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You see making money WhatsApp is as simple as ABC, don’t try to complicate it.

All you need is a platform, product, people and the ability to sell (sales). To make

money online you must have a product, there's no two way about it.

You cannot make money online if you do not have a product. There are so many

digital product ideas you can sell on WhatsApp.


Creating digital products around what you do or sell is it physical or digital

products? Should be top priority if you want to scale your business or make money


Why do you need to start creating digital products for your business or as an

individual who wants to make more money online?

Your digital products can reach anywhere in world. You are not limited to a

particular location or country. If you sell physical products you should also take

advantage of digital products.

Not only can you make money selling digital products, you can use your digital

products e.g. an e-book to upsell other products be it digital or physical.

Let me give a practical example of a lady that sells fashionable clothing

Your digital product or e-book can revolve around 15 ways to charm a guy and

make him fall for you, one of which is dressing to kill him

That way, you can upsell your clothing line or fashion brand to the reader.

This e-book of yours can either be free or paid depends on you but I'll advice you

make it free so you can use it as a Lead Magnet to upsell your clothing brand

Anybody that can come for FREE can pay a FEE

Get as many people as possible that are interested in your e-book, get them to save

your contact too. Even if they are not interested in your clothing brand you can

upsell them other digital products of yours, this time they get to pay you for this


Creating digital products such as e-books and tutorial videos may be hard at first

but no so hard when you get used to it.

Your experience, knowledge, mistakes, results and process can be packaged as a

digital product and sold.

People want to learn, they want to learn firsthand from other people's experience,

results, process and mistakes so they can fast track theirs.

That's the best way to learn in this time and age. That little thing you know can be

packaged and sold to make money.

I heard of someone on Instagram that made millions teaching people how to make

Zobo (a Nigerian drink)



1. You need to have a Product

2. You need people, you need to build a list
3. Place/Platform
4. Pricing

a. Product: The major kinds of products you can sell online are digital
products, affiliate products, imported products, and digital trainings.

b. People: The money you are looking for is in the hands of people, people
have your money, and money is not created. It is collected. You need to
build a list of those that would pay you for whatever you are offering if
you focus on helping people solve their problems and get what they want
you will have their money.

c. Platform: Whatsapp is enough a platform for you to make money online

once you master it, you can generate leads from any social media platform
and funnel them to your whatsapp.

d. Pricing: The process whereby your business sets the price at which you
sell your products and services. It is the monetary equivalent for the value
you provide in terms of your product or service.

Don't be ideal doing nothing. Present and position yourself well as an expert in

your field and what you know and people will pay you handsomely to learn from


If you know how to cook, bake, sew, and design, anything you know how to do.

There are so many people that don't know what you know.

You don't have to be the best in your field; you just have to be one step ahead.

You need to have information that your competitors don't have, learn from those

that are far ahead of you. This is why you need to study, read books, add more

value to yourself, and watch YouTube videos.

Nobody wants to give a newbie their money.

They want to pay experts; people pay experts more because they perceive experts

to be more valuable and able to solve their problems.

How then do you become an expert if you don't add value to yourself and learn

more in your field of play. Don't wait to become the best before you start selling

yourself. You will go broke and hungry, start selling yourself now and you will

grow along the way.

I didn't wait to become the best before I started selling myself

If I waited, I will keep waiting and will wait forever. I learned and gained mastery

to a point and starting putting myself out there. If my design was whack I designed

and put it out there.

The first set of videos I created were not top notch, but I was still posting them.

People were watching my process. I was doing this to gain MASTERY and to gain


If you're afraid of making mistakes then you're not ready to succeed. Everybody

you see online that's blooming today made mistakes and made a lot of them.

But they kept on and were consistent. I made a lot of mistakes myself

I was copying people and trying to do as they do and be like them, not until it

backfired and almost tarnished my reputation.

Then I vowed from that day on never to do so again and to be original. If you're

original people will follow you and they will come in their numbers. People pay

people who are original and different from others. If you're trying to be like

someone else people will know, people will perceive it.

Be original, be yourself, how do you become original?

You need to be true to yourself

You are not only here to make money

You are also here to make impact.

Money is a result.

The fact that the title of this e-book is CASH OUT with WHATSAPP doesn't

mean its money we’ll be talking about from now till the end. But! To impart in you

knowledge and shift your mindset about making money online. To really make

money online for the long term, you need to be able to influence and impact people.

Money is just a byproduct of influencing and impacting people.

How do you influence and impact people when you are not constantly developing

yourself? How often do you read books and watch videos?

If you only want to make money alone on WhatsApp, you may not last. You must

play a long term game and build a brand that will last long in the mind of others.

Don't play the hit and run game. You may regret it!
Build a relationship with those that have paid you and strive to over-deliver on

what you promised.

If you focus on building influence, impacting people and trying to lift them from

where they are, money will follow easily. You will last long.

You were able to pay me easily because of how I positioned and branded myself. I

am not the best in the market place. I don't need to be the best to make a lot of

money; I just need to be original and different from others.

That should be your selling point online; your originality, your stories, your vibe,

your uniqueness, your brand colors, your designs your mistakes, your results,

everything about you should be unique and different from others. Just be different

and unique.


Tune out the noise on the online space and focus on developing and upgrading


You will shine amongst your peers.

Your aim is not to glow or blow but to grow.

When you grow on the inside, you will blow on the outside. Kai

The more you grow, the more your account balance will grow.

The more you learn, the more you will earn. It's true, I am a living testimony.

Money comes easily to those who are valuable.

The S.I unit of money is value

The more valuable you become, the richer you will be.

This is why I don't joke with learning something new every day.

Because I know that, the more I learn, the more I earn.

Now let's move on to how I made 100k in 5 days on Whatsapp

To make money on WhatsApp, you need to have a hot product that people will buy

any day, anytime. You must have a product; physical or digital.

I usually sell physical products (Laptops) before, but now I focused on selling

digital products (WhatsApp trainings, my graphics and video content creation skill,

knowledge, and e-books and live sessions. Digital products are very lucrative.

They can make you a fortune if you know how to position and BRAND yourself

well. You can never be GRAND online if you are not consciously building a

BRAND online.
If you're going to be making a lot of money online then you must be in the habit of

creating what people want to buy. Rich people are creators and builders, poor

people are mostly consumers.

Rich people create more than they consume.

Poor people consume more than they produce or don't even produce at all.

Rich people are selling more than they buy.

Poor people are buying more than they sell or don't even sell at all.

To make money online, you must be selling, you must be selling something.

If you don't sell, you will soon smell.

The only way to CASH OUT with WHATSAPP is to SELL on WHATSAPP

Sales will come easily when you brand yourself, tell your stories and how you

started, what your brand stands for, your rapport with people, the relationship you

have with people, your energy and vibe is part of your BRANDING

People can easily identify and connect with your brand when they know your

stories and how you started.

Don't be ashamed of telling people how you started.

You will grow. I started as a delivery guy at Computer village Ikeja, Lagos selling

and delivering Laptops. As at today I make an average of N5k-N9k daily.

As at 27th August 2021, I made a whopping N21k on WhatsApp with just my

smartphone and data connection.

You will make more money if you keep learning and growing daily and reaching

more people for your products and services.

It takes courage to put yourself out there daily, Real courage! When you start

putting yourself consistently out there, selling will become a normal thing to you.

If you know what you're selling will transform people and help them make more

money and make life easier for them, it is your duty to sell it.

If you don't have what to sell now, add value to yourself now by learning high

income skills like graphics design, copywriting, digital marketing; Facebook ads,

instagram ads and video editing etc.

Pick one and master it, then you can convert it to a digital product.

You have to follow the process. There's no rush way to make money.

Or simply package what you know now and sell it.

It is required of you to read these books if you've not read them before.
I strongly advise you do so. They'll change your mindset totally. READ

Please read and feed your mind. It's the only way out of poverty and lack.


Let you all know i made that amount from selling my digital product MVC

You must have a product to sell on WhatsApp to make money and you must

generate leads aggressively for your Product.

When I say aggressively, I mean very aggressively!!!

If you want to rake in massive sales online, you need to reach a lot of people in

their thousands, except you're not ready to rake in sales.

Rich people rich people, poor people pour people

You need to start going out of your way to connect with a lot of people.

You can't sit down and wait for sales to come to you. You go all out and get it. Sale

is a mind game; it occurs first in your mind, if you've not made the sale in your

mind, you won't make it in your hand. This is why I constantly talk about

developing your mind if you want to play this online game in the long run.

The journey will be rough and tough, but you will enjoy the fruits thereof.
If you plan to rake in a 100 sales your product, you need to reach over 1,000

people. You need to set high goals and targets for yourself. If you don't set goals,

you will end up as a goat. Your daily goals should push you to work daily.

I know most of you are just starting out here; you've paid for so many classes and

want to start seeing results. What you need now is for you to start taking massive

action. The average action taker is better than one who thinks too long on what to


The more ACTION you take, the higher your chances of seeing RESULTS. No

Action, no results. Taking more classes is not the solution; the solution is in the

action you take. Do not be afraid of taking action.

You will make mistakes, it’s okay. You can't be perfect. No human being is perfect.

If you want to be perfect, you may need to forget success for whatever thing you're

into. Take massive action today, you need it.

Start thinking big. Your thinking and the ACTION you take will affect your

RESULTS massively.

You need to be courageous too; you can't achieve massive results if you're not


That's what separates the big players and the small players.
Those that go all out are more courageous than those that are too conservative.

To make big money from your skill, you need to be courageous and not care what

people think. It's your life, not theirs and if you want to change it, you need to start

taking massive action.

Think big, play big. It would show in your RESULTS. Making money online is not

for the chicken hearted.

If you can't handle it go and look for a Job or stick to your Job.

Only the courageous are allowed playing this game. If you want to play to win you

need to be courageous, there's no two way about it.

You will keep taking classes from now till tomorrow and will not see any results.

Your result is in the action you take NOW, not tomorrow NOW!

Play to win, don't play to lose.

That's life, you need to hunt, be a lion, a predator not a prey

Have a mind of your own; don't wait for anybody to tell you what to do.

It's your life; you must do what others won't do, so that you can live the life they

won't live tomorrow.

The fact that you came from a poor background doesn't mean your back should be

on the ground. You can be RICH.

Rich people are masters of money and the money game.

Learn about money, read about money, and watch videos on how to make money.

Learn copywriting highly recommended.

Learning how to sell online will change your Life. Learn how to sell, rich people

are selling, poor people are not

The pride to sell is a core course in the school of POVERTY.

You know how to buy easily, why don't you know how to sell easily...?

Probably because you didn't learn how to sell, all your life

Learn it now, it's now or never. Selling is a good thing; it's how you make money.

Sell more than you buy, that's how you get rich.

Create! Create!! Create!!!

Sell, sell, and sell.


To easily generate leads for your digital products, you must reach thousands of

people. Millions, if you’re capable.

The more people that come for FREE, the more people that will pay a FEE

So go all out, you're enough. To get leads for your digital products you can always

use a free e-book, video, training or a free consultation.

Design a great flier for it. You can design it yourself or get someone to design it

for you. The beauty of your flier is what will attract people to you. So you should

pay attention to your visuals a lot.

Good design is good business

To play big on this space, your designs should speak well of you.

It shows you're serious with what you're doing and you mean business. So pay

attention to your visuals.

When you've designed a good and beautiful flier for your free class, tell people to

help you share it. Not everyone will share so it's okay. Those that will help you

share will willingly do.

Get as many people as possible to share your link and flier. That's where the game

lies. You’re playing the game of numbers. The more people you can reach the

better for you and your business.

Aim to reach to multitudes and your business will thank you. Go all out

Before you share your link and flier go to>> to create a WhatsApp

customized link

This link is meant to direct these leads to your DM

This way you get to save their contacts and they get to save yours

You're increasing your status views this way.

The more people that get to view your status, the better for you.

More eyes, my eyes need to see what you're into and what you do.

If you have 1000 views on your status daily and you sell a 1k offer, at least you

should be able to convert 10 people. You can convert more…

Reach more people daily!

As at the time of writing this e-book, I save at least 15-20 new contacts daily

They always come to me. I go out to connect with people too.

You need to be meeting new people daily, if you're going to take this online game

seriously. People have your money, strangers have your money

No stranger, no money. Be valuable and people will recommend to their friends

and contact list. More people, more money.

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