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NGU PHAP TOEIC Trong tigng Anh, gidt tie la mot dang tit loai cé rat it tit (C6 khodng 150 gidt tie) nhung (ai la mot dang tit loai quan trong va plutc tap. Thém dé, trén thuc té, nhiing _gidi tit nhuc “of, to vain” a mét trong 10 tic thuimng dupe sit dung nhat trong tiéng Anh. Trong bai nay ta sé hoc tat cd nhiing gi nén biét vé gidi tic trong pham vi tiéng Anh co bin nhut dinh nghia, cich sit dung, phan loai, vi tri, cach dat tit ngit cé giét tieva lam quen vi nhiing gidt tit théng dung. SA Teg Gidi tit 1a tit loai chi sif lién quan giita céc tit logi trong cum tit, trong cau. Nhimg, tit thutdng di sau gidi tit la tin ngit (Object), Verb + ing, Cum danh tit - went into the room, (“The room” la tan ngit cita gidi tit “into”) - Iwas sitting in the room at that time. (“The room” la tn ngit cita gid tit “in”) Chi ¥: Céc ban phai ludn phan biét trang tit va gidi tix, vi thing khi mot tit c6 hai chite nang d6 (vita 1a trang tit va gidi ti). Diéu khée nhau co bin 1a Trang tit thi khong c6 tan ngi theo sau. Hay xét eéic cau sau day: - Please, come in. It's raining, (Trang tit) - We are in the small room. (Giéi ti); vi tan ngit cita “in” 1a “the small room” - He ran down quickly. (Trang tit) - vi “quickly” khong pha né chi 1a trang tit chi cach thtte ma thoi. tan ngit cia “dow! - My dictionary is on the desk. (Gidi ti) ~ vi no lién két voi tan ngit: (the desk) Tu (ayer NG PHAP TOEIC Co thé n6i vige ding cfc gidi tit khong phai dé, vi mdi nut6e 66 titdae bi ta phai rt chit ¥ dén n6 ngay tit lic mdi hoc mén ngoai ngit dé noi chung va tiéng Anh noi riéng. ‘Trong tiéng Anh, nguéi ta khong thé dat ra cac quy luat vé cc phép ding gidi tit mang tinh c dinh cho méi gidi tit d6 — cing mot gidi tit, khi di voi tit loai khac nhau thi tao ra nghia khée nhau. Vay ching ta nén hoc thudc mdi khi gap phai va hoc ngay tit hic ban daw. Vidu depend on wait for independent of think of look after make up look for look up look up to live on RRO PRU Re CAc gidi tit trong tiéng Anh cé thé dutge phan thanh may loai sau 3.1. Gidi tit chi thoi gian. after during since at for throughout before from foreward behind in until by on within 3.2. Gidi tit chi dia diém| noi chén. about beneath over above beside through across beyond to at by toward NGU PHAP TOEIC before in under behind off within below on without 3.8, Gioi tit chi ly do. nguyen nhan. at on for over from through of with 3.4, Gidi tit chi myc dich. after on at to for 3.5. Gidi tit thucmg: after by i on against for to among from : with between of Sry Thong thing, gidi tit tiéng Anh duge dat nhu tiéng Viet; tuy nhién, n6 co thé dat ngay tretée Tit nghi van hay Dai tit - What is this medal made of? - Of what is this medal made? - The man whom we listened to is our new teacher. - The man to whom we listened is our new teacher. Fee luyer NGU PHAP TOEIC PRU etd tit trong cau c6 thé lam thay déi nghia ciia cau dé, A letter was read from his friend in the classroom. A letter from his friend was read in the clas room, (Hai cau trén c6 nghia khée nhau bdi vi gidi tit “from” c6 vi tri khéc nhau) With his gun towards the forest he started in the morning With his gun, he started towards the forest in the morning. (Hai cau trén c6 nghia khée nhau bdi vi gidi tit “toward 6 vj tri khée nhau) Ee Cmca = AT: ding triée thoi gian ny : gid, phtit gidy . - At 10 o'clock; at this moment; at 10 a.m = ON: ding triéc théi gian chi: ngay, thit ngay (trong lich ...) - On Sunday; on this day.... aN: dig untéc thi gian dai: thang, mia, nim va mot phan cita ngay. - In June; in July; in Spring; in 2005; in the morning/ afternoon UA at = IN: dig chi vi tri (dja diém - khong chuyén huténg) - In the classroom; in the concert hall; in the box... = INTO: ding chi ¢ chuyén dong tit ngoai vao trong. - Igo into the classroom. = OUT OF: dimg chi sit chuyén dong tit trong ra ngoai. - 1 go out of the classroom a oo NGU PHAP TOEIC PERU THES TTY = FOR : dimg dé do khong thoi gian - For two months, for four weeks, for the st few years... DURING : ding dé chi hanh dong xay ra trong sudt thdi gi suf kign: cha suf vat, ime; during the film; during the play... ding dé dank déu thai gian - During Chris = SINCE - Since last Saturday, since yesterday, «AT: ding chi sy c6 dinh 6 mot vj tri nao do tong déi nhd, vi noi dé 1én hon ta ding “in”, u dign tich ~ At the door; at home; at school - In Ha Noi; in the world = TO: ding chi s chuyén dng tdi m6t noi nao do. - Go to the window; go to the market CAA aC = ON: dimg chi vj tri ditng lién ngay 6 ten - On the table; on the desk = OVER: dig chi c: - Tusual a ABOVE: lép/thit ty & Kin trén (ao, quan) wear a shirt over my inglet VGi nghia 1a trén nung chi sit cao hon so vai vat khie thap han. - The ceiling s are above the pupils. - The planes fly above our heads. 6.6. TILL UNTIL (t eC = TILL: dimg cho thdi gian va khong gian. - Wait for me till next Friday (thdi gian) - They walked till the end of the road. (khdng gian) = UNTIL: ding voi thoi gian - He did not come back until L1p.m. yesterday, (thoi gian) RE Tet ayo NGU PHAP TOEIC Ta Ug Question k Ican’t deal___this problem. A. out B. with Cc. in Question 2: His children never go to school Sunday. A. for B. with _ Cc. in 4 D. on Vex Question 3: She is very good _ English. A. at to B. Cc. on D. for Te ‘Question 4:1 think you should complain ___ the manager about the bad service. A. for B. to a C. of a D. with VE ‘Question 5: Jack is looking ___ the children while his A. over B. at ©. after D. for ife is in hospital. NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 6: You live London, don’t you? A by B. in c D. with, on Question 7: There is no chance of selling the goods that price. A. on B. at C. for D. to / Question 8: He’s talking __the phone. about to on com> in Question 9: My house is next the post office. A. at B. to c D. in on / Question 10: I don’t get on very well him, A. to B. with C. for Question I The glass is full___ water. A. of B. in ; . with / Fi lyjgr.3yGU PHAP TOEIC Question 12: She reminds me my mother. A. with B. to ©. of D. by Va Question £8: I will stay in New York ___ about three weeks. + A. for B. during C. since S D. at Question 14: He seemed very bored life, about of - with { to Question 15: Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? - It depends the weather. A. in B. on ve cat i Question 16: People nowadays are interested saving money and natural resources. pom> A. on B. with C. in D. to ‘Question 17: I am sorry. I wasn’t paying close attention what you said. Ato B. for C. with, NGO PHAP TOEIC Question 18: Have you had much experience __ computers? about at for pop on / Question 19: Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists * A. of B. in oA Cc. with / Question 20: Some people are very __ of traveling by air. A. worried B. excited C. afraid D. interested Fut lyon NGU PHAP TOEIC Trong tiéng Anh, ngubi ta rét hay diung cau bi dong. Khéc véi cau chii d6ng, le chit ngit thuc hign hanh déng, trong céu bi déng chi ngit nhén tac déng ciia hanh dong. (Céiu bi d6ng dugc ditng khi muén nhéin manh dén doi tuong chiu tac déng cia hanh d6ng hon la ban than hanh d6ng d6. Thai cita d6ng tit d céu bi dong phdi tun theo thot cia d6ng tit d cau chi: d6ng. Chiing ta hdy cing hoc céic kién thitc lién quan dé sit dung thénh thao cau bi dng nhé. DO \ Bi /Thu dong cach 1a cach dat cdu trong d6 chit ngit dring vai bi dong. - English is learnt at school. - A book was bought Cha a Thi 1: ¢ Cau chii déng phai c6 Ngoai d6ng tit, (transitive verbs) Dieu kién dé c6 thé chuyén cau chit dong sang bi dong: 4 chii d6ng phai xdc lap c6 duge tan ngit. (object) = Tht 2. Qui tac Cau bi dong. = Dong We cia cau bj déng: To be + Past Participle (Pu). & Tan ngit ctia cau chit dong thanh chit ngi cia cau bi déng \ ONoG is :et ve / f NGU PHAP TOEIC = Chit ngit cia cau chi déng thanh chi ngtt cia gidi tie “BY” cha Bi don Subject +To Be + Past Participle (dong tit dang phan tit qua khit) + BY + Object if: Subject + Verb + Object ¥ - The farmer drinks tea everyday. (Active-chii dong) du: ‘Tea is drunk by the farmer everyday. (Passiv ‘bj dong) a Khi mot ngoai déng tied chic dong 06 hai tan ngtt, mot true tiép va mot gidin tiép (nhom tang biéu), C6 thé chuyén thank hai céu bi dong. - [gave him an apple An apple was given to him = He was given an apple. Mot sé edu date bigt phat dich ler “Nguet tc” khi dich sang tiéng Viet. Mot 4 don ee due ding nhu tren: believe, say, suagest, expect. ing) id that... (Ngui ta ndi ring) -Itis si that = People say that... (Nguoi ta néi - It was said that = People = Tadlieng d6ng tienguyen thé trong thé bi dong: TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE dé chi mot 4 dink hay sue bit bude hoe sue khong thé dude - This exercise is to be done. - This matter is to be discussed soon. = Sau nhiing déng Ue: to have, to order, to get, to bid, to cause hay moi dong tt chi vé gide quan hoge cam tinh, ta ding Past Participle (Tham khéio phiin Bang dong tit bat quy tc) bao him nghia nlue bj ding: - We had our photos taken, - We heard the song sung. - We got tired after having walked for long Fut layer. NGU PHAP TOEIC BAC Ce CODES LH TENSES: ACTIVE ] PASSIVE / Simple present (thi hign tai don) do | done Present Continuous (thi hién ta is/are doing is/are being done Simple Past (thi qua khir don) did was/were done Past Continuous (thi qué khit tiép din) ——-was/were doing —_was/were being done Present Perfect (thi hign tai hoan thinh) —has/have done ——_—ihas/have been done g Past Perfect (thi qué khit hoan thanh) had done had been done = Simple Future (thi trong lai don) will do will be done 3 Future Perfect (thi trong lai hoan thanh) will have done will have been done Is/are going to (thi tuong lai gin) is/are going to do ivare going to be done Can can, could do can, could be done Might might do might be done \ Must must do must be done Have to have to do have to be done CE aL Cd like, hate ... = M66 86 dong tit dic bit: remember, want, tri - I remember them taking me to the zoo. (active) I remember being taken to the 200.(passive) - She wants her sister to take some photogtaphs.(active) She wants some photographs to be taken by her sister. (passive) - She likes her boyfriend telling the truth. (active) = She likes being told the truth by her boyfriend. (p: Xi Ey vo oe EE AS te Na is si ssive) NGU PHAP TOEIC a M6086 wrudng hgp déic biet nguyén mau cé TO: suppose, believe, make - You are supposed to learn English now. (passive) = It is your duty to learn English now. (active) = You should learn English now. (active) - His father makes him learn hard. (active) = He is made to learn hard. (passive) - You should be working now.(active) = You are supposed to be working now.(passive) - People believed that he was waiting for his friend (active). = He was believed to have been waiting for his friend.(pas: S Tay a onda ie sete Question : My father waters this flower every morning, -> This flower every morning by my father. A. was watered B. is watered C. will be watered Question 2: George is getting___ Lisa. A. marry with B. marry to C. married with D. married to / Question 3: Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. A. The room cleaned when I arrived. B. The room was being cleaned when I arrived C. The room was cleaned when I arrived D. The room was cleaning when I arrived I oo Fee uySr. NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 4: They built this house 100 years ago. ‘A. This house was built 100 years ago. B. This house was being built 100 years ago. C. This house being built 100 years ago. = wo D. This house built 100 years ago. aN Question 5: He has made no mistakes in his composition. A. His composition has made no mistakes. B. No mistakes have made in his composition. C. No mistakes have been made in his composition. D. A& Care correct. / Question 6: “When can I have my car back?” “I think it'll late this afternoon.” A. finish B. be finished C. have finished D. be finish onda ia ‘shiva Question 7: You musin’t use this machine after 5.30. ‘A. This machine mustn’t be used after 5.30. B. This machine mustn't used after 5.30. CC. You mustn’t be used this machine after 5.30. D. A& Care correct / 4 Question 8: Mary is cutting a cake with a sharp knife. ‘A. Acake is cut with a sharp knife by Mary. B. Acake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary. a C. A sharp knife is cut with a cake by Mary. Question 9: ‘The teacher is going to tell a story. A story be told by the teacher. A story is going to tell by the teacher. A story is going to be told by the teacher. A story is going to tell the teacher. pop> NGU PHAP TOEIC A. Has been an announcement made B. Has an announcement made % C. Has an announcement been made D. Has been made an announcement Question Ik: People believe that red is the symbol of luck. A. Red believes people to be the symbol of luck B. Itis believed that red is the symbol of luck. C. Red is believed to be the symbol of luck. D. Both B and C Question 12: This exercise may with a pencil. A. be written B. beto write -— C. be writing i D. write zs NOG ia :tt Ive ‘Question 13: How can they open this safe" f ‘A. How can this safe is opened? B. How can this safe opened? C, How can this safe be opened? Question 14: She advised me to sell that house. ‘A. Lam advised to sell that house. B. Ladvised her to sell that house. 5 C. Iwas advised to sell that house. D. She was advised to sell that house. Ve Question 15: She helps me to do all the difficult exercises. A. Lam helped to do all the difficult exercises. B. Iam helped her to do all the difficult exercises. C. Thelp her to do all the difficult exercises, REE > Tet lyst NGU PHAP TOEIC ‘Question 16: You should give us this information. ‘A. We should give you this information. B. We should be given this information. CC. This information should give us. Question 17: No one has cleaned the floor for weeks. A. The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks. B. The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks. C. The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks, Question 18: this work __ before you went to Paris? A. Will - have been done B. Has - been done C. Had - been done D. Will - be done Question 19: Let the children ___taken to the cinema. A. to B. be C. tobe D. being ‘Question 20: The police stopped us on our way to school. ‘A. We were stopped by the police on our way to school. B. We stopped by the police on our way to school. CC. We stopped the police on our way to school. 9nge ia “th 1s NGU PHAP TOEIC Trong mét cau tiéng Anh, chi ngit va d6ng tit phdi phir hop voi nhau vé ngéi va s6, ite la chit ngit 6 it di ciung d6ng tie s6 it vie chit ngit s6 nhiéu di ciing déng tit so nhiéu. Tay nhién, déi khi chi ngit cin hoa hop voi déng tic tity theo y tudng dién dat hodc danh tit/ dai tit ding trudc theo cdc quy tdc nhat dinh. Ching ta hay ghi nh nhiing quy tdc dudi day dé trénh nhitng nhém lan khéng dang cé khi lium bai thi TOEIC nhé! De Cee 1, Trong edu tiéng Anh, 66 nhiéu trudng hyp rat khé wie dink duge déu te chti ngit ctia cau do chi ngit va dong ue khdng di lién vdi nhaw - The boys in the room are playing chess 2. Thong thug trong cée trong hyp dé, mot ngie gidi te (mot giGi tae mds dé vai ecic danh tit theo sau —in the room) thuémg néim gitta chi ngit va d6ng tit, Cae ngit gidi ute nay khong dnh hudng dén viée chia déng tit he study of nguages is very interesting - Serveral theories on this subject have been proposed. - The view of these disciplines varies from time to time. - The danger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly. Chai ¥: Trong céc vi du trén céc danh tit nim trong ngit gidi tit déu trai ngutge voi chu ngit vé sé it/ s6 nhiéu nhung dong tit ludn dude chia theo chii ngit chinh. Fit luySr.NGU PHAP TOEIC 3. Céc cum tit sau citing vdi cde danh tit di theo sau né tao nén hién tucng déng chit ngit. Ching ditng gitta chit ngtt va dong tit, phan tach khdi 2 thanh phein do boi dau phy. Chiing ciing khong cé dn huting gi dén vige chia déng tit. Together with along with accompanied by as well as - Mary, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight. - Mr. Robbins, accompanied by her wife and children, is arriving tonight, 4, Néu hai danh tt lam chi ngit néi vdi nhau béing “and” nhung cing ndi vé 1 d6i eugng thi dong tit chia & ngoi thit 3 sé i - Bread and butter is all he asked for. 5. Néu 2 danh tit lam chti ngit néi voi nhau bang “and” va chi 2 déi wegng khac nhau thi dong tit phai chia 6 ngdi thit 3 sé nhiéu (tong duong voi they) - Mary and her manager are going to a party tonight. Nhung néu 2déng chit ngit néi vi nhau being “or” thi d6ng tit phai chia theo danh titgén né nhdt. Néu danh tit dé la sé it thi dng tit phai chia sé it vat nguose Iai. - Mary or her manager is going to answer the press interview. URC ORO ERC tc UEC D6 1a cdc danh tit 6 bang sau (cdn goi la céc dai tit phiém chi). any+singular no+singular some +singular —_—every/each + singular noun noun noun “noun anybody nobody somebody everybody, anyone no one someone everyone anything nothing something everything neither * either * = Either vat neither la sé it néu chting khong di vdi or hofic nor. Either (cé nghia 1 trong 2) chi ditng cho 2 nguéi hoc 2 dit) tro len phai ding any. Neither (khong mt ai trong hai) chi diing cho 2 ngudi. 2 éu 3 ngudi (vat) trd lén ding not any. | 2 > oe NGU PHAP TOEIC - Everybody who wants to buy a ticket should be in this line. - Something is in my eye. - Anybody who has lost his ticket should report to the desk. - Neither of his pens is able to be used. - Ifeither of'y ou takes a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work. - No problem is harder than this one John does, - Nobody works harder than ES nL) itva sé nhieu “None” va “No” déu ding dutge véi cd danh tit s 1. Néu sau “None of the” lic m6t danh tit khong dém duge thi dong te phai ngoi thit 3 sé it. Néu sau nd la mot danh tit s6 nhiéu thi d6ng te phai chia & ngoi thit 3 sé nhieu. iy Yone of the + non-count noun + singular verb None of the + plural count noun + plural verb Vi du: - None of the counterfeit money has been found. - None of the students have finished the exam yet 2. Néu sau “No” la: mot danh tit dém duge sb it ogc khong dém duge thi déng ttt phai & ngéi thit 3 so it. Néu sau né lea mot danh tit sé nhiéu thi dong wit phai GO ngdi thit 3 sb nhieu. 2 ‘0 + {singular noun/ non-count noun} + singular verb / No + plural noun + plural verb Vi du: - No example is relevant to this case - No examples are relevant to this case Feet buyer. NGU PHAP TOEIC TT a aD Mam CT ET CC not only... but also (khong nhiing.. ma con) Diéu cén lew y nhdt khi ste dung cdu tric nay la dong tit phdi chia theo danh tie dig gén né nhat. Néu danh tit dé la sé it thi déng tit chia 6 ngdi thit 3 sé it va ngutoc lai. Néu or ho ciing dp dung quy té enor xudt hién mét minh (khdng cé either he tong te (nhu da dé cap 6 phan trén). - Neither John nor his friends are going to the beach today. - Either John or his friends are going to the beach today. ic neither) thi - Not only the boys but also Carmen has seen this movie before. Ee 1. Khi V-ing ditng lam chti ngit thi dong tt cing phdi chia d ngdi duit 3 sé tt. - Learning English is not easy.. - Not studying has caused him many problems. - Washing with special cream is recommended for sealp infection - Being cordial is one of his greatest assets. - Writing many letters makes her happy. 2. Nguoi ta sé ding V-ing khi mudn dién dat 1 hanh dong cu thé xdy ra nde thes nhung khi mudn dién dat ban chat cia su vat, sy viée thi phai ding danh wit. - Dieting is very popular today. - Diet is for those who suffer from a certain disease. 3. Dong tit nguyén thé cting 6 thé diing lam chit ngdi tit 3 sé it. Nhung ne git vei dong tit sau nd sé chia wisi ta thutimg diing chi ngit gid “it” dé més déu cau. - To find the book is necessary for him = It is necessary for him to find the book. NGU PHAP TOEIC VATA EUR Ce Ty D6 1a cae danh tit & bing sau ding dé chi 1 nhém ngudi hode 1 t6 chite nhutng tén thute té chting la nhitg danh tit s6 ét (chi 1 don vj), do vay cée dai tit va dong tit theo sau ching cing d ngoi thet 8 sé it congress organization government family team jury group army majority* | committee club minority class crowd public | Vi du: - The committee has met, and it has rejected the proposal. - The family was elated by the news. - The crowd was wild with excitement. - Congress has initiated a new plan to combat inflation. Tuy nhién néu cdc thanh vién trong nhém dang hoat déng riéng ré, dong tit sé chia 6 ngot thit 3 sé nhieu: - Congress votes for the bill. (Quée hdi bé phiéu cho dit nat, gdm tat ca moi ngutdi) - Congress are discussing about the bill, (Quée hoi dang tranh tu Iuat, tite 1 mOt s6 tan thanh, mot s6 phan déi). pve dit Danh tit “majority” duge ding tui theo thanh phén sau né dé chia déng tit The majority + singular verb jority of the + plural noun + plur: Vi du: - The majority believes that we are in no danger. - The majority of the students believe him to be innocent. = The police/the sheep|the fish + plural verb. - The sheep are breaking away. - The police come only to see the dead bodies and a ruin in the bank. ( 130 Tet lyst NGU PHAP TOEIC = Acouple + singular verb - A couple is walking on the path. = The couple + plural verb - The couple are racing their horses through the meadow. = Céc cum tit d nhém sau chi mot nhém dong vat hode gia sie. Cho dit sau gidi tit “of” le danh ue sé nhiéu thi déng tit vdn chia theo ngdi chi: ngit chinh ~ ngoi thit 3 s6 it: flock of birds) sheep, school of fish, herd of cattle, pride of tions, pack of dogs. - The flock of birds is circling overhead - The herd of cattle is breaking away. school of fish is being attacked by sharks. cd cae danh tit tap thé chi thoi gian, tién bac, sé do, ... khi duge dé cap nhut mot thé théng nhdt thi déu dude xem la mot danh te 86 it. Do dé cdc dOng tit va dai te theo sau ching phai d ngdi thit 3 sé it. - Twenty-five dollars is too much for the meal. - Fifty minutes isn’t enough time to finish this test - Two miles is too much to run in one day. - He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute another fifty. VIL Cach sif dung “a number of, the number of’: it sé nhitng...”, di vdi danh tte sé nhieu, 1, A number of nhiéu. jj A number of + plural noun + plural verb Vi du: - A number of students are going to the class picnic (Mot s6 sinh vien sé di...) - A number of applicants have already been interviewed. umber of = “Sé lung nhitng ...”, di vdi danh tit sé nhiéu, dong tit véin O ngoi thit 3 sb The number of + plural noun + singular verb... HS no ET EET NGU PHAP TOEIC - The number of day in a week is ven. (S6 hgng ngay trong tu: - The number of residents who have been que: quite small nla 7) pned on this matter is Tana Bang saw la nhiing danh tit bao gid cing 6 hinh thai s6 nhiéu vi ching bao gom 2 thite thé nén ede dai tit va dong tit di cing vi ching cing phai 6 s6 nhieu. scissors jeans eyeglasses shorts tongs pliers pants trousers tweezers Néu mudn chiing thanh ngdi sé it phai ding a pair of. - The pants are in the drawer, - A pair of pants is in the drawer. - These scissors are dull. (Cai kéo nay cin, Chit nhung cing ding vdi these) chi c6 mot céi kéo PT Cee Dude diing dé chi sie ton tai ctia ngu tia caw la danh tit di 6 ngoi thi gitt nguyen. i hotic vat tai mot nai ndo db. Chit ngit that sau déng tit. Néu né la danh tit sé it thi dng tit to be chia 86 tt va nguge lai. Moi bién déi vé thoi va thé déu 0 to be con there - There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars. - There is a storm approaching. - There was an accident last night - There was water on the floor. - There have been a number of telephone calls today. - There were too many people at the party. REE > Fe luydre NGU PHAP TOEIC Lata §: = Cae edu trite: there is certain] sure/ likely/ bound to be = chéc chan la sé c6 - There is sure to be trouble when she gets his letter. (Chae chan la sé c6 rac ri khi c6 Ay nhan duge thi anh ta) - Do you think there is likely to be snow. (Anh cho rang chic chan sé c6 tuyét chit) ® Trong dang tiéng Anh quy chudn hog vein chuong mot sé céc dong tit khéc ngoai to be ciang duge sit dung véi there: Dang tit trang thai: stand/ lie/ remain exist] live Dang tit chi sue dén: enter] gol come) follow] develop - Ina small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker. (Tai mot thi tran nhé & Dite c6 mot dng thg giay nghéo séng 6 dé) - There remains nothing more to be done, (Cha cdn ¢6 gi nita ma lam) - Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black. (Bong c6 mét hinh bong ki la mac toan dé den di vao) - There followed an uncomfortable silence. (Sau dé 14 mot su im lang dén kho chin) There + subject pronoun + go/ come/ be: kia/ thé la/ réi thi - There he comes (Anh ta da dén rdi kia kia) - There you are, I have been waiting for you for over an hour. (Anh day rdi, t6i chd anh hon mot tiéng ri day) NGU PHAP TOEIC Question k Everybody ____ on time for class. A is B. are C. have been D. were Question 2: There some bills for you to pay. A. is B. are C. has been D. was Question 3: Neither Bill nor his children ___ going to the play tonight. A. Is B. Are Question 4: This information about taxes ___ helpful A. are B. is C. has Question 5: English difficult to me, A. was taken B. has been taken C. are D. is Question 6: The committee already reached a decision A. has B. have Question 7: A number of reporters _at the conference yesterday. A. was B. were Cc. wre REE > Fit layer NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 8: My mother and father _ for the same company. A. is going to work B. work C. works / D. has worked fi Question 9: The picture of the soldiers back many memories. A. bring B. brings Question 10: Most of the mountain peaks in the Himalayan range with snow the year around. A. cover B. is covered C. covers D. are covered f Question tk The United States of America of fifty separate states. A. are consisting B. is consisting C. consists . D. consist Question (2: Two hours too long to wait, don’t you think? A. are B. is C. were D. was / Question B: Either Geography or Mathematics fascinating. A. are B. is ~ C. were Question I: Mr. Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children. tonight. A. arrived B. arrive C. is arriving NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 15: Seven dollars _ too much to pay for that shirt, A. is B. are C. were D. have been Question 16: None of the students. the exam that. A. is finishing B. are finishing C. have finished D. has finished Question 17: The majority of people A. believes B, believe C. is believing D. are believing Question 18: Writing many letters . have made make makes pop are making / him to be innocent. her happy. Question 19: The young the future in their hand. A. have B, has C. ishaving D. are having Question 20: “The world is flat” A. have been B. has been Cam D. are an amusing book.

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