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About people’s online comments.

1. Rubi and Arturo think Joanna is correct.

2. Kaito, doesn’t think similar to Joanna Ramos, she says “Computers are a problem. Robots are
taking all our jobs!”
3. My favorite comment is of Rubi, because she has a similar idea with Joanna Ramos, she says
“Computers and robots can do a lot of things, but they don’t have feelings… feelings are
important for many jobs”. However, many jobs cannot replace humans with computers or
robots, because feelings are also medicine.

My opinion.

I think computers and robots are very important for us. They can do many things that humans can’t do
well or do dangerous things. These activities can help to show us if our innovations are fine. In short
words, robots and computers are help or complement of us to do things.

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