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Jefferson R.




Learning activity 1

Rebecca is a sweet and endearing young woman from New York City who was hopelessly
addicted to shopping and was drowning in debt as a result. When it comes to shopping, I can relate to
Rebecca, but unlike her, I have self-control. Knowing the difference between wants and needs enables
me to avoid developing a shopping addiction. Despite having enough money to buy the items that
caught my eye, I know in my heart that I won't because there are more important things to think about.
We must practice responsible purchasing. To save money and use it wisely, people should understand
the difference between needs and wants.

Learning activity 2

After reading this article I feel encouraged after reading this article because of what the person said in
the final paragraph. He emphasizes that, like the $20 bill, we will never lose our value no matter what
happens in life, what challenges we encounter, and though there may be times when we feel helpless
and unloved. To those who adore us, we are unique.

The story affects me in such a way that I’ve realized how blessed I am to what am I now, to have a life
like this and to be born as a human.

I know I am worthy because I am made by God.

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