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Great post discussing your honest feeling on mental health, Christine!

I condolence the loss of your

mother, as I understand how it is to lose a loved one to drugs. I wholeheartedly agree with your
discussion, as people with a mental health need help. The only problem with this statement, it will only
work if they ask for it. Sometimes depending on the illness, it is tough to decipher how much help can
be given as we don't want to push away that individual but instead try to understand what they are
going through. I as well learned during my psychology course. I suffer from mental health, and
thinking how I was feeling was normal until I realized I should not be sad every day for hours, minutes,
and seconds. If you know someone who refuses mental help, always remember to explain that you
are worried, listen and ask questions, ask how you can help, give options such as seeking therapy,
and remain open by respecting their boundaries (Guarnotta, 2023, para. 10-14). 

Guarnotta, E. (2023, January 6). How do I convince an adult to get mental help when they
refuse? GoodRx. Retrieved April 1, 2023,

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