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Work-life balance

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Consequences of poor work-life balance

Mr. Adam discusses the negative effects of a lack of work-life balance. He describes how

his lack of family time while working long hours led to a poor work-life balance. Each day, he

ate fast food in front of his computer at the office. He adds that the money he made by working

most of the time was the best he had ever made. After understanding he had an unhealthy work-

life balance and making adjustments, Mr. Adam claims he learned he was not generating much

money. Since he was working two jobs at the time, he says he did most of the work alone,

including brokering, managing, and writing for the brokerage. He maintained this pace for

approximately three years. He began to experience deteriorating health due to working longer

hours and consuming poor food. He could pay for himself and his family's vacations, but they

never took a single trip. He claims that they had a great deal of money in the bank but nothing to

show for it. Due to his lack of work-life balance, his family also broke up.

Mr. Adam's discussion of the consequences of a lack of work-life balance resonates with

me. Although I have never held a formal job, I have experienced a lack of work-life balance. My

parents used to dispute concerning my father's job, but I did not understand what they were

arguing about at the time; I now understand. Since my father is an engineer, he used to work

most of the time, including weekends, to my mother's displeasure. After our family physician

diagnosed him with high blood pressure resulting from long work hours, he had to alter his

working habits.

Advantages of having a healthy work-life balance

Mr. Adam claims that it took him five years to realize he had a poor work-life balance

and needed to make adjustments. He states that he has enjoyed a healthy work-life balance for

the past five years. He says he adequately balances work and family. Recently, he took a family

vacation to Portugal.  He has two boys who he coaches on football. He claims to have had an

excellent experience with a healthy work-life balance. He maintains a healthy balance between

job and family, sometimes doing little more than receiving calls. He argues that he earns less

money than he did five years ago since he works fewer hours and does not work on weekends.

How Mr. Adam arrived at a healthy work-life balance is intriguing, and I would like to

achieve a similar balance in the future.   Who does not want to have fun with his family, go on

vacation, and play football with his sons? It is essential to have a work-life that allows you to

spend time with your family. I have seen people who worked tirelessly for their employers

without even making time for their families, only to be replaced instantly upon their death.

How to have a workable work-life balance

The speaker says that to have a healthy work-life balance, always listen to coaches and

people you trust. He says it is never easy to judge yourself; know that you have a poor work-life

balance and make a change on it. He says that there are situations in which people close to you

will tell you that you are working too hard or stressing yourself out. You will find out that these

people are probably telling you the truth. He advises us that at any point someone is telling us

something, we should stop and listen to them. He says it is okay to fail and make stupid decisions

in life. The speaker also says he used to mentor his real estate agents on healthy work-life

balance while he had a poor work-life balance.


I concur with Mr. Adam's statement that we should constantly listen to others and attempt

to find a solution to our situation. One cannot judge himself and recognize that he has a problem,

but others can evaluate him and determine his challenges.  My parents clashed about my father's

poor work-life balance; at the time, I did not know who was in the wrong, but I now realize it

was my father. He never listened to my mother's advice.

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