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Name: Kim Ivan R.

Sumagaysay Date: 03/03/23

Teacher: Catherine De Loyola

This activity was really helpful for me, it made understand how critical thinking works and how and

where to use it. we learned how important critical thinking is. Its compulsory skill needed for university

studies. Sometimes we don’t realize. I never had any idea or knowledge about critical though and

how effective it is, now I can proudly say that I learned something very important for now and my

future and I will make sure that I follow it always. An opinion is a statement that expresses a belief,

idea, or emotion that is not provable. Opinions are subjective, meaning the veracity depends on the

person's own perception rather than an objective truth. The validity of opinions cannot be proven one

way or another but only expressed and defended. Any individual can provide evidence to support

their opinion and convince someone else to hold the same belief, but this does not mean that the

opinion can be proven based on this evidence. Opinions can be as simple as one's favorite food or as

significant as the best course of action that a politician could take; neither can be proven as true or

false. Opinions can also be general, like a public opinion or attitude on a certain subject. They can

also be obvious like "boiling water is hot." The word "hot" is connotative, meaning that it evokes an

emotional association rather than an explicit meaning, so while nearly everyone would agree that

"boiling water is hot," it is not a fact since the word "hot" is subjective. Summarizing a text, or distilling

its essential concepts into a paragraph or two, is a useful study tool as well as good writing practice.

A summary has two aims: (1) to reproduce the overarching ideas in a text, identifying

the general concepts that run through the entire piece, and (2) to express these overarching ideas

using precise, specific language. When you summarize, you cannot rely on the language the author

has used to develop his or her points, and you must find a way to give an overview of these points

without your own sentences becoming too general.

what are the use of it, these are the
things needed to be address in my
reflection paper,
to impart knowledge on how to
distinguish the facts and opinion the
two terms are very
much related that’s why there are
people sometimes find it hard to
make a distinction
between a fact and an opinion. The
right understanding of the difference
between fact
and opinion is needed to evaluate
things and to make judgments.
Facts is basically something that
exist or present in reality hence there
are things
that can be seen visually and these
are the things that can actually
verified, facts are
the statement that can be proven true
it is supported with evidence, it is
something done
or happened anything actually
existent, and statement strictly true,
truth or reality, some
writers believes that facts is
verifiable, we can determine whether
it true by searching
the evidence, this may involves
numbers, dates, or any testimony,
facts don’t make
predictions, express value judgments
or offer interpretations, facts is very
different from
opinion, because opinion has a lot of
meanings, it cannot be checked for
accuracy, it is
frequently make value judgments,
use language that often packs
emotional punch, and
opinion is an opinion it is only a
subjective statement.
As a reader we should be very
careful of what we read because
there are
statements that can be a fact or an
opinion. Because some Opinions can
be based on
facts or emotions and sometimes
they are meant to deliberately
mislead others.
Therefore, it is important to be aware
of the autho

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