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Grade: 7 Subject: Integrated Sciences

Name of the Unit: Kuch to gadbad hai!

Name of the Topic: Experimental cycle

Statement of Inquiry: Understanding the interaction and different forms of the system helps us to
explore various discoveries.

Key Concepts/ Related KC: System

concepts catered (if RCs: Form, Interaction

Global Context catered GC: Orientation in space and time

(if any): GC exploration: Students will explore discoveries.

Criterion/ Objective B: Inquiring and Designing

i. Outline an appropriate problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. Outline a testable prediction using scientific reasoning
iii. Outline how to manipulate the variables, and outline how data will be collected
iv. Design scientific investigations.

Criterion/ Objective C: Processing and Evaluating

i. Present collected and transformed data
ii. Interpret data and outline results using scientific reasoning
iii. Discuss the validity of a prediction based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
iv. Discuss the validity of the method
v. Describe improvements or extensions to the method.

Learners are expected to use given command terms to frame the questions.


1. State the research question to be investigated by the scientific investigation. (Crit B)
Expected sentence starter:
I want to investigate whether phosphorous is present in bread extract or not through the
precipitation method.

2. Outline a prediction/hypothesis to be tested by the scientific investigation. (Crit B)

Expected sentence starter:
I predict that phosphorous will not be present in the bread extract as not all grains are rich in
phosphorous. And precipitation will not be helpful to detect the low level of phosphorous.

3. State the different variables and how will you manipulate them. (Crit B)


Name of Educators: Amee V., Gracy V., Honey T., Nisha P., Shivani K., Yesha D. Fountainhead School, 2022-23
Grade: 7 Subject: Integrated Sciences
Name of the Unit: Kuch to gadbad hai!

Independent ● Sample
(which keeps changing)

Dependent ● Precipitation method

(which will be measured)

Controlled/ Constant ● Amount of HNO3, Ammonium Molybdate and sample,

(which stays unchanged Temperature of sample
throughout the

4. Design a logical and complete method. (Crit B)

- Requirements with quantity (Tools which will be required for the experiment)
➔ Sample - 2ml
➔ Ammonium Molybdate - 3ml
➔ HNO3 - 3ml
➔ Test tube - 1
➔ Dropper - 2
➔ Test tube rack - 1
- Safety measures
➔ Be careful while handling HNO3
➔ Don’t spill any liquids
- Procedures (steps)
➔ Take a test tube
➔ Add 2ml of the sample
➔ Add 3ml of HNO3 and 3ml of ammonium molybdate from the wall of the test
tube using a dropper
➔ Observe the change and note it down


5. Collect the data and draw the diagram. (Crit C)
White precipitate is observed in the cloud form and also in the ring form. Due to the exchange of
the ions of molybdate ion and phosphate ions in the presence of HNO3.

6. Interpret the data with scientific reasoning. (Crit C)

Expected sentence starter:
I can interpret that the precipitation method will help to check the presence of phosphorous in the
presence of HNO3 and ammonium molybdate. In the reaction, there will be an exchange of
molybdate ion and phosphate ions present in the sample.

7. Discuss the validity of the prediction/hypothesis with scientific reasoning. (Crit C)

Name of Educators: Amee V., Gracy V., Honey T., Nisha P., Shivani K., Yesha D. Fountainhead School, 2022-23
Grade: 7 Subject: Integrated Sciences
Name of the Unit: Kuch to gadbad hai!

Expected sentence starter:

My prediction/ hypothesis (Given prediction/ Hypothesis) is valid. The precipitation method is
confirming the presence of phosphorous in bread extract.

8. Discuss the validity of the method with scientific reasoning. (Crit C)

Expected sentence starter:
The method was valid as it gives an answer to my research question. A white cloud formation was
observed in the test tube. That shows the presence of phosphorous in bread extract. The
concentration of ammonium molybdate could be taken higher so precipitates can be observed

9. State 2 improvements for your method. (Crit C)

Depends on the method used in the experiment.
1. Take a high concentration of ammonium molybdate.
2. Take the supernatant with bread particles.

Name of Educators: Amee V., Gracy V., Honey T., Nisha P., Shivani K., Yesha D. Fountainhead School, 2022-23

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