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Part 1:

1.tìm hiểu về vị trí công việc các em muốn offer sau khi ra trường, đọc tiêu chí của
vị trí công việc đó, xem mình thiếu tiêu chí nào.
- Vị trí công việc:
- Tên công ty:
- Các tiêu chí tuyển dụng:
- Các tiêu chí bản thân còn thiếu:

2. Mục tiêu: ngắn hạn, dài hạn

3. Xác định điểm mạnh, điểm yếu của bản thân ( phát triển thế mạnh và cải thiện điểm yếu như
thế nào?)

4. Các kỹ năng cần thiết để đạt được mục tiêu: chia 2 phần ( kỹ năng chuyên môn, kỹ năng

5. Kế hoạch cụ thể: lập bảng outline theo mốc thời gian (1 năm, 3 năm, 5 năm,’ 10 năm)


Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher level learning.
I. Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning.
II. Review different motivational theories and the impact they can have on performance in
the workplace.
III. Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives
and required skills, knowledge and learning for\ own future goals.
 Short Term Goal

• In 1 Month, my goals are to finish this semester with all Merit Assesment in
order to have high Grade When graduated, the second goals is to Finish the Basic Java
Fundemental and nish all Android Projects in order to have specific skill in the future job.
• In 3 months, my goals are Finish MOOC Course, finish Java Advanced Course
and can take in HackerRank certificated exam.

 Long Term Goal

In 1 Year later, I want to be a Fresher at the software company like VNG or FPT Soft as JAVA or
Android Developer. In 1,5 year later my goal is to Graduated with above 3,5 GPA point. In 4 years later
goal to achive is to Become a Senior from the current position. In the 7 Years later, my biggest goal is
Become a Project Manager from the current position. In 11 Years later, my dream is to opening your own
software studio and development own software.

Hard Work
Looking For Good Information
High Level Of Concentration
Leadership Skills
Collaboration Skills
Technical Skills (Software)
Interpersonal Skills
Take on too much responsibility

3.1 Develop Strengths

a) Develop a related skill
For example, if you're an excellent blogger, you could turn your attention to learning related fields like
SEO, videography, or graphic design. If you're a talented developer, you could learn project management to
build your leadership skills. Learn something that will make you better at your core strength, even if that
secondary skill never becomes a main area of focus for you.
When developing complementary skills, it also helps to consider your long-term goals. What skills will
you need to get the job you want to have five years from now?
One way to figure this out is to browse the LinkedIn profiles of people who have jobs you'd like to have
in the future. See what skills they have that you don't. You might even consider asking those people to
talk with you about the skills that they thought were the most helpful in growing their careers.
b) Use Your Strengths
In Go Put Your Strengths to Work, while I might not be able to go to your boss and create my own role
that's solely focused on your strengths, the suggesteds following are:
 "Push the people at work toward your strengths and away from your weaknesses."

 "Push for more training around your strengths."

 "Push for inclusion on teams or projects that could really use your strengths."

 "Push to spend time with colleagues who share one of your strengths and are even
more adept than you at applying it."
Think about ways you can use your strengths a little more than you did the previous week. By doing so,
you can grow the percentage of time you spend on your strengths at work gradually over time.
After all, the more you use your strengths at work, the more people will recognize you for those strengths
—and they may even start coming to you anytime there's a need for someone with your unique skill set.
c) Teach Someone Else
There's a concept in pedagogy known as the "protégé effect": People learn the material better when they
have to teach what they've learned to others.
Several research studies have found out why: People who expect to have to explain what they've learned
do a better job of organizing their knowledge and recalling it. Plus, as they teach, they "identify knots and
gaps in their own thinking."
Consider hiring an intern or taking on a mentee. By walking someone inexperienced through something
you know inside and out, you may uncover things you don't know as well as you thought you did, things
that you could improve upon, or new ways to do things you thought you perfected long ago.
In itself, focusing on developing your strengths can help you accomplish more. At Mindset Works, an
organization focused on studying Dweck's growth mindset, researchers performed an experiment on
students who were performing poorly in school. They split the students into two groups: One group
learned about the stages of memory, while the other group was taught about the growth mindset.
After the experiment, the students in the group that learned about the growth mindset were more
motivated and put in more effort, and their grades improved. On the other hand, the grades of the students
who learned about memory continued to decline.
So if you've made it all the way to the end of this piece, you've already taken your first step toward
3.2 Improving Weakness
To improving my weakness, firstly i need to Set Goals.
Set goals to create an action plan for improving weaknesses. Make sure your goals are specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (S.M.A.R.T). A broad goal like
“improve working relationships” is difficult to measure. Instead, break it down into manageable goals,
such as scheduling a meeting next week with a colleague to discuss ways of improving communication
between your departments. Assign a deadline to each goal. Review your goals to ensure they are
attainable. Your list of goals acts as a strategic plan for improving weaknesses. It will also help you
prioritize tasks and save time.


1. Pay attention to your thoughts.

2. Change the channel.
3. Examine the evidence.
Self-Critical 4. Replace exaggeratedly negative thoughts with realistic statements.
5. Consider how bad it would be if your thoughts were true.
6. Ask yourself what advice you'd give to a friend.
7. Balance self-improvement with self-acceptance.
1. Do the hard and important tasks first
2. Improve self-regulation ability and beliefs
3. Manage your environment
4. Set yourself a short deadline
5. Increase confidence and self-belief
6. Make the task harder
1. Create more realistic personal goals and expectations.
2. Challenge your inner critic and dispute negative thoughts.
3. Prioritize self care and invest in yourself.
4. Practice saying no more often.
5. Remember that time off is not time wasted.
6. Trust that it will all get done in time.
7. Schedule breaks and recharge.
8. Take a weekend vacation to get away.
9. Stop wasting your time by multitasking.
10. Practice not holding others to your same standard.
1. I forced myself to do things i loved that i knew were good for me
2. I took a piece of my day and made it more refreshing
3. I started reaching out to people
Take on too much
4. I let myself not be perfect
5. Slow down and take a breather
6. Make a list of priorities
7. Delegate tasks to others


4.1 Skills required for my job
Being a developer intern is not an easy job. An intern must have many skills to work in the company and
to make happy to the manager. The skills required for the intern is given below:
a) Good Communication Skills
As we know, communication is the act of receiving and sending news, views, ideas, information, etc…
from one person to another within same or different countries. An IT intern must have a good
communication skill to make happy to the client and manager. He should be ready to share his idea with
the manager or client at any time. Without good communication skill, he could not share his idea with
others due to which he cannot get success in his job.
b) Planning Skills
Planning is the process of thinking about the activity to be done for getting success while doing any task.
An IT intern must have the good planning skill to become success in his field. He should be able to plan
for the benefit of the organization and for himself too. He should have to do different task in which
planning may be very essential to complete the task.
c) Observation Skills
Observation is the process of observing something or someone for getting information. Without
observation skills, an IT intern cannot increase his knowledge. With the proper observation, a person can
get a lot of information and learn many good things. So, an IT intern must increase their observation skill.
d) Decision Making Skills
It is the most important skills which an IT intern should have. He should be able to make decision on
everything. If he cannot make good decision then it can be loss of the organization and his too. He should
make his own decision according to his level. If he could increase his decision making skills then he can
be a better intern than other.
e) Leadership Skills
Leaders are those people who have capability to lean other. It is very difficult work due to which all
people cannot lead other person. If the IT intern has leadership skills then he can lead and bring in control
to other employees of the organization. He can impress his manager by his leadership skills. He can
increase his post if he has good leadership skills.
4.2 Knowledge Required for My Job

With many skills, An Developer intern should have some special knowledge which other person may not
have. The knowledge which is required to become an IT intern are given below:
a) Good Knowledge Of Internet
In the present world, all the information can be gain through internet. We can send message, information,
documents, ideas, etc from one place to another easily with the help of the internet. An IT intern must
have the good knowledge about the internet. He should be able to do all the works related to the internet.
He should be able to search the different information for the use of organization by using the internet.
b) Knowledge Of Hardware And Software
An IT intern should have good knowledge of hardware and software. He should be able to install the
different software which is useful for the organization and also he should be able to use all the hardware
of the organization. He should have knowledge to distingue between the quality of hardware and software
b) Knowledge Of Programming
In the software Company, sometime there may arise the error in the code of some application. In this
case, An IT intern should be able to fix it. He should have good knowledge of programming and coding
due to which he can solve the problem easily in less time. This can be helpful to increase the efficiency of
the company.
As we know, development plan is an opportunity for employees and managers to plan for an individual's
development for achieving the future needs of department. It is the most important things for the
individual to get success in the future. As being the IT intern, I have also made my development plan
which is given below:

What support and Target date

Goal Responsibility Skills required
resources will I need? for review?

Specification Developing Application, Certificate of java, Institute and online 1 Year

in managing application Android and other course
programming programming language

To make To increase the Decision making skill Research and company 1,5 Years
better decision efficiency of where I work
Organization by making
proper decision

To learn To install different types Knowledge of Server Institute, online course 3 Years
Different of server for making the and its types and seniors of company
types of server effectiness of company
architect strong.
To learn how To control overall the Knowledge of code Experiment form where i 6 Years
to language, techonology, architect,sever work, advanced course,
Design the servver, set up engeneering, framework, hanlder and lear from
effectily eviroment to completing analysist requirements. company project
architect of the requirements of the
the project project

To learn To lead the employee of Leadership skills and Self Practice and 8 Years
Manging skill the organization and Critical thinking skills different counselors
thinking critically for the
benefits of company

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