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A self is a narrative

center of gravity.

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A self is a story made Any story made up A narrative center All fictional A self is an All abstract
up about oneself by about oneself by of gravity is a characters are real abstract temporal temporal series of
oneself to explain oneself to explain fictional character. selves. series of identities. identities are
oneself. oneself is a narrative centers of
narrative center of gravity.

Fictional Fictonal characters Whatever does not
characters are not do not have have
real selves. consciousness or consciousness or
Whenever two A self has five A narrative center free will. free will is not a
things, x and y, properties: 1) can of gravity has five real self.
have the same 5 be used to make properties: 1) can
properties, then x predictions about be used to make
is y. how one's body predictions about
and others' bodies how one's body
will behave; 2) can and others' bodies Fictional Novelists invent Whatever is
figure in causal will behave; 2) can characters do not their characters. invented by a
explanations about figure in causal exist. novelist does
human bodies; 3) explanations about not exist.
can be human bodies; 3)
manipulated; 4) can be
can move around manipulated; 4)
in space and time; can move around
and 5) can be in space and time;
discontinuous. and 5) can be

Two things might Whenever two
share the same 5 things, x and y,
properties and differ in at least
differ in not sharing one of their
other properties. properties, x is not

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