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I’m writing from my living room.

My brother’s playing soccer.

The ball is going BOOm-BOOM-BOOM on the wall near my table and chair.

My sister’s doing her homework.

I’m doing her homework.

My mom’s talking about work on the phone, so she isn’t watching Tv.

My dad isn’t watching it.

He’s cooking.

She’s walking on my laptop.

She’s going to sleep.


On the weekends, my day is really busy because my niece comes to my home. She’s 4 years old. In some
cases, she’s naughty and she’s really hyperactive. She’s playing all the time that she here with her doll or
on the phone. Also, she asking a lot of questions that she doesn’t understand. When she’s watching TV,
she singings all the songs she like. For example, By Merlina, ABC, and others trends. I have to take care a
little time, because her mom is cooking with my mom or she’s calling with her family. About my brother,
he often taking a rest or he’s advancing with his homework or daughter’s homework.

My parents are really happy, because my brother, my sister in law and my niece are visiting us in these
days of the week.

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