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Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality

Task Performance
Manila Bay Beach Nourishment Project

Submitted by:
Cuenca, Sophia Angelica B.
1. What can you say about the controversial Manila Bay Beach Nourishment Project?
To be honest, Manila Rehabilitation is a great project that began because, as Mayor Isko Moreno
remarked, it would not only return the city to its former splendor, but it will also assist promote and
increase tourism and business in the country. It's good in my opinion, and it shouldn't have been
controversial in the first place. Why are most people deafeningly quiet when Manila Bay/Bay Walk is
filthy, littered, and unsafe to the community? Yes, some might say that it should be cleaned and
refurbished, but many others are opposed to the Duterte administration's rehabilitation efforts. I feel it
is purely political in nature. They make it a point to oppose the development project that the president
supports since they or some individuals oppose him. People are protesting the cleansing of Manila Bay
in the same way they protested Boracay's rehabilitation. However, now that Boracay has regained its
former beauty, more people are flocking to the island. Visitors are flocking to the area, and the Manila
Bay is no exception. The usage of dolomite (manufactured white sand) has caused some concern among
certain people, but it has all been explained by experts, and it is up to them to trust it. It's a given that
people are suspicious of each other. Individuals might agree and disagree on average because we have
different points of view, but I feel that for the sake of the country's profit and improvement (especially
Manila Bay), we should simply support that project. Other countries have used dolomite sand, and I
believe the Philippines can handle it just as well. Concerning the fund, I can say that it was already
allocated before the outbreak started, and that it might be used for public assistance, especially now
that we are in the midst of a pandemic. They already have a budget for it, and using it for other
purposes will just exacerbate the problem, since some people will undoubtedly say that officials simply
pocketed the money for themselves. It's currently known as Dolomite Beach, but it's officially
designated as Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach, and I'm really pleased with the outcome of that
Nourishment Project or rehabilitation.

2. If you are the members of the DENR, what would be your proposal for the rehabilitation of
Manila Bay and help boost local and international tourism? Discuss in detail.
Request that the restoration be continued while the circulating concerns are ignored DENR members
will do their best to inform people about the positive benefits that rehabilitation may have on us, but
only if we all work together. They will make every effort to accomplish all three stages of the project
(cleanup/water process improvement in phase one, rehabilitation and resettlement in phase two, and
education and sustainability in phase three). They should also help to calm individuals down once they
have strong thoughts about this endeavor, if they are being true. There will also be a variety of
enterprises and organizations that can grow and provide many work opportunities for citizens; the
country will be promoted; and visitors from all over the world will visit. And it's particularly fortunate to
have it now, because its rehabilitation would tremendously benefit both local and foreign tourists. It
would also be fantastic if the public backed all of the government's efforts that would directly benefit
the country and its citizens. We cannot, in my opinion, deprive individuals the right to vote. People will
learn to trust the government entities involved in this endeavour if they just demonstrate to everyone
the positive effects that it may have.

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