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In the first story, the gentleman was telling us about his ADHD. Once he was diagnosed
with it, he felt a sense of relief because now he knows where his problems with concentration
came from. He found ways to cope with his ADHD that help him with his teaching job and
daily tasks. Coping is defined as “the thoughts and behaviors used to manage the internal and
external demands of situations that are appraised as stressful.” (Noonan 2012) A person with
ADHD can become very frustrated with the inability to concentrate on specific tasks for a
period of time.
            The second story fits into the category of the need for discipline, therapy,
medications, diet.  The gentleman in the video admits having a problem with leading a
healthy life style by being a heavy smoker and not eating the right typed of food.  Just a small
change in his lifestyle can help him manage his diabetes. Even going outside for short walks
periodically throughout the day can have a Positive effect on health. changing his diet and
quitting smoking may be challenging, but it is a necessary option in order to control his
Diabetes. It takes discipline to create changes in habits.
            The third story, also dealing with diabetes is a woman who exhibits uncertainty in her
future in regards to her condition. At first, she was in denial until her diabetic symptoms
started to appear. She started experiencing neuropathy and weight gain, and was having
difficulty losing weight even with exercise. Her initial fear is that her feet or toes may be
amputated. She decided that she was not going to let diabetes beat her and her need for
discipline, therapy, medications, and diet were met by her determination to live a healthy life.
            Having a knowledgeable experienced health care provider can really make a
difference in the treatment of a patient. Patients who receive positive care experience tend to
require fewer tests and treatments due to improved health outcomes. Additionally, increased
patient satisfaction leads to better engagement which can help prevent illness from becoming
serious or life threatening. As an important component of healthcare quality, patient
experience includes several aspects of healthcare delivery that patients value highly when
they seek and receive care, such as getting timely appointments, easy access to information,
and good communication with health care providers. (AHRQ 2022) When the patient feels as
if they understand their illness and the course of action to treat it, the better the outcome for
the patient.  That is why it is so important to have knowledgeable and experienced providers
to help guide them through the process.
AHRQ (2022) What Is Patient Experience. Retrieved
Drench, Noonan, Sharby, and Ventura. (2012) Psychosocial Aspects of Health Care. Third
Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

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