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NAME: Ma. Isabella O.

Segismundo DATE: 04/05/2023


Assignment: When Technology and Humanity Cross

Discuss the different ethical dilemmas faced by technological advancements in the society.

1. Will robotics replace human employment?

I believe that humans won't be replaced by robots, but they will increase our intelligence and
productivity. Over 77% of those surveyed think artificial intelligence (AI) will considerably speed up
decision-making and increase worker productivity within the next 15 years. To support a
technologically advanced workplace and the evolving interaction between people and machines,
new positions and functions will be established.

2. Do technological devices bring more good than bad to people?

In my opinion, technology can be either good or evil or neutral, depending on how someone uses it.
Technology aids in broadening the reach of human behavior's effects. Humans have a special
capacity for distinguishing between right and wrong. Humans have the potential to evolve into
either the most destructive species or one with the greatest integrity. No other species has this
much flexibility to actively affect the world in positive or negative ways over a short period of time.

Every technology has the potential to be highly helpful or disastrous. Blaming technology for our
behavior is an attempt to escape from our unethical deeds. It is true that technology can propagate
false information or incite people to act destructively, but the same technology can also be used to
fact-check the information, identify harmful behavior, and take positive action in its place. Although
technology is not conscious, we are, and as conscious beings, we are accountable for everything
that has happened and will happen in the future.
3. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least five examples to support
your assertion.

Google is a well-known search engine that leads users on a quest for knowledge. Google is
frequently used in daily life to look up almost anything and everything. It gives people the capacity
to raise their intelligence while also increasing their reliance on Google. I believe that Google is just
a tool that anyone can use, and it does not render humanity stupid. Humanity itself would be to
blame if someone were to be held accountable for making people stupid. When faced with
accusations, humanity is known for placing the blame on anybody or anything else. In this situation,
many people may blame Google for not needing to recall anything due to their lack of knowledge.

With that being said, Google plays an important role for people. It covers a number of factors that
have greatly influenced success around the world, including (1) translation and dictionary, (2)
conversion and stocks, (3) navigation, (4) general knowledge, (5) updated news.

• Translation and Dictionary - To understand a language’s meaning and respond

appropriately to the person who asked the question, you can use Google Translator to
translate any language in the world.
• Conversion and Stocks - Google can provide you with the exact answer you're looking
for, from the room temperature number to a currency conversion.
• Navigation - Use Google Navigation to figure out where you're located if you are unable to
find the address of any place.
• General Knowledge - You may greatly improve your general knowledge by utilizing the
Google platform. It provides the information and knowledge you require on your end.
• Updated News - On Google, you can stay up with the most recent news. You will receive
all of the information you need to live your daily life.

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