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Novi Ayu Larasati

C10 Manajemen

Hi, my name is Novi Ayu Larasati, this video was made to fulfill one of the mid-semester
evaluation assignments for an English course, here I will discuss typical food from a country and
also the rules that exist in that country, where the country I will discuss is France, the country
whose capital is Paris has typical food, typical food in France "escargot" this a Snails doused with
butter and garlic sauce. This little meat has a soft texture and unobtrusive taste, Escargot is eaten
directly from its shell as an appetizer (with special tongs and forks usually provided).
and the next typical food there is Beef bourguignon, Slow-cooked and second-cooked bourguignon
tender beef. Thick pieces of tender beef stewed in broth over low heat and supplemented with
abundant Burgundy wine. This long-cooked kaserol dish with a variety of aromatic herbs, carrots,
salted bacon, potatoes, onions and garlic, bringing a tangy flavor and aroma that is guaranteed to
make the stomach growl. To be authentic, this dish must use tender Charolais beef originating from
the Burgundy region.

Point 2
Education Rules in France
Basically, the implementation of education in France took place centrally because it was influenced
by the political system and the history of his government which was repeatedly centralistic as well.
The meaning of centralism here is that education is fully centered on the government. The Ministry
of Education (Ministry of National Education) has a very important role in advancing education as
a whole. In addition, the government also emphasizes the mandatory 16-year compulsory education
program for free at every level of education. In general, every child at the age of six has entered the
world of education through the primary school program (ecole primaire). This formal education is
usually preceded by ecole matternalle or kindergarten-level education. In this kindergarten, a child
can enter from the age of two years in a playground, which is a kind of playgroup.

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