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I. In the last few decades artificial intelligence has taken a more active role in people’s
A. It is used by companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook.
B. Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows computer problem solve the way
a human brain would.
C. Google uses it to predict people’s responses to ads and Amazon’s virtual assistant
Alexa is run primarily an AI.
II. Even though it is used by almost everyone on a daily basis there has been evidence to
suggest that AI will be problematic in the future.
A. For instance, one characteristic of AI is that it learns from humans it takes on
many undesirable traits like racism, sexism, and tendency for violence.
B. Since AI is used by many of the companies and business that are a part of our
daily lives this could potentially be a real threat.
I. When people talk about how dangerous AI can be they usually refer to movies like
Terminator and I Robot which are about robots taking over the world and destroying
A. While these dangers are not even close to being that dramatic it could begin to
spiral out of control in a way that could result in catastrophic consequences
II. Many of the greatest minds of our time have tried to warn people about how AI could
take a turn for the worst.
A. The theoretical physicist, Stephan Hawking once said “The development of
artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,”
B. And Elon Musk reported one at a tech conference “AI scares the hell out of me,
it’s capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows, and the rate of
improvement is exponential.”
III. The tech journalist Mike Thomas wrote for the website “Built In” states some of these
threats being social manipulation, and weapons powered by AI.
A. In the past few years, many countries like Russia and America have used AI to
manipulate voters on social media
B. Many governments have also used AI to power their weaponry which has led to
attacks that cannot be foreseen or prevented.
IV. Writer Micheal Littman wrote for Stanford Universities “One Hundred Year Study on
Artificial Intelligence” That people are already becoming too dependent on AI and when
they attempt to use it to solve small problems with it, they end up creating bigger ones.
A. An example they use is when Amazon tried to use it as a recruiting tool thinking it
would be less discriminatory but when they saw the results, they found out it was
more biased than most people.
B. The same problem was found when the medical field attempted to add AI to their
I. The last example I want to use is the article “Microsoft Racist Chatbot” by James Vincent
published on The Verge
A. Microsoft created an AI chatbot.
B. The chat bot was specifically designed to learn from people.
C. Microsoft gave the technology to Twitter and called it Tay.
D. Within 24 hours things started to go badly for Tay because it started repeating
every racist sexist word that was said to it
E. This chatbot could not cause any real damage but it brought up the question on
what would happen if other types of AI were like this.
I. While Artificial Intelligence has the potential to improve the lives of many it has been
proven that if we are not careful it could have the opposite effect
A. Measure has to be taken to make sure that it doesn’t ruin the work force with its
B. People need to make sure that AI does not destroy other countries when it has
access to our government’s weapons.
C. And they need to be careful when using it to promote their political agendas.

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