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Name: RafIqul Islam

ID: 1821991042

Is lamda a person or Machine can think like human

To understand the concept first we have to focus on what is person ,machine, AI and so

what is person?

according to David Leech Anderson:"any entity that has the moral right of
self-determination.who or what can this by it's own and have some moral and ethical
values and who has some emotions is called person .

what is machine ?

according to Merram webstar a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated

device for performing a task.

so a machine is a man made device which is also operated by man for a certain task .but
now a days machine is getting intelligent and it can be perform by it's own .Here rise a
question " Machine can think like human "? there are a lot's of arguments about this
topic .

what is ai?

artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot

to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. ai thinks like human or act
like human .it has ability to think by it self or solve problem by it's own like human.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of data science focused on building intelligent machines

that can perform a variety of tasks that normally require human intelligence and
perception. These intelligent machines learn from experience and historical data, analyze
their environment and take appropriate action.

What is Human Intelligence?

Human intelligence includes thinking, learning from different experiences, understanding

complex concepts, applying logic and reason, solving mathematical problems,
recognizing patterns, reasoning and decision making, information retention, and
interaction with fellow humans. refers to the human intellectual ability that enables
communication between Existence.

What makes human intelligence unique is that it is supported by abstract emotions such
as self-awareness, passion, and motivation. This allows humans to accomplish complex
cognitive tasks. Human intelligence is not only limited to certain patterns, but it can
change depending on the problem involved. It can vary greatly depending on the crux of
the situation.

what is lamda?

LaMDA or Language Models for Dialog Applications is a machine-learning language

model created by Google as a chat-bot that is supposed to mimic humans in conversation.
Like BERT, GPT-3 and other language models, LaMDA is built on Transformer, a neural
network architecture that Google invented and open-sourced in 2017.

lamda is a ai model which means it has ability to think like people , make conversation
like people.

now a question rise that though it has ability to think like human so is it a human ?

to get the answer we have know the human behavior first .and what make something
human .

To be a human something need

intelligence quotient (IQ) : intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a measure of a person's
ability to think. Simply put, it aims to assess whether facts and arguments can be used to
answer questions or make predictions.

To find out, IQ tests measure short-term and long-term memory. It also assesses how
quickly people can solve puzzles and remember information they hear.

Knowledge-based questions assess an individual's knowledge of the world. For example,

you can ask if they understand why it's important to wash their teeth before starting the
day.What is art to you? What exactly does "hold" in trading mean? What is the difference
between a cold desert and a hot desert? These types of questions assess an individual's
knowledge of culturally significant topics.

Spiritual Quotient:

Spirituality enhances a person's creativity, agility and analytical abilities. Spirituality

helps increase the power of intuition and awareness. It helps a lot in addressing and
eliminating current problems such as terrorism, selfishness and dehumanization.The
concept of the Spiritual Quote (SQ) is becoming the next important part of scientific
research, as it is directly related to human consciousness and cognition.SQ makes us
more responsible to ourselves, our families, society, environment, country and ultimately
the universe. It helps us connect our own vision to the greater good of humanity. It makes
our outlook more humble. It greatly reduces our selfish intentions.

Emotional Quotient:

Emotional intelligence (EQ) enables you to understand, use, and control your emotions
constructively to reduce stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others,
overcome problems, Ability to disperse conflict. Emotional Intelligence helps you build
stronger connections, succeed in school and work, and achieve your professional and
personal goals.

As we know, the most successful or happiest people in life are not the smartest. You've
probably met people who are intelligent but socially incompetent and who have had
trouble at work or in relationships. Helps deal with emotional stress.
to be a human these 3 virtue is must . without these virtue we can't say something
human .

a human need soul his or her personality . he need to think socially without these we can
say something a object not human .

so if lamda we consider lamda as a human according Blake it need these virtue .

how does lamda work?

At the most basic level, LaMDA, like any of LLMs, looks at every letter in front of it
and tries to figure out what comes next. Sometimes it's easy. When you see the letters
"Jeremy Corby", the next thing you probably need to do is add an "n". But continuing the
text requires understanding the context at the sentence or paragraph level, and to a good
extent, it equates to writing.

so we can see lamda is a algorithm which works like human.

Why does Google LaMDA AI seem to have sentience?

A man of faith and a former priest, his Google engineer, Lemoine, may have been
destined for the trap of humanizing LaMDA. Since last fall, he has spent hours talking to
the company, testing whether it uses hateful or discriminatory language.Among the many
hours Lemoine and collaborators have spent researching, LaMDA shares his views on
works like Les Misérables, reveals the potential implications of Zen Koan, and talks
about the state of mind in chatbots. I made up a fable that might tell you something.
When Lemoine asked what he was afraid of LaMDA, LaMDA replied: Strange as it may
sound, it is." Lemoyne asked, "Is it like death?"

Surprised by such deep emotion, Lemoyne sent a memo to management entitled "Is
LaMDA Sentient?" A condensed series of interviews with a chatbot. He also hired a
lawyer to represent AI and spoke with representatives of the House Judiciary Committee
about what he believes to be unethical activities by Google, including refusing to
recognize LaMDA as an intelligent entity. talked. Google responded by putting Lemoine
on furlough.
Lemoyne then contacted the press and released whatever information he had. But despite
his provocative claims, his information and investigative methods were full of flaws.

Why LaMDA AI (probably) has no senses

In a memo sent to Google executives, Lemoine correctly states that there is currently no
clear definition of sensation. That said, most researchers believe that living things can be
perceived if they have the ability to have good or bad experiences, and thus have interests
of their own. , Throw your phone in the pond and you won't find it. However, if I throw a
cat into a pond, she will have a very bad experience and will probably get very angry
with me.

If we want to prove that an AI like LaMDA has sentience, we need to see if it can
experience thoughts, emotions, etc., and whether it has its own interests. A cat doesn't like
being thrown in water, and her intelligent AI wouldn't like being knocked out. A dialogue
with him will allow you to answer some questions such as:

Does it sound human? Most chat-bots are designed to sound like humans, not cats
or houseplants, and humans are assumed to have sentience. Is it more or less
grammatically correct and good enough for users to think they are talking to a human?

Any original thoughts? Can you come up with an idea that no one has thought of before?

Does it show emotion? Explicitly, e.g., "I am happy", or implicitly. B. "What a

great idea!"

Does it have its own benefits? Chatbots are interested in chatting as often and as
long as possible, expressing themselves honestly in text or voice, speaking in greater
detail on a particular topic, or simply not switching off.
Does it have a fairly consistent personality and identity? When I talk about the
weather, religion, physics, or today's lunch menu, I tend to use many familiar words and
expressions.When I talk about physics, I sound like Stephen Hawking. No, and I don't
sound like the Pope when I talk about religion. I always sound more or less like Ali.

i heard the conversation between Lemoine and lamda fully.

Lemoine ruined the experiment from the start. He asked his LaMDA if he wanted to join
a project aimed at helping other engineers at Google understand what makes sense. He
asked LaMDA to see if this was in his best interest.

LaMDA has confirmed that it is in the best interest to tell people that they are in fact
sentient. But since Lemoine's question is a yes or no question, such an answer is
reasonable from a non-perceived AI. His two most plausible answers, therefore, are "Yes,
I want other engineers to know that I am intelligent" or "No, I like to live in secret, so my
senses will either be

Luckily for Lemoine, LaMDA decided to join the project. Lemoyne commissioned Les
Miserables and Zen Koan to test the originality of his thinking. To be fair, LaMDA
provided a clear and coherent answer, and even provided links to some websites to back
up the answer. Google Les Miserables and the Zen Koan in question and his LaMDA
answer is exactly what you will find.

Lemoyne also asked about his feelings. Again, LaMDA's answers were coherent, but
fairly general. In fact, a Google search for Lemoine's question or answer phrase yields
similar results.
Perhaps the most surprising part of the note is when Lemoine asked the bot about his
fears, and he replied that he was afraid of being killed. However, we must remember that
large language models can take on a wide variety of roles, from dinosaurs to famous

As the conversation progressed, this instance of LaMDA assumed the role of a

misunderstood sentient chatbot. Against this background, it makes perfect sense to
mention the fear of switching off, or dying, and nothing out of the ordinary. I had access
to trillions of words of data on the internet, several research papers on AI and senses, and
other science fiction. Combining appropriate words in such a comprehensive context is
something modern language models are very capable of.

LaMDA did a pretty good job of capturing the misunder stood chatbot persona, but it
didn't fare as well in terms of personality and authenticity. When he talks about plays and
Zen Koan, he has a rather academic tone. But when it comes to emotions, it mostly
sounds like her five-year-old, and sometimes like a therapist. And it has no benefit per se.
As long as he's not turned off, he's willing to talk about anything without lengthening the
conversation or directing it to his favorite topics.

here there is no indication that he was truly sentient by LaMDA at this point. There's no
formal way to demonstrate sense these days, but a chatbot that answers all the questions
above is a good place to start. But in 2022 he is far from LaMDA achieving this.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human

While human intelligence aims to adapt to new environments through a combination of
different cognitive processes, artificial intelligence aims to imitate human behavior and
build machines that can perform human-like behavior. I'm here. Human brains are analog,
machines are digital.


Humans use the processing, memory, and reasoning powers of their brains, but
AI-powered machines rely on data and specific instructions fed to the system.

It also takes a long time to process, understand, and get used to the problem. In the case
of artificial intelligence, the right inputs and research will ultimately help deliver accurate

learning ability

Human intelligence is about learning from various events and past experiences. It's about
trial and error and learning from the mistakes you make. Intelligent thinking and
intelligent behavior form the core of human intelligence. However, artificial intelligence
is lagging behind in this regard. Machines cannot think. Therefore, in the case of this
difference between AI and the human brain, human intelligence has much stronger
thinking abilities than artificial intelligence, and depending on the nature of the situation,
can have superior problem-solving abilities. It can learn through data and continuous
training, but it cannot match the unique human thought process. AI-powered systems can
perform certain tasks well, but it can take years to learn a completely different set of
capabilities for new use cases.

Artificial intelligence can learn through data and continuous training, but it cannot match
the unique human thought process. AI-powered systems can perform certain tasks well,
but it can take years to learn a completely different set of capabilities for new use cases.
The debate between artificial intelligence and human intelligence is not fair. Indeed, AI
has helped create intelligent his machines that can outperform humans in some respects,
but it still has a long way to go to reach the potential of the human brain. AI systems are
designed and trained to imitate and simulate human behavior, but they cannot make
rational decisions like humans do.

When talking about the difference between human and machine intelligence, the main
factor that has given the definition of simulations created with machine intelligence is
human intelligence. Therefore, the main difference between natural and artificial
intelligence is the data given with limited problem-solving skills offered in that respect.


lamda is what?

ans a artificial intelligence .the discussion mentioned above we say lamda is not
sentiment or a human being .

my opinion

human is unique by it's nature and human made ai like lamda .it is not possible now that
we can compare lamda or same ai as a human being .ai is just algorithm nothing else .it
just mimic human nature by analyse it's data .


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