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Good afternoon everyone~ did you have perfect lunch? Yeah~ that was so delicious, right? Is
there any absentee today? Nope? Good!

As I told you, you guys already arranged six groups and prepared for your textbook and
worksheet! Thank you for your preparation!

Before starting class, we’re gonna read our activities and learning objectives. In today’s class, first
of all, we are going to summary the passage and fill the blank as the review of last class.
Secondly, we’re gonna learn two grammar points, 사역동사 and 관계대명사 what. And then we’re
gonna write a short essay using these two grammar points by each group. So before writing an
essay, through textbook page 93, we are going to take a look at an example essay.

And let’s read our today’s learning objectives. Please read them loudly. Number one! three two
one 하고 한 개씩 읽기


These red colors harmonize well, so we can feel relaxed.

This movie was about the confidence. And when you have low confidence, we can overcome by
experiencing as many things as we can, like traveling.

The last was novel ~. When you feel you don’t fit in and feel different from others, you don’t have
to care about it, and you can improve yourself by making something that make you special.

Can you remember all of these things? No? Oh, it’s okay. We can recall our memories by filling ~.

It’s time to learn grammar! we can ~ first of all, we are going to watch a video. Listen to ~.

What was the video about? Yeah! It is the song let it go. And the first grammar is related to this


These two phrases have the same structure. And that structure is 동사 목적어 목적격보어.

Especially we are going to learn about these verb. When you want to write these causative verbs,
you have to write object and objective complement. And the most important thing is here.
목적격보어 should be an original verb form or past participle. But you can be confused about
which to use.

예문적어라. And make sure you should fill all of your worksheet because I will check your
worksheet after this class. 수빈, Can you tell us a sentence you made? other volunteer?

Actually, we already learned about who, which, and that. But there can be students who can’t
remember perfectly, so let’s recall them by checking these examples.
After reading this example, How do you feel? Oh, it will be difficult? No way, you can do it well!
Let’s give it a shot!

Group activity! Let’s read together our activity! 그리고 한국어로 설명

can you find two grammar points that we learn right before?

Like this, write a short essay by each group! This is just an example, so you can refer this but it’s
okay to make your group’s own essay. And don’t be afraid of making errors because we are in the
learning process.

You have to upload your essay on Padlet. I made a new category, so what you guys have to do is
uploading your group’s essay with a picture. You can post with this button, and also can add a
picture of artwork. Can you guys understand? If you are not good at dealing with this program,
ask teacher whatever you don’t know. I will give you 2 minutes!

Okay! Everyone did it well! And we’re gonna present three essays in front of the class, any
volunteer? Yeah thank you group4, ~~ Wow you guys searched for the proper picture! Please
applaud for Group 4!

Through these activities, you guys could understand about 사역동사, what. Then Let’s play kahoot
for review of today’s class.

Thank you for your concentration and active participation! See you next class!

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