier-transformed signal not only simplify the estima-
distortions can come from, for example, Hard (clipping) tion process significantly,hut also justified the noise treat-
and soft non-linearity of power amplifiers, synchroniza- ment of many complex distortions in OFDM systems.
tion error, which causes both timing and frequency offset,
and quantization errors in digital processing of the sig- IV. AN SNR ESTIMATOR
nal. In most cases, analytical representation of these dis- SIMULATION
tortions are very difficult. Under the consumption that IS1 For an OFDM system, the temporal comparison of cor-
does not exist for an OFDM system, a distortion of the re- rupted and ideal signals can he replaced by comparing the
ceived signal can be considered as undesired transform to modulation symbols, which is performed in frequency do-
the ideal transmitted signal. main. The signal and noise are then defined to he that for
which the MS error
Y(t) = h [ z ( t )n@Il
, (7) =< 12,- WS,12 >
€2 (1 1)
where n ( t )represents external interferences, such as due N-1

to impulsive noise, co-channel interferences and thermal is minimum over all W ,where < . >= k represents
noises in amplifiers. k=O
set average. W S , is used as the reference for observed
To estimate the quality of the received signal, it is nat-
signal in each suh-channel. Instead of the timing align-
ural to decompose the corrupted signal into a “clean” sig-
ment by searching for r in eqn. (9), a frequency alignment
nal, as through an ideal, distortion free channel and an
of the k-th canier is required. This is extremely simple for
additive noise that disturhs the signal.
a working OFDM system, since a large frequency offset
is not likely due to the frequency synchronizationrequire-
y ( t ) = yo@) + n ( t )= r z ( t ~ T )+ n ( t ) (8) ment of OFDM system itself.
With the same reasoning as i n [l], but keep in mind
For a general communication system, the signal and noise that all ZA,SL.and W are complex, it can he shown that
in eqn. (8) has been defined to be that for which the Mean- eqn. (11) isminimized when
Square (MS) difference
IWl’< /Sk/’ > -WR,Z- VL’*R3z (12)
B’! =< [ y ( t ) - m ( t - r)]’ > (9) is also minimized, where ()* denotes complex conjugate
operation and the empirical cross-correlation functions are
is minimum for all 1’ and T [I], where <> denotes time- in the form of
One of the main difficulties in the estimation of SNR in R,3y= RsZ’ =< SkZz > 113)
simulations is to obtain the optimal delay r to minimize A unique channel factor W can he thus obtained that
eqn. (9). It requires compute a large set of empirical cross- minimize eqn. (12)
correlation functions [l]. Also, the statistical properties
of n ( t )is extremely difficult to obtain, since analytically
expression of h.(t) is usually not available. n ( t ]in general
will have very complicated non-central distribution. The SNR, which specify the power ratio of received
For a system with OFDM modulation, the demodula- “clean” signal and that of noise defined in eqn. (1 1) can
tion is done in frequency domain. Applying the demod- be then estimated as
ulation rule expressed in eqn. (6), the temporal signal de-
composition in the form of eqn. (8) is then transformed

Making appropriate substitutions, after some manipula-

tion, the SNR estimation can be expressed in the a closed
form of

The estimator described in the above section has been
(a). coherentSNR=13.9dB (b). differential SNR=10.8dB
integrated into a detailed simulation model of OFDM
system for hardwarc development, built upon the design
framework Ptolemy [16]. Fig. 4 shows the block diagram Figure 5 : Simulation result for cohercnt and differential
of the estimator calculating eqn. (16). The simpleness of detection in AWGN channel
the approach can be clearly seen.
SNReffc effective baseband SNR cal~ula10r
when the amplitude of input signal is too high. Effec-
tivc SNR measurement can be used to assess the dam-
ages caused by different clipping levels. Fig. 6 shows a
simulation result, which demonstrate that clipping is very
damaging to OFDM signals, a 3dB reduction of PAR is
counter-weighted by a 9dB SNR loss!

Figure 4: block diagram of the estimator in Ptolemy

With SNR estimation as a quantified measurement

of the signal quality at the demodulation stage of an
OFDM system, many interesting results have been ob-
tained through extensive simulations. Here we take some
examples to show the performance measurement with ef-
fective SNR. The lollowing simulations have been run
with the model configured as an OFDM system with 1024
sub-carriers and 128-point cyclic prefix (0.125 symbol
length) and QPSK constellation. Figure 6: Clipping reduces PAR, effective SNR degradcs

A. Coherent versus differential detection

C. Carrierfrequency offset
In OFDM system, differential modulation can be done
along either time or frequency axes. Compared with co- OFDM system is known to be sensitive to carricr fre-
herent detection with perfect channel estimation, differen- quency offset, which destroys the orthogonality of the
tial detection requires 3dB higher SNR due to noisy ref- sub-carriers, causing sub-carrier offset and Inter-Canier
erences. Simulation result indicates that the estimate of Interference (ICI) [17]. This is especially severe when the
SNR in coherent detection is almost exactly 3dB higher carrier frequency is high. Two different impairment can
than differential detections in channels with Additive be observed for demodulation signals [IS]: 1. a com-
Gaussian White Noise (AGWN), as shown in Fig. 5. This mon phase rotation due to sub-carrier offset and 2. a
result can be used as an empirical proof of the correctness Gaussian-like noise due to frequency leak from adjacent
of the SNR estimator. sub-carriers. Thc common phase error can be corrected
by channel equalizer, while the degradation by the quasi
B. Clipping (hard non-linearity) Gaussian noise need to be evaluated. In Fig. 7 a quantified
OFDM signal is known to have high Peak-to-Average Ra- evaluation of this noise is made through effective SNR es-
tio (PAR). PAR as high as 16dB can bc observed in sim- timation, where A.fs is the carrier frequency offset and
ulations for 1K sub-carriers. Thc high PAR makes it very fc the sub-carrier spacing. It is been illustrated that with
difficult for efficicut power amplifier design. Clipping relative carrier frequency as small as = U. 15, the sys-
(hard non-linearity) is a brute-force approach to reduce tem performance deteriorate so rapidly as to the verge of
PAR, which resemblc the saturation of power amplifiers collapsing due to the degradation of the effective SNR.
which does not need timing or frequency alignment. Sev-
eral examples have been used to demonstrate the quanti-
fied measurement for different distortions in simulations.
The SNR estimator presented here has been also used
in extensive OFDM system simulations to measure signal
impairments due to non-ideal operation of components,
such as I-Q miss-match in upldown converters, non-linear
power amplifiers, finite word-length effect etc. Quantified
evaluation to these distortions gives hardware designers
a solid numerical ground in exploring the design space
(a), = 0.05,SNR=20.9dB (b). = 0.15,SNR=ll.ldB and more rational trade-offs in system performance and
implementation complexity or power consumption.
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