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▪ Pass out money to each player ($18 for 3-4 players, $14 for 5-6 players)
▪ Randomly remove Houses/Checks (3 players = 6 houses/checks; 4 players = 2 of each)
▪ Value of Houses = 1-30 Value of Checks = $0, $2-$15 (x2)

“Purchasing Phase”
▪ Randomly flip over house cards = number of players. Arrange in order of value.
(1) BID higher than last bid, in turn order. Last remaining bidder must pay full price!
(2) PASS and take lowest valued property. Pay ½ of your bid rounded down to bank.
▪ Whoever won the highest valued property starts bidding the next round.
▪ Hint: keep your remaining money a secret to the other players!

“Selling Phase”
▪ Randomly flip over check cards = number of players. Arrange in order of value.
▪ Secretly select one of your properties to sell and place face down in front of you.
▪ Everyone reveals their selected property at the same time.
▪ The highest valued property gets the largest valued check, and so on.

Winning the Game

▪ Player with the most remaining cash + total value of all of his checks wins.

▪ Pass out money to each player ($18 for 3-4 players, $14 for 5-6 players)
▪ Randomly remove Houses/Checks (3 players = 6 houses/checks; 4 players = 2 of each)
▪ Value of Houses = 1-30 Value of Checks = $0, $2-$15 (x2)

“Purchasing Phase”
▪ Randomly flip over house cards = number of players. Arrange in order of value.
(1) BID higher than last bid, in turn order. Last remaining bidder must pay full price!
(2) PASS and take lowest valued property. Pay ½ of your bid rounded up to bank.
▪ Whoever won the highest valued property starts bidding the next round.
▪ Hint: keep your remaining money a secret to the other players!

“Selling Phase”
▪ Randomly flip over check cards = number of players. Arrange in order of value.
▪ Secretly select one of your properties to sell and place face down in front of you.
▪ Everyone reveals their selected property at the same time.
▪ The highest valued property gets the largest valued check, and so on.

Winning the Game

▪ Player with the most remaining cash + total value of all of his checks wins.

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